Taihua Daoist and Moon Eater Demon King fight.

The battle spread thousands of miles, and the aura of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers shook.All the creatures in the surrounding mountains and rivers were affected by the disaster.

Fighting in the nearby fields, cracks in the space, and ice blade thunderstorms from time to time.

Fortunately, Daoist Taihua consciously pulled the demon king to the northern wilderness, so that the human race did not suffer more disasters.

However, the ground shook and the mountains swayed, and the river flowed backwards, rolling towards the territory of the human race.

The river has completely destroyed Lianhua Township.

Fifteen villages, two or three hundred miles away from the battle, cannot escape.

Some qi cultivators became obsessed during their cultivation, and some were trapped in caves.

The monks in Lotus City tried their best to escape.

Some people took advantage of the disaster to create chaos and fight!

It's total chaos here.

Liu Qin'er planned to abandon the villagers and escape, but there was no other way.

In the face of this kind of disaster, the monks in the Qi training period have no way to deal with it. Instead, they have to worry about their own safety.

Liu Qin'er is already a Dzogchen monk and can barely fly with a sword.

But you can only fly by yourself, and you can't take people with you.

She had no choice but to lead Liu Yu and others towards the mountain peak west of Sanli Lake.

Seeing the rushing river water on the road, my heart was full of unbearable.

"The village is over!"

Qinghu Village is the farthest to the north, and the most severely affected.

How much the villagers can survive is resigned to fate.


On the way to Jin Yufeng, Long Dahai felt a stronger aura wave again. 【@#www. #…fastest update】

This fluctuation made his aura a little unstable, and he almost fell off the flying sword.

He looked solemnly at the flickering clouds in the distance, as if there were powerful monks fighting over there.

Then the communication jade talisman in Long Dahai's hand shattered.

"Qin'er is in danger!"

Long Dahai immediately took out his identity jade badge and sent a message to the suzerain.

Long Dahai adjusted to the spiritual energy fluctuations, then turned his head and headed towards Qinghu Village.

On the way, he also sent messages to Han Xiuya and his nephew Long Xiaochuan.

"Keep your family safe and stay safe."

The Fishbone Magic Sword in his hand flew out, and Long Dahai took back Shuimunianhua.

Controlling this superb magic sword, Long Dahai drew a snow-white sword shadow retrogradely in the sky.

Many monks who fled to the vicinity of Yushanzong looked at this retrograde sword light.

Some people are full of disdain, while others are full of admiration.

"People who cultivate immortals are still disturbed by ordinary family members, and their achievements will not be high!"

"This foundation-building cultivator, for the sake of his family, is willing to take the risk to go north, which is admirable!"

No matter what the people around him thought, Long Dahai was the first monk who flew retrograde to the north.


Taoist Three Swords stood on the top of Jinyu Peak, watching the fight thousands of miles away, his brows were tightly furrowed.

The master has just fallen, and he is only at the early stage of Golden Core cultivation. Whether he can cope with this disaster is still unknown.

"I hope that the two big monks will stop going south."

It seemed that, as he had expected, the fighting gradually moved north.

At this time, his brows relaxed slightly.

Master's death must have been caused by the exploration of the secret cave.

What Sanjian didn't expect was that the cultivation base of the master Jindan's mid-term peak had exposed Jindan himself.

However, seeing a fight in the distance at this time, it was a big monk above Huashen who made a move.

Sanjian already knew that his master was dead, so he definitely met someone stronger than Nascent Soul.

That secret cave is extremely mysterious!

It is not the establishment of the foundation that can explore, nor is it the golden core monk.

Unfortunately, it was too late to know all this.

"Master died for me."

Sanjian didn't know what it was like, if the master didn't happen to leave the customs, he should be the one who died.

Seeing the great cultivator in the sky go away, Sanjian returned to the main hall.

Start to arrange the next task.

Rescue with all your strength, shrink the defense!

This shock may start a wave of beasts, and everything has to be prepared for the worst.

