pastoral fairy

Chapter 373 Dark Void World

Dark, still dark.

Even with the sense of consciousness, it was pitch black.

"There is aura, but it is mixed with a dark and chaotic atmosphere."

Drunkard was the first to speak, sensed the situation around him, and shared it with others.

This is a desolate place, and the atmosphere of the wilderness is completely different from the feeling of going to the wild north of the human race.

Destruction, decadence, chaos, and more.

"Fortunately, after Senior Drunkard gave me the image of the consciousness, I used two years to practice the supernatural power of the black shadow, combined with the mystery of the dragon's blood, it also had a good effect."

Two years ago, seeing some glimpses of this world, Long Dahai made this decision.

Xiao Hei's unique blood of dark supernatural powers must be very suitable for this place.

When he came to this world, the black shadow followed him, maybe it would be useful.

The aura here is very suitable for the survival of his spirit beasts, but unfortunately, in this chaos, there is an aura of destruction.

Destruction also has a process, but if there is no Xutian token, ordinary monks can only glimpse the mystery of crossing the small world only after they have cultivated to the Mahayana realm.

Void Refining cultivators can also cross realms, but those are the lower realms that are very closely related to the spirit world, and there are many restrictions on going to the lower realms.

The lower world is not suitable for high-level monks to cultivate, but it may contain rare spiritual objects, and it is also a choice for many monks to save their avatars.

In such a world, lurking for tens of thousands of years is also a kind of loneliness.

"If Sombra is willing, he can stay here to practice."

Regarding the spirit beast that he forcibly subdued at the beginning, after being with him for thousands of years, he has completely changed his mind. Now the black shadow is more like his apprentice or guardian spirit beast.

This world is an opportunity for Sombra, if he finds a suitable place, Long Dahai will let him choose.

The five gradually became familiar with the environment, and the other four were cultivators who practiced virtual reality. They are more adaptable to the environment in this realm. In this world, after getting used to it gradually, they don't need to consume too much mana to maintain it.

Long Dahai has mastered the dark blood of the shadow, and now it is slowly opening, and his ability to adapt to the dark world is gradually improving in his perception.

After the five people got used to it for a while, the drunken man sensed the surrounding environment, then the drunkard chose a direction and started flying there.

In such a living environment, there are actually plants and even fierce beasts.

Something that can stay must have its value.

Everyone moved slowly all the way, and when they encountered something extraordinary, they would fly down to study it and pick it up.

Some plants are also aggressive, not even weaker than Jindan Nascent Soul monks, but they are a piece of cake in front of the five of them, and they can be easily solved.

When less than half of the mana was consumed, the drunken man stopped everyone and asked them to meditate to recover.

The five of them all carried a lot of spirit stones, and even many treasures that quickly restore mana. It would not be a problem to survive in this world for hundreds of years.

After recovering, Long Dahai curiously took out a flower that looked like a rock but was a strange plant.

It is purple-black, but there is a pure dual-attribute aura of civil engineering interacting, forming a simple cycle.

I don't know the name of this plant, and my spiritual perception is only at the level of a second-order spiritual material, but there is a mysterious change.

The intertwining of the two attributes can actually refine the chaos in this world and produce a stream of purity.

If this kind of plant is thoroughly studied, it will have a good effect on Long Dahai's compatibility with the dark blood.

Now, although he combined the power of Sombra's blood with dragon blood, there are still conflicts between the several spiritual roots in his body.

This kind of weird existence made it very troublesome if the mana attributes were changed when the dragons and the sea were fighting.

Sometimes, a small gap will delay a lot of time and kill oneself.

However, changing the body of a flood dragon has a good ability to adapt to the dark blood.

During the brief period of monks, everyone was very curious about the existence of this world.

Holding their trophies, they are all carefully checking and researching, trying to find a trace of the secrets of this world.

Don't underestimate the cultivators of Lianxu, they used to be young geniuses, and they must have a unique understanding in a certain aspect to be able to make it to this day.

The drunken man was studying a Nascent Soul, a monster with a black back that was as sharp as a blade.

When everyone recovered almost, he took the lead in sharing his feelings about monsters, and then the four of them also shared their research experience with others.

This is something that was decided at the time of arrival, and now everyone is willing to accept the results of others.

It is a kind of experience for him to be able to get the research of the cultivators of Lianxu and observe their perspectives.

Afterwards, the drunken man set off again with the crowd.

Among the memory fragments of the Nascent Soul cultivator, Drunkard found a place that looked like a monk sect, so their current goal was that place.

There are extremely powerful monsters, and there are even intelligent races that look like human beings.

But it's all about exploring in that ruins.

The Xutian Token not only flowed to the spirit world where they were, but monks also came from other main worlds similar to the spirit world.

This side of the world does not know how big it is, and if it is possible to distribute the Void Sky Token, there must be more powerful monks who have come and condensed the world's breath.

This place is big enough, even if those Mahayana and other monks have picked it, there are still many treasures left behind.

Besides, these virtual sky tokens are not the first time to open this side of the world.

There is an element of luck in everything you can meet.

Everyone came all the way, and came to a place where the mountains and rocks were so high that they were cut by knives.

This is the location in the memory of the monster, and it looks like a place where monks exist.

Careful use of spiritual sense induction can confirm this point.

It looks like a defeated sect, but its architectural style is completely different from that of the spirit world. It is more like a pile of huge stones.

"It seems that the race here used to be not small, and it seems to have a lot of power."

The drunken man made a sound, with a reminder.

Everyone's spiritual consciousness is limited when they come to this world, and they don't know the cultivation methods in this world, so even if they are cultivators, they may encounter ambushes.

We are all experienced men, and have our own judgments about various dangers.

Then, the five people flew down, several miles apart, and started their respective searches.

Long Dahai landed on a boulder that looked like a tree trunk, and he didn't act in a hurry.

The world is completely dark, and in the void, there are rays of light flying out from time to time, with light.

But when it fell to the ground, it was completely dark, and the consciousness seemed to be more restricted.

"Using the dark blood, in this world, there are not many restrictions on spiritual consciousness."

After opening his own dark blood, Long Dahai's own aura became indistinct, as if assimilating with the world.

Here, he's at his best.

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