pastoral fairy

Chapter 65 Easy Victory

Xicheng is better than the arena.

In the morning, ticket sales stopped.

Because the auditorium in the arena is already full of monks.

In the sky in the arena, a red flying dragon flew towards him.

On the ground, Long Dahai was holding a bone sword, with white light and shadows shining all over his body, dissolving the flying sword controlled by Junzijian.

Seeing that Long Dahai resisted his sword move with his sword, Jun Zijian paid more attention to the challenger in front of him.

The fire dragon has already flown, without spiritual control, but can remain intact, continuing to pounce with spiritual inertia.

Gentleman Jian Pengyu saw the fire dragon coming forward, so he had to take back the flying sword.

The dharma sword turned into a sword shadow, piercing through from behind the fire dragon.

Seeing that the flying sword was taken away by Junzijian, Long Dahai didn't control the fire dragon in the sky, but condensed his spells again.

Ice dragon technique!

Compared with a small river in the arena, the water quickly turned into mist, merged into a water dragon in the sky, and then the dragon's head turned white, and finally became an ice dragon.


The audience was in an uproar.

"Ice and Fire Twin Dragons, Fellow Daoist Qinghu can easily cast these two relatively restrained spells!"

The audience was shocked when they saw Long Dahai perform the ice dragon technique again.

This kind of performance makes people wonder whether Long Dahai has the legendary ice and fire spiritual root.

The ice dragon that Long Dahai condensed this time was only one foot long, and his whole body was solid, looking extremely strong.

As soon as the Junzi sword smashed the fire dragon over there, he saw another ice dragon that was even faster and extremely cold in his spiritual consciousness.

Junzijian immediately threw the flying sword in his hand, and headed towards the ice dragon.

But the ice dragon directly opened its mouth wide and spewed out a cold icy breath.

When the ultimate magic sword meets the ice breath, the flying speed becomes slow directly.

Finally, through the ice breath, the magic sword has no threat to the ice dragon.

"Such a cold spell, it seems that this monk majors in the Ice Spirit Root Kung Fu!"

Junzijian made a judgment, he didn't let Fajian attack again, but used the sword move he had comprehended.

The ultimate magic sword in the air was divided into three parts, emitting bright white light, as if ignoring the deceleration effect brought by the cold.

Spinning towards the ice dragon.

Before the magic sword reached the ice dragon, Jun Zijian suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, his body exuded aura, and he wanted to escape.

It's a pity that it was too late, Long Dahai appeared in front of Junzijian with the help of the ice fragments left by the ice dragon's breath.

The top-grade shield carried by Junzijian is rapidly growing in size and wants to defend.

The bone sword in Long Dahai's hand had already cut out several swords, and with tremendous force, he transformed the shield and knocked it flying.

Gentleman put his fingers together, intending to use his sword moves, but facing Long Dahai who holds the top-quality bone sword, if he fights with his body, he will only end in defeat.

Masters of spells don't use spells, and fight directly, which Jun Zijian didn't expect.

At the same time, today's Long Haidun technique is more secretive and faster than when he met the fake alchemy monk.

This kind of escaping speed made Jun Zijian unexpected, and it was a pity that he lost.

The bone sword in Long Dahai's hand rested on Junzijian's chest, and the victory was sealed.

In this fight, Long Dahai won.

In the audience, some Jindan monks were also very shocked by Long Dahai's escapism.

This kind of speed is also extremely astonishing for a Jindan cultivator who is not a major in magic.

"Hongyun, this Qinghu has extremely high talent in magic arts, so he must be accepted into the sect."

"Senior brother, this is a bit embarrassing. Qinghu has been a bit shy away from being an external teacher because he is focused on developing the family."

"For the sake of the family? That would be easier. Let him promise that in the future he will be allowed to compete for the title of county lord or mine veins."

All the resources in Beiyan Mansion belong to Yunxiao Sect in name if they are not owned by the Xianmeng contract.

