pastoral fairy

Chapter 54 The Great War and Magic Cultivation

Five days passed.

There were more and more monks by the river, but the main force of the murloc army was still missing.

The commanding monk had no choice but to constantly strengthen and build formations.

During the patrol, the first four days were safe and sound.

In the daytime of the fifth day, murloc scouts were found on the banks of the Shanghe River. This team of scouts consisted of five murlocs.

Zhong Xian, the monitor of Class B, found the murlocs and immediately sent a message to Long Dahai.

Then lead the team to intercept the murlocs and prevent them from escaping.

After the official patrol, Long Dahai took time out to fly over during the day to check on the situation of the patrol members.

At night, he lives in a place, which is the practice site next to the outpost he built.

Class B found the murlocs in the afternoon, and Long Dahai was studying spells.

Noticing the information, he immediately flew there.

This time the red-eyed murloc scouts were able to come to Shanghehe, which was much stronger than Long Dahai's ability to kill in Xishan.

There are two red-eyed murlocs with a tenth level of qi training, holding white fishbone swords, and constantly attacking the members of class B.

The team members saw that the murlocs were strong, so they didn't fight head-on, but kept restraining them to prevent the murlocs from escaping smoothly.

When Long Dahai came over, the murloc had already reached the river.


Spotting Long Dahai flying towards them, the red-eyed murlocs who had completed Qi training at both ends realized something was wrong, left their companions, and wanted to escape.

Long Dahai immediately released the chill, freezing the ice surface.

Although murlocs are close to water, there is very little ice in the sea.

So in the face of ice spells, they have no better way but to attack.

Seeing that the river was frozen, the two murlocs immediately slashed at the ice with fishbone swords, intending to escape into the water.

At this time, a dark red sword shadow flew out, piercing through their bodies. 【*~www. ~¥Free reading】

"It's still very easy to kill a murloc with the Fire Bronze Magic Sword."

Although Long Dahai's cultivation was only at the early stage of foundation establishment, it was still very easy for him to use the top-grade dharma sword to kill two murlocs who had completed Qi training.

The dark red magic sword killed two murlocs, then flew to Long Dahai, turned into a bracelet, and wrapped it around his wrist.

The remaining three high-level red-eyed murlocs trained in qi were set on fire by members of Class B.

The murlocs lasted for a while, but they all died.

"Zhong Xian, you clean up the murlocs and report to the sect with the corpse."

"Okay, Captain."

Long Dahai flew along the upper river for a certain distance and returned to the outpost after finding nothing unusual.

For the murloc corpse, Xianmeng set a price in Jizhou.

The so-called asking price is to encourage casual cultivators to go hunting.

Murlocs below the middle level of qi training are worth 30 spirit stones; high-level qi training is worth [-] spirit stones;

The price seems expensive, but if you kill a murloc and lose a monk equivalent to it, this price is still very cost-effective.

As for the red-eyed murloc priests in the early foundation establishment period, if you kill one, you can get [-] spirit stones; in the middle foundation establishment period, you can get [-] spirit stones; in the late foundation establishment period, you can get [-] spirit stones.

In the upward direction, the price is higher, but it is not what Long Dahai can hunt.

Five murloc scouts, two for ten-level qi training, and three for high-level qi training, exchanged a total of 350 spirit stones.

The two murlocs killed by Long Dahai were naturally counted on him, and the remaining three murlocs were shared equally by Team B.

That night, Long Dahai guarded the outpost, and Class B went out to patrol every hour.

The members of Class A are also here in the wooden building.

In five days, the wooden building of this outpost has been completely renovated by everyone.

Compared with the residence in Shanghe Township, it is quieter and more comfortable.

Except for the first day, when everyone found a lot of spirit objects, they didn't gain much in the next four days, they just hunted and killed a few monsters.

But during the few days of patrolling, the spirit stones obtained by the team members are comparable to the harvest of the Zongmen for several years.

Therefore, the team members are also working hard to practice with the spirit stones they got back.

Long Dahai wants to practice, so he can't be here, otherwise it will disturb the cultivation of the team members.

His training place is not far from Shanghe, and it is a place with rich aura. With a simple layout, he can barely practice.

