pastoral fairy

Chapter 7 The Farmer Begins

The sun rises in the sky one by one, and the golden sun shines all over the earth.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Youshan came to Long Dahai's small courtyard.

"I inquired about it. Uncle Lianhua is a fair person. This time he chose the village and chose to draw lots."

There was some worry in Li Youshan's tone.

He really didn't know how to deal with a mad dog with a higher level of cultivation than himself.

"That depends on luck."

Long Dahai looked at the nine suns in the sky, his tone was calm.

"Even if the villages are adjacent, thinking about that mad dog, he would never dare to do anything to hurt you and me."

Li Youshan looked at Long Dahai and continued: "Since you have mastered spells quickly, Dahai, you should practice more. Just in case."


At [-] o'clock in the morning, fifteen members of the herdsmen came to the Zongmen residence hall of Lianhua Township.

Sitting in groups of three or four, they waited for Master Lianhua to arrive.

"Master Lianhua, when we entered the job, we were still disciples of the inner sect. I didn't expect that we have successfully established the foundation now."

"Yes, yes, Master Lianhua has only practiced Taoism for ten years, and he has successfully established a foundation. He has a good chance of becoming a golden elixir in the future!"

"Ten years of foundation building, even those medium-sized sects can be regarded as geniuses!"

"I also heard that Uncle Lianhua, known as Fairy Bingrou, back then..."

"Cough cough!!"

Following the coughing of the second disciple of Lianhua in front, everyone suddenly became quiet.

Not long after, a tall monk in a white robe walked in with light steps.

The lotus flower is her Taoist name, which is only available to foundation-building monks.

After ten years of cultivation, Uncle Lianhua is only 22 years old this year, with a beautiful face like fifteen or sixteen, with a kind of cold gentleness.

"Fellow daoists, I've been waiting for a long time. I am Lianhua, the owner of Lianhua Township. From now on, I will build the Lianhua Township together. I hope you can help me a lot."

A gentle and distant voice sounded, making people want to listen carefully.

At this time, Lianhua made a gesture of gratitude.

The sitting monks got up together and made the same gesture.

He replied loudly: "Long live with Tao!"

Next, Master Lianhua briefly said a few words, and then introduced the work of several disciples.

Then, the lottery started.

There are fifteen jade pills in the lottery box, and a note will appear after crushing, and the number of the village will appear on the note.

Long Dahai drew nine, located in the north of Lianhua Township.

Li Youshan drew four, located in the west of Lianhua Township.

The two villages are far apart.

The village has no name, it is waiting for them, the first villages to be named, for a month.

After drawing lots, everyone went to register, and then received material certificates.

Long Dahai registered his village, and then saw Yang Xiong standing beside him with malicious intentions.

Long Dahai saw in the registration book that Yang Xiong was the head of the eighth village.

Looking at the map next to it, there are two villages separated by a lake and a mountain.

The enemy's road is narrow, and they live next to each other.

A light flashed in Long Dahai's eyes, and then he pretended to be nonchalant, ignoring Yang Xiong's complacent look.

After taking the voucher, Long Dahai followed Li Youshan to the warehouse to collect the supplies.

These villages are the places selected by the sect to be relatively full of spiritual energy. Special monks have also done investigations on what kind of spiritual things are suitable for the villages.

After reading the certificate carefully, Long Dahai got a brief understanding of his village.

In his village, one mu of first-grade rice is planted, and twenty two types of water-loving fruit trees are planted.

Under normal circumstances, one mu of spiritual rice can be harvested once a year, and 25 spiritual stones can be harvested.

Twenty first-order fruit trees, each harvesting a spirit stone every year.

Ideally, the village of Longhai Dahai can harvest a total of 45 spirit stones a year.

Zongmen collects a certain amount of supplies every year, or fixes thirty spirit stones.

Finally, Long Dahai can harvest fifteen spirit stones every year?

This is not enough for self-cultivation, let alone buying magic weapons and other items.

Besides, whether Long Dahai himself is suitable for planting spiritual plants remains to be seen.

"Fortunately, there is a five-year buffer period. The first three years are exempted from the Zongmen task, and the next two years are 20 yuan of spirit stones per year.

Otherwise, these lands of his own would have been spent in vain for the first ten years. After handing in the mission materials, there would be nothing left. "

Putting aside the matter of the mad dog, the test Long Dahai is facing now is to open up rice fields as soon as possible, and then plant living spirit trees.

When he came to the warehouse, Long Dahai took his supplies.

Nine grains of first-order spiritual rice, fifty catties, ten red fruit seedlings, and fifteen spotted water pear seedlings.

Plus some simple planting tools, and a "First-Order Spiritual Planting Encyclopedia".

The supplies were loaded into a carriage.

This carriage was also a free gift from Zongmen.

Long Dahai drove the carriage by himself, and followed Li Youshan back to his residence.

The two families had a lively meal at noon, and then went their separate ways.

Before leaving, Li Youshan gave Long Dahai two talismans and five spirit stones.

Then he patted Long Dahai on the shoulder, and led his family westward.

The population given by Zongmen has been building at the address of the village for a month, and is waiting for the arrival of their village chief.

"Second brother, let's go!"

A group of four people headed north.

The journey of herders is just the beginning.

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