pastoral fairy

Chapter 386

The vortex opened, and several teams had already entered it.

Some of these teams are familiar with each other, while others have conflicts.

However, there were contradictions, and there was no big fight, but very restrained.

If there is a life-and-death enmity, enter the cave, there is enough space and time to resolve it.

The Dark Rock Clan they named was actually called the Dark You Clan, and now there are ten clansmen coming here.

"The breath of the Xuantian mushroom is on one of them. It seems that this Xuantian treasure can enter the cave."

Long Dahai's perception of breath was extremely sensitive, and when he approached the Anyou tribe, he immediately noticed something unusual.

They have tokens, and they can easily enter inside without proving their strength.

A black vortex emerged, the consciousness was released, and the space inside could be sensed.

Seeing this, the drunkard asked Long Haidao: "Dahai, can you go in?"

Entering the cave is also a kind of test. It is not a big problem for the monks who refine the virtual world, but it is a difficult problem for the monks who transform the spirit.

Long Dahai released his consciousness, and immediately sensed that layer of fuzzy and empty space, and then found the entrance inside.

He replied: "No problem."

After finishing speaking, Drunkard entered the vortex first, followed by Long Dahai.

The consciousness locks the entrance in the void, and the figure enters the vortex.

Long Dahai felt that his body changed shape, sometimes it was huge, sometimes it was small, sometimes it was empty, and sometimes it was solid.

Changeable and unpredictable.

What kind of method is this, this kind of vortex entrance, is beyond his cognition.

"Maybe it's a portal built by immortals."

After entering Youze Cave, Long Dahai sighed with emotion.

The world inside is like a fairyland.

The outside is dark, ruined and chaotic, but the inside is sunny, surrounded by green shade, and correspondingly pink and emerald.

The fairy air is ethereal, blocking the scenery, indistinct.

The white thing is not water vapor, but aura, and there is an inexplicable feeling in the aura.

"It's like the aura of chaos, but it's extremely thin, but it's richer than the aura of chaos contained in the aura of the spirit world."

This is a good place to practice. If you find a blessed place, you can practice without any worries and practice thousands of miles a day.

"The so-called secluded swamp is the dark swamp under your feet. The spiritual sense can only penetrate ten feet away. It's really mysterious."

When the drunkard entered Long Dahai, he immediately sent a spiritual reminder.

He himself was dozens of miles away, and at this moment he sacrificed the Tongtian Lingbao in his hand, as if he was threatened.

Some of the teams that entered in advance disappeared immediately, while others lingered nearby.

As soon as Long Dahai landed, he was immediately attacked.

A cultivator who transforms spirit, even in the late stage, is a weak opponent for the cultivator who enters into the void.

The one who made the attack was a late-stage cultivator of Void Refining. For him, it was very easy to kill a cultivator of Transformation Spirit.

"You and the other human races took my family's Xutian token and were able to enter it. This is a lesson for you."

Killing a cultivator who transforms the spirit, if it takes no effort, the Snow Clan will continue to attack others.

If the human race is a hard stubble, then they will go away and take action later.

The flying ice and snow suddenly appeared when Long Dahai sensed the surrounding environment.valley

Feeling the attack, he immediately shattered the void and fled directly.


The attacking Snow Clan monk sensed Long Dahai's movement, and it was too late to block the space.

A cultivator in the late stage of transforming gods can actually break through the void and escape, which means that this cultivator has space ability.

"It's not a big deal for a future cultivator."

The attack did not succeed, the monk of the Snow Clan complained, and then walked away with the people.

Coming here is not a duel, they will fight with the human race, and other teams will definitely benefit from it.

Since Long Dahai had such means and the drunkard directly sacrificed the Tongtian Lingbao, there was no need to keep it.

The five members of the Snow Clan disappeared very quickly.

When all five people from the human race had gathered, the drunken man used his divine sense to tell everyone what happened just now.

"Qinghu, did you get this token from the Snow Clan?" Zhou Ruyu spoke directly and asked.

Long Dahai replied: "That's the case. At that time, the junior was still a Nascent Soul cultivator. He accidentally killed a Snow Clan cultivator and obtained the token."

Wen Ruhai looked at Long Dahai and said, "Qinghu is really lucky."

The drunken man said: "When you come to this world, everyone is together, and you can't retreat when you encounter any difficulties. Qinghu can get a token from the Snow Clan, and thus know such a virtual world. It’s definitely a good thing, everyone should be careful in the future.”

After everyone finished speaking, they carefully observed the surrounding environment.

There is a dark swamp under the feet, and in some places the sea is bubbling and gurgling from time to time.

There is ample spiritual energy in the gas that emerges.

The drunkard took out the token given by the mysterious monk and said: "Senior, you must stay outside. If you don't complete the task, you will definitely have a lot of trouble after you go out. The old man suggested that we follow the instructions on the token and go to Look for items at the depicted location, and after completion, look for opportunities in the cave.”

Everyone agrees with Drunkard's proposal.

But just as he was about to set off, there was a loud noise.

Several people's cultivation was high enough, but they were also shaken by such a loud noise, unable to move.

"Is this... Is this the roar of Zhentian Roar?" Wen Ruhai asked suspiciously.

Everyone can't answer.

Shocking roar, that is also a kind of true spirit, but no one has seen it before.

Unexpectedly, just after arriving in this Fangdongtian, I could feel its roar.

The drunkard looked at the direction of the roar and said: "Even if it is not Zhentianhou, it still has the blood of Zhentianhou, and it is extremely pure."

Among the roars, Drunkard was the least affected, and could better distinguish the cultivation level of the roaring spirit beast.

The state of fit, but it doesn't seem to be far from Mahayana.

Hearing what the drunkard said, Long Dahai and the others fell silent.

What kind of place is this place? There are true spirits in the dark world outside, and there seem to be many true spirits inside.

When Wen Ruhai saw this world, he thought for a while, and said, "Seeing the situation here, I suspect that the outside world may be the beast-controlling medicine garden opened by the gods!"

Celestial Spirit Garden!

Listening to the name, you know it's not a simple place.

Wen Ruhai was knowledgeable, and continued: "The world of the Celestial Spiritual Garden is half a level higher than the spiritual world we are in. It can raise real spirits in captivity, and it can also cultivate immortal medicines. Among the immortals, not everyone can open it. "

Hearing Wen Ruhai's words, the drunken man nodded in agreement, "Brother Ye came from Wenyuan Pavilion, it's really extraordinary."

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