"Wang Tong Zhongxian, let me know immediately if you have something to do."

Nothing happened in the first half of the night, Long Dahai explained to the two monitors that he planned to go back to his residence to practice.

The practice site is in a hidden river grass. The tall river grass can hide the sight very well.

Leaving the wooden building, Long Dahai went quietly, not far from his practice place, he stopped.

"The trap has been triggered!"

Long Dahai arranged some simple and sensitive traps near the training site.

Most of these traps were physical structures, and after being touched, Long Dahai would not be able to detect them.

Long Dahai tried to communicate with several traps just now, but there was no feedback on two of them!

Long Dahai immediately realized that there must be something wrong with the training place.

Basically, it's either a monster or a murloc.

Exercising the Dead Tree Art, Long Dahai's aura immediately dissipated, and then he turned into a blue light and merged into the grass.

Wood escape!

It is quite easy for Long Dahai to use the escape technique now.

Mu Dun combined with the dead tree art he had comprehended was the best concealment spell.

Walking along the river grass, he soon came near the water mist formation he had arranged.

Long Dahai slowly circled the formation for half a circle, and found something abnormal.

"What is corpse gas?"

Long Dahai thought it was a red-eyed murloc or a monster, but he didn't expect it to be a demon cultivator.

Scavenger murloc or human demon cultivator?

It's hard to guess, but Long Dahai continued to approach and saw a century-old zombie.

This is undoubtedly a zombie with the strength of building a foundation and made by the demonic cultivator of the human race!

Thousands of miles were affected by the disaster, and more than [-] people were killed or injured. Although these corpses are being processed continuously.

But this area also condensed a lot of resentment and corpse aura.

It is also reasonable for the magic cultivator to come.

The situation is unknown, Long Dahai intends to retreat, and then go to report and arrest Moxiu together.

But at this time, the sky in the north suddenly turned red.

At the same time, it was accompanied by violent spiritual energy fluctuations, but the spiritual energy fluctuations were very fragmentary.

It's war!

This is a human monk and a red-eyed murloc fighting against each other!

The murloc army is coming!

Several figures flew past from Shanghe Township and nearby places.

Looking at the sword light in the sky, Long Dahai found several Golden Core cultivators, and even a flying boat coming from the south.

The flying boat appeared, and a black shadow transformed into a giant hand, grabbing the flying boat.

Spiritual light flashed all over Feizhou, and then a red-robed Taoist flew out, raising his hand and slashing out a red sword aura.

"Shadow Demon Thief, Hugh is so rampant!"

The red robe scattered the giant black hand, and immediately headed west.

The flying boat then set sail and quickly flew over the Xiujiang River.

Teams of monks flew out of the boat, formed a sword array, and killed the rushing red-eyed murlocs.


In the flying boat, there are people from the Immortal Alliance. Nine foundation-building cultivators form a sword array, which can rival Jindan!

Seeing the sword array flying towards, several red light waves shot out from the Xiujiang River.

The supernatural power of the red-eyed murloc priest: the red-eyed ray!

Under the sword formation, a huge cyan light shield immediately appeared.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of fierce fighting spread all around.

The human monks and the army of red-eyed murlocs fought fiercely together.

The Xiujiang side was shining with colorful lights, and at the same time, there were violent vibrations and sounds.

Then, from Shanghe Township, there was a wave of spiritual energy.

A message also came from Shanghe Township.

Long Dahai sensed the fluctuation of the message, and the demon cultivator who was lurking naturally also sensed it.

Although Moxiu didn't know the exact location of Long Dahai, he could guess that someone was hiding nearby.

"Better proficient in hidden exercises than me?"

Demon cultivator is well aware of the situation here. There is only one monk in the early stage of foundation establishment in this place, leading ten high-level monks in Qi training.

With him in the middle stage of foundation establishment and a hundred-year-old zombie, he is naturally not afraid.

A black magic knife changed in his hand, and he drew a knife light at the position where a slight fluctuation was sensed.


The light of the knife slashed across, and all the river grass in front of him fell down.

But the figure of Long Dahai was still missing.

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