pastoral fairy

Chapter 368 The Name of the Immortal Lord in the Human World

Three places in the imaginary world.

For any force in the human race, it is not a small temptation.

Of course, among the human race, it is impossible to have only these three places.

But the number of places is also limited. Some virtual worlds have not been opened yet, and some virtual worlds don't know if they can be opened again.

Now these three quotas belong to the imaginary world that is about to be opened, and their significance seems to be very precious at this moment.

The human race is developing rapidly, Xinglanhai is about to subside here, but two races in the east are already at war.

Naturally, the human race would not miss the opportunity and took the opportunity to occupy a lot of territories.

The reason is that the number of monks in the human race is increasing too fast, and the current territory of the human race can hardly meet the basic needs of these monks.

Xianmeng and various big families discussed together and decided to expand the territory.

The spirit plane is actively expanding, even if it does not start a war with the surrounding races, there are still many unmanaged territories that can be expanded.

It's just that the human race's previous policy was mainly to keep a low profile, so there was no such plan implemented on a large scale.

In the past thousand years, a phenomenon that appeared in the human race was noticed by the Immortal League, so they convened all parties and decided to formulate a new plan for the future of the human race.

Long Dahai also knew about this phenomenon, and had thought about it before.

That is, for thousands of years, many powerful monks, with a group of followers, went to the wilderness and