Even if Long Dahai became a Golden Core cultivator, he didn't have any kind of resources, and he was qualified to compete.

With the promise of Yunxiaomen, these problems become easier.

However, there are gains and losses, and it is up to Long Dahai himself to choose between gains and losses.

Compared with the audience in the arena, they saw Junzijian using swordsmanship to deal with the ice dragon.

In the blink of an eye, Long Dahai had appeared in front of Junzi's sword, and at the same time pointed his sword at his chest.

For a while, I was a little dazed.

Junzijian defeated?

Is this a win?

Many viewers could not believe their eyes.

The Junzi Sword, who was once infinitely arrogant, is now defeated by only a few moves against Taoist Qinghu.

It's too abrupt.

I thought it would be a long battle, but I didn't expect it to end a little hastily.

But the result was good, the monks of Beiyan Mansion won.

Win cleanly.

This raised the face of Beiyan Mansion

Jun Zijian looked at the bone sword in front of him, his face finally lost the dullness before.

Long Dahai used his spiritual power, and the bone sword quickly became smaller, and finally turned into a ring, which was put on his finger.


Long Dahai saluted politely.

Jun Zijian showed a reluctant smile, looked at Long Dahai, and had various thoughts in his heart, and finally raised his hands and bowed to admit defeat.

"Qinghu Taoist friend has achieved great success in escaping techniques, and I am convinced of the defeat."

Long Dahai smiled but did not speak.

Jun Zijian walked out of the arena first, and Long Dahai, under the command of the host, interacted with the audience for a while, enjoying the glory of the winner, and then left the arena.

Hongye greeted him with the senior brother in charge of the arena.

Long Dahai's defeat of Junzijian was equivalent to a group of top foundation-building monks, and the two of them were quite polite to Long Dahai.

3000 yuan of spirit stones was the basic reward for Long Dahai's victory, and Hong Ye handed it to Long Dahai first.

"Senior Brother Qinghu, Master is here to invite you."

Hongye brought Long Dahai to a viewing room in the arena, where there were three Jindan monks, all elders of Yunxiaomen.

"Meet the three seniors!"

"You don't need to be too polite, little friend Long. Let me introduce these two to you."

Hongyan Hongshan and the two Jindan monks are all powerful figures in Yunxiaomen.

Hongshan is in the later stage of Jindan, and now sits in Fucheng.

Calling Long Dahai is naturally getting to know Long Dahai, maybe within 20 years, Long Dahai will be their comrade.

This kind of thing, they have lived for two or three hundred years, and have encountered it many times.

Just a good relationship.

"Since Fellow Daoist Qinghu insists on developing his family, the poor Daoist will not force him."

Long Dahai refused to join Yunxiaomen again, and Hongshan didn't force him too much.

Free choice is also the rule of Xianmeng.

Long Dahai stood up, said goodbye and left.

Now that the Long family is developing in a low-key manner, they don't urgently need outside help, and they are comfortable being self-reliant.

However, Long Dahai is now famous, and the Long family will also become the focus of attention.

Regarding the glazed greenhouse, Long Dahai thought about how to protect the secret.

"There are countless families in the Immortal League who have kept secrets. Few of them have been affected by disasters. The greenhouse at home is not large, and it is very concealed. There shouldn't be a big problem."

"The glazed greenhouse is a matter of thinking, just like a steam engine. With thinking, it is not difficult to imitate."

"After trying the golden core, find a chance to spread the blueprint of the glazed greenhouse."

In the Xianmeng, there are many secrets. As long as the majesty of the Xianmeng does not fall, there is a certain guarantee.

When Long Dahai left the arena, someone would greet him along the way.

With a smile on his face, Long Dahai swaggered to the Long Family Vegetable Shop.

"It turns out that this vegetable shop belongs to the Qinghu Taoist family."

Suddenly, the originally inconspicuous small shop attracted a lot of attention.

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