pastoral fairy

Chapter 371

Dangerous? ! !

Hearing the drunken man's words, the atmosphere suddenly froze.

Long Dahai didn't feel anything, but he was full of curiosity.

What kind of situation did this senior in the late refining period see in the Xutian world before he said such a thing.

Zi Xu was a little dazed, the actions of the elder drunken man just now attracted his attention back.

What he said just now made him a little nervous and curious.

The virtual world, which many monks have never been to in their entire lives.

Some virtual worlds are similar to the spirit world, but most of them are decayed and chaotic. In that world, the strong are on the contrary, wantonly digging the foundation of the dilapidated world.

Some imaginary worlds are very mysterious, like a fairy world, with misty clouds and mists, and elixir everywhere. If you grab it at random, they are all top-quality spiritual materials.

Great dangers actually exist in many imaginary worlds.

In some worlds, real immortals and real spirits appeared, and ordinary monks could only be cautious, not daring to compete for those extremely precious spiritual objects of heaven and earth, even if there were treasures that could break through a large realm.

With the immortal sense of a true immortal, a cultivator of the Void Refinement can be killed in a single thought.

Although Drunkard used the ability to refine the emptiness, he sensed the glimpse of the emptiness world, but he is not quite sure what is inside.

There was some shock in the eyes of the drunken old man. After digesting for a while, he said: "That is a dark and empty world, in which there are spirit-like existences and traces of struggle."

There is no sky, a true spirit level fight.

From these two words alone, Long Dahai could imagine how chaotic and evil this virtual world was.

If the true spirit exists, the cultivator of refining the virtual is just a child.

In the dark world, the living environment must be a problem, and it may be necessary to protect yourself with magic power at all times.

In such a world, long-term survival is also a test.

For this news, Drunkard sent Long Dahai a Lve Ying consciousness, and then he disappeared in place.

There are three other people going to the virtual world. For such a world, whether to go or not is a problem.

Drunkard needs to go back and negotiate, and then determine the next three places.

The world of the dark sky, true spirit.

Long Dahai felt it in the consciousness sent to him by the drunkard.

Darkness only describes the overall environment of that world, but with the existence of true spirits, the radiance emitted by fighting can also illuminate half of the sky.

It was a gigantic beast with two wings and a mighty radiance, which caused phantoms in the sky and the world, and it was very gorgeous.

Even if there was no sound or breath fluctuation, Long Dahai could still feel that majestic power.

That is a strength that surpasses the current world!

The fact that true spirits can appear shows from the side that there must be something that attracts them in the virtual world.

In this world, there must be good harvest.

Harvesting comes with risk, which has been an inseparable thing since ancient times.

After experiencing the world of Xutian, Long Dahai felt more peaceful in his heart, and started his life as an old farmer just like before.

Zi Xu left in a trance. After practicing for such a long time, he seemed to have touched another realm.

Being in a trance is not a bad thing, it can be a good thing.

This phenomenon often occurs on the verge of a realm breakthrough.

Zixu left, but life remained the same.

In the remaining two years, the rewards from Xianmeng were delivered one after another.

For the three treasures, Long Dahai can easily refine them.

The Flood Dragon Transformation True Pill was also directly swallowed by him, and it was slowly refined in his primordial spirit.

The Seventh Rank of Fish and Dragon, together with the Dragon Transformation Technique, has already reached the edge of breakthrough, but there is still a gap in cultivation base and mana.

Today, he has mana as powerful as the sea, and he can improve a lot by practicing as usual. In addition to the pills he obtained, it will take a thousand years to cultivate to the point where he can break the mirror.

A thousand years is not slow for him.

But let him sit in that cave for a thousand years, Long Dahai couldn't do it.

He can't be idle, in this bustling world, although he has seen everything, he still wants to live in it.

It's like the virtual world, he doesn't need to go, but for this new thing, he just has an idea.

Two years passed by in a hurry.

When Zixu comes again, the drunken man comes again, he is more like an old farmer.

"Qinghu's aura is really restrained. I can't tell the difference between the peasant aura on my body."

It was difficult for drunkards who were a level above Long Dahai to distinguish Long Dahai's aura, which meant that Long Dahai's cultivation base had improved a lot.

Two years, the drunken man can't help but sigh in his heart.

Although Xianmeng knew Long Dahai's situation well, it lagged behind in predicting the speed of his cultivation.

It is comparable to those masters who have been reborn and practiced!

The three ate a simple meal again, and Zi Xu ate with gusto.

For two years, he has regained his demeanor.

Long Dahai was able to clearly perceive his mana, which had been improved again.

More natural and more subtle.

For Zi Xu's changes, Drunkard and Long Dahai naturally felt clearly.

Long Dahai raised his wine glass in congratulations, and bumped one with Zixu.

The two looked at each other and smiled, Zi Xu didn't express his thanks, but Long Dahai had already understood his meaning.

This is a tacit understanding between two men.

Drunkard naturally understood this process and was delighted in his heart.

It is naturally a great thing for such a genius with infinite possibilities in the future to be able to stay in Xianmeng.

After drinking, drink tea.

The drunken man opened his mouth and said: "Qinghu, you have a perception that there are still a few days left, can you go to the inner city and wait?"

It doesn't matter where the drunkard is, but in this rural place, there are many troubles.

Long Dahai nodded, and said: "Senior, the junior's belongings have been packed, and I will return to Yunlan Mountain later."

There is a lot of movement going to the virtual world. It is better to maintain the status quo in this quiet village.

After Long Dahai left, this place was not deserted.

The Long family has people who can't practice, and they come to take care of this place.

Maybe after a few years, I will come here to train my heart again.

Back in the monk's inner city, Long Dahai went directly to the Yunlan Mountain Range.

Here, Xianmeng originally occupied a spiritual vein.

At this moment, there are already three Xuxu cultivators waiting.

"These three Daoist friends who are refining the emptiness are the companions who went to the emptiness world this time, Qinghu, let me introduce you."

Drunkard took Long Dahai to meet three monks, two women and one man.

There are two female cultivators, one looks like a mature beautiful woman, with various charms and expressive eyebrows; the other is a very cold female cultivator.

The remaining monk was very simple, with a smile on his face, like a good old man.

When the three of them saw Long Dahai, their eyes were full of curiosity.

At their level, they have a strong influence among the human race. It is very easy to know some details about Long Dahai.

After the three cultivators were curious for a while, they became even more curious.

Because they couldn't see through Long Dahai's cultivation at all, the three of them were all cultivators in the middle stage of Void Refinement!

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