pastoral fairy

Chapter 4 Farewell to Hometown

At night, there is only one family left.

Long Dahai made a pot of stewed spirit snake with green leaf snake.

The main ingredient is half a spirit stone of Green Leaf Snake himself.

He melted the spirit stone and blended it into the thick white snake soup with snake blood and snake meat, and the fragrance immediately overflowed.

Greedy nephew and niece, drooling.

Green Leaf Snake has the effect of washing body impurities, but it has little effect on monks.

But with Lingshi, it can improve the physique of mortals.

This is Long Dahai's gift to his family.

After dinner, Long Dahai did not go to practice in the house prepared by his mother, but discussed matters with his family.

Long Dahai glanced at his brothers and sisters, and said to his mother, "Mother, according to the sect's regulations, you can take away three people from your village for free if you become a village head. Tell me, what should I do?"

Aunt Long heard her son's words, she was obviously prepared, and replied: "Your eldest brother doesn't want to leave mother, there are just three people in your second brother's family, take your second brother there."

Long Dahai nodded and said, "I listen to mother, second brother has no objection?"

Long Dahai used to ask his second brother for his opinion.

Long Dashan was very happy, and said: "Third brother, second brother has long wanted to go out and have a look. I've grown so big, I haven't been to the county town yet!"

Long Dahai: "When I have time in the future, I will take the whole family to the county town."

The whole family is happy and harmonious, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Not long after, the door was knocked.

Uncle Zhang next door brought his daughter over to talk.

"Dahai, you don't know the place where the foreign minister lives. My daughter, Erniu, can cook for you and help you. Can you bring her there?"

Uncle Zhang entered the room and said a few words, and then expressed his intention of coming.

He took the initiative to ask his daughter to be Long Dahai's current person, which made Long Dahai a little different.

But thinking about it, Long Dahai already understood the situation.

In this world, for an ordinary person like Uncle Zhang, as long as he works hard, he can fill his stomach.

However, after food and clothing are over, there are not many entertainment activities in this world.

Having a baby is a matter of course.

A half-grown child eats a poor old man.

Uncle Zhang's family had four children, and two of them died young.

Now, I can't hold on any longer. If I hadn't borrowed food from the Long family, I'm afraid I would have to sell my daughter in the village.

Compared with selling children, how can there be a fairy who knows everything about Long Dahai?

So, there is such a thing.

Long Dahai politely refused, saying that he had already booked the second brother and the three of them.

With regret on his face, Uncle Zhang took his daughter back home.

"Actually, your sister-in-law's family also wants Erya to follow you..."

Aunt Long has a sense of proportion in her work, without promises, and she also told her children not to talk nonsense.

After Uncle Zhang made such a statement, Aunt Long raised her mouth. [! ¥www. @…novels are better and faster]

"People in a village belong to the village chief. If I want to take people away, I can only buy them with spirit stones."

"Mother knows."

Interrupted by Uncle Zhang, Long Dahai lost interest in chatting and returned to his room.

Long Dahai adjusted his mentality, took out the incense, and began to meditate.

Today, Long Dahai placed a tray in front of him with a spirit stone on it.

As he performed the exercises, the spirit stone in front of him would emit a trace of spiritual energy from time to time and melt into Long Haihai's body.

This greatly accelerated his cultivation speed.

After one night, Long Dahai was already at the peak of the second level of Qi training.

"Within three days, I can break through."

However, Long Dahai took the spirit stone, looked at the weak spirit stone and sighed: "I have absorbed more than three yuan of spirit energy in one night of practice. I can't last a month with this little property."

For the Lingshi, Long Dahai began to worry.


The next day, Long Dahai did not go hunting for treasures around the village, which was disrespectful to the village.

In the past few days of vacation, he can only read the notes given by Mr. Zhou Jin, and then chat with his family.

Relax and worry free.

Unexpectedly, on the seventh day, Long Dahai received a different message: Li Youshan is marrying his immortal cultivator tomorrow!

The marriage partner is the seventh son of the Wang family, a female monk with a fifth-class spiritual root.

Long Dahai was surprised: "Do monks have to rely on blind dates to get married?"

Fortunately, I am stupid, my cultivation base is slow, and I am not welcomed by the Wang family, otherwise I have to marry a Wang family daughter?

This matchmaking ceremony is similar to a mortal marriage.

Among them, the most memorable one is the dowry of the daughter of the Wang family.

Three bottles of first-level elixirs, a dozen elementary-level talismans, and fifty spirit stones.

The total value is about a hundred spirit stones.

Long Dahai felt that Li Youshan had made a fuss, so he congratulated him privately.

Unexpectedly, Li Youshan cast a glance at Long Dahai and said, "This is money for selling myself."

It turned out that the Wang family had made an agreement with Li Youshan in private that if any of the children born had spiritual roots, the first child would be raised by the Wang family.

After hearing this, Long Dahai called out the truth.

Is this the world of cultivating immortals?

This can be traded!

After participating in the marriage ceremony, Long Dahai drove the ox cart he bought back home, and began to prepare for Lianhua Township.

Aunt Long made dumplings early in the morning, stuffed with cabbage and wild pork.

This wild boar came from Long Dahai who went up the mountain to hunt when he had nothing to do.

After being promoted to the third level of Qi training, Long Dahai successfully mastered water archery.

This spell is considered to be the most harmful among the water spells during the Qi training period.

However, in the face of a wild boar with oily skin, using water archery is not able to achieve a one-shot kill.

Long Dahai also released it twice before killing the wild boar.

After hunting a wild boar, Long Dahai sent a hind leg to his husband, and then gave half of the head to relatives and neighbors.

Eating the dumplings made by his mother, Long Dahai was very relieved.

On the day of departure, Zhou Jin personally came to see him off.

"Cultivate well in the future, and don't forget Erhe Village."

"Dahai remembers Mr.'s kindness!"

Zhou Jin hinted that Long Dahai should not forget his kindness, which is a potential investment.

Under Long Auntie's reddened eyes and her unwilling gaze, Long Dahai and his two brothers drove an ox cart and a mule cart, and slowly left Erhe Village.


An hour later, Long Dahai and Li Youshan met.

At this time, Long Dahai just met the daughter of the Wang family.

Although the daughter of the Wang family is ordinary in appearance, she is tall and has fair skin, making her very attractive.

The seventh daughter of the Wang family, named Wang Yuping, saw her husband Li Youshan greet Long Dahai, and took the initiative to speak up.

"This is my virtuous brother Long Dahai, he looks really talented."

"Sister-in-law is really good at complimenting others. To be able to marry sister-in-law, Brother Shanzi must have accumulated great merit in his previous life!"


Born in the Wang family, Wang Yuping naturally knew that Long Dahai was a little silly before.However, when they met and spoke, they spoke softly, without the slightest intention of underestimating them.

Long Dahai thought in his heart: "No wonder the Wang family can be passed on for a hundred years. This family education is a manifestation of it. Brother Shanzi married a good wife!"

The two families converged, showing the gap.

Long Dahai and his party consisted of four people and two cars.

But Li Youshan has five cars and more than ten people.

This is a servant girl gifted by the Wang family to take care of Miss Wang.Inherited for hundreds of years, the family heritage is profound.

The uncle of the Wang family was traveling far away, so the Wang family naturally sent someone to see him off.

The person who came was Wang Yuping's father, an ordinary man.

Shouting started.

The seven cars headed for Lianhua Township in the north in a mighty way.

Say goodbye to your hometown and start a new journey.

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