pastoral fairy

Chapter 396 Xuantian Embryo!

The luxuriant branches and leaves cannot cover the strong sunlight in the sky.

Between the tree layers, there are spots of light, but the light is bright.

However, it does not feel hot-eyed.

The opened leaves are big and small, the largest has a diameter of tens of feet, and the smallest is only the size of a palm.

Long Dahai traveled through a distance of several kilometers and came to a place full of huge leaves.

"These nine trees are truly magical, each branch seems to be different, the texture of the tree is different, the leaves are different."

On the nine trees, it seems that tens of thousands of other vegetation have been grafted, forming various strange shapes on them.

The name of this tree was not recorded in Long Dahai's mind at all.

He has traveled to many places and read countless catalogs of elixir, but there is nothing like the nine trees in front of him.

Here, the huge branches and leaves are clean and flawless, like the purest emeralds.

81 leaves, Long Dahai counted the number of leaves here in an instant.

Every leaf is a rare spiritual material, which can be refined into a spiritual treasure.

If 81 leaves were refined together to make one treasure, it would definitely become a heavenly treasure.

A heaven-reaching spiritual treasure is now in front of Long Dahai.

If you want to pick the leaves, you have to face a powerful opponent in front of you.

A pair of birds with a body length of about thirty feet and a blue-red body.

The strength of the two monster birds is not bad, and both have the strength of the late stage of refining.

This kind of strength, in the cemetery, can be considered very powerful.

The two demon birds at the late stage of refining the void must be able to cooperate with each other. The strength of the fusion definitely has the power of perfecting the void, and may even have the power of the early stage of the fusion.

The breath of fire and wind dual attributes is extremely rare.

They live on one of the largest leaves, where there is a nest made of a white mysterious substance.

The leaves are fifty feet in size, and the whole is covered by nests built by unknown substances.

Now the two birds stopped caressing each other and looked towards the direction where the drunken man made noise.

The drunken man's movement was really not small, and the two birds also released their consciousness to sense it.

Long Dahai, who was hiding outside, was very patient.

Now Drunkard and Ye Meng are together, facing the attacking flock of birds, there is no threat for the time being.

The Tongtian Spiritual Treasure has been sacrificed, and the Ribbon Blade Sword has released its power, marking out an area and sealing the space.

No matter how many birds passed by, as long as they were not strong enough, they would not be able to attack the two of them at all.

All power is diverted and falls elsewhere.

What the drunken man found were two nuts, which seemed to be a miracle medicine, which would definitely increase his possibility of advancing to the fusion.

In order to advance himself, he used all his strength.

Looking at it now, the relationship between Ye Meng and the drunken man must be unusual.

The two are familiar with each other, one uses the Tongtian Lingbao to withstand the attack, and the other cracks the outer defense of the fruit as soon as possible, hoping to get the fruit as soon as possible.

The two of them didn't seek help from Long Dahai and the others for the time being, and they seemed to have their own means of saving their lives.

They didn't call for help, but asked Long Dahai and the others to go to their destination as soon as possible to get what the mysterious monk needed.

Feeding the tiger with one's body, and diverting the tiger away from the mountain, is also a good move.

Long Haihai and the three naturally agreed, but the three of them were not too close to the position of the mysterious monk.

Wen Ruhai and Zhou Ruyu also seemed to have met what they wanted.

Everyone here, the consciousness of the team seems to be falling apart.

The main reason is that the captain, Drunkard, asked everyone to split up and act first. When encountering a good thing, he himself took the lead.

When Long Dahai saw this batch of leaves, he naturally wanted to take them.

But seeing that the two demon birds had no intention of leaving, he hesitated.


He can also try to deal with the two monster birds in the late stage of Void Refinement, but there is a high probability that he will have to use all means.

If it looks like that, it is likely to provoke a more powerful opponent.

"Senior Drunkard has a lot of tricks, and he was found out stealing nuts in the late stage of refinement. This seems to be a problem."

Perhaps it was an unknown aura that revealed his location, causing all the birds to be attracted to him.

Long Dahai couldn't consider this point.

The cultivator who released this method has not come out yet, and he feels that at least he is a monster bird in the realm of integration.

If faced with a monk in the state of fusion, Long Dahai felt that he was lucky to be able to escape.

The picture of the combined dark beast fighting against the five top alchemy cultivators still resurfaced in his mind.

Although Long Dahai's strength has greatly increased, he has no confidence to face the attacks of the five Void Refining cultivators.

No rush, just be patient.

"It wasn't these 81 leaves that attracted me just now."

The wave that touched the soul seemed to resonate instantly with the mana in his body.

Although 81 green leaves are good, Long Dahai didn't feel the touch just now.

Fortunately, the lurking method is good, and the two demon birds can't find him.

With this advantage, he scouted around the leaves.

The fluctuations in the drunken old man continued, and the two demon birds produced mana fluctuations, as if they were communicating with each other.

At this level, the wisdom of the two demon birds cannot be underestimated.

Between the 81 green leaves, there is a communication formation, and it looks quite impressive.

Of course, in the eyes of Long Dahai, the grand master of the formation, it can be deciphered, and it is not mysterious.

The two demon birds have lived for countless years, and now they are awakened, and it is only temporary.

Normally, it would take hundreds of years for them to practice once.

Long Dahai went round and round, and finally found an unusual place.

It was a thick branch, and now a slender shape bulged out.

It looked like a tree tumor, but it faintly made him feel an unusual aura.

"Xuantian material embryo?"

Long Dahai's heart was beating very hard, and the thought in his heart was that he had a high probability of picking up a big leak this time!

Xuantian Lingbao Embryo!

It is a treasure that is properly cultivated and has a chance to directly grow into a Xuantian item in the future.

Looking at the raised marks on the branches, I really want a long sword!

A mysterious treasure of the weapon level, this is definitely the top treasure in the spirit world!

Instantly refreshed, regained his calm thoughts.

The great joy made Long Dahai unable to keep calm for a moment.

Long Dahai was very displeased with this.

The joy just now was instantly diluted by the restless behavior.

Long Dahai puts more emphasis on keeping his mind clear.

Self-cultivation is what he cares most about.

"Although the dragon sword formation is good, the fused sword formation is not perfect. It can help the monks who use the sword formation to face opponents whose realm is higher than their own, but it cannot surpass the great realm."

However, Xuantian Lingbao has such an ability.

This is also one of the reasons why Long Dahai lost his composure!

After regaining his composure, Long Dahai felt that this was a good thing.

Problems can be solved only when they are discovered. If they are discovered at this time, they will be thoroughly improved in the future.

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