Afterwards, most of the monks above the high level of Qi training in the five peaks of the Yushan Mountains were sent out by the Three Swords.

Sword lights flew out from the Yushan sect, and went to the disaster-stricken place in the north to rescue the villagers.

The Cultivation Clan, which relied on the Yushan Sect, could not sit still, they were all mobilized.

At the same time, the Yushan Sect and Yushan County will strengthen their defenses to prevent the monks from the Demon Sect from taking the opportunity to make trouble.


Long Dahai flew away with the sword, and with the best flying sword, his flying speed was even faster.

But it will still take a long time, he can only hope in his heart that Qinghu Village will be lucky enough to avoid this disaster.

When Yu Jian came to Lianhua Township, he watched the giant tree in the south mountain forest being blown down and broken by the strong wind.

The houses on the ground in the passing village were directly blown away, and the explosion continued.

Long Dahai was very anxious.

But in the event of a storm, he can't fly with his sword at high altitude, or he will become a live target of thunder and lightning.

All he had to do was fly carefully at low altitude, brushing the treetops northward.

Not long after, Long Dahai saw the surging river rushing by.

Wherever it goes, there are rivers.

"Xiujiang River?"

Long Dahai already knew that Qinghu Village must have suffered.

Cross the familiar road and cross the hillside flooded by the river.

The place that was once ambushed is now a mess.

In an instant, Long Dahai saw Qinghu Village.

The original Sanli Lake can now be called Sanli Lake.

The huge amount of river water is blocked by the special geographical conditions of Qinghu Village, and this place is already a swamp country.

The houses in Qinghu Village are all hidden under the river.

Long Dahai flew over the village, but he didn't feel any living people.

"Qin'er, have you fallen too?"

Looking at everything in front of him, Long Dahai felt sad.

Those who followed him to build villages have all fallen.

Here, Long Dahai has been in business for 17 years!

A pair of children were born here, and I have feelings for this place.

But with the current appearance, it has become impossible to rebuild Qinghu Village.

Looking at the great monks who were still fighting in the distance, Long Dahai's eyes were full of anger.

"One day, I will avenge these monks!"

Long Dahai took a handful of land from Qinghu Village from a river more than ten meters deep, and put it in a storage bag.

This is to commemorate Qinghu Village.


Long Dahai sensed spiritual energy fluctuations coming from the western mountain peak.

Immediately stepped on the water.


On the peak of Xishan, not only human monks avoid disasters, but also monsters know how to escape.

So at the beginning, all of a sudden, monks and monsters could coexist peacefully.

However, when the great cultivator is gone, the aura will flow naturally, and the fight between the human race and the monsters will be inevitable.

One of the red-bearded goats kicked its hooves on the ground and rammed towards the nearby monks.

Liu Qin'er condensed the shield to protect Long Xiaoyu.

Then use the high-grade treasure Qingmu Flying Sword to chop out a few beams of sword light.

When the red-bearded goat charges forward, there is an aura shield in front of it.

It smashed the wood attribute shield with one blow, and its own shield was also broken.

The goat immediately condensed spiritual energy on the horns, then shook the goat's head, and two waves of light were emitted.

Long Xiaoyu was already planning to dodge when he was hit, but when the goat shimmered, his body just disappeared in front of him.

The goat wanted to continue attacking as soon as it was hit, but the ground it was on suddenly turned into sand, and its hooves sank into it.

At this time, Liu Qin'er also threw the flying sword over.


A high-ranking red-bearded goat was pierced through the throat by a flying sword.

Kill the red-bearded goat, there are other monsters on the mountain.

The villager of Hongyao Village is also fighting with his partner nearby.

"Quack quack quack!"

A few strange sounds came, and Liu Qin'er looked down the mountain.

A few monsters with fish heads and human bodies, holding harpoons, red corals, etc., are coming here.

"The red-eyed murloc!?"

This is a small group of murloc scouts. They were originally investigating in the Xiujiang River, but they were not expected to be affected and rushed here.

The murlocs apparently spotted Liu Qin'er and the others, and went ashore with weapons to check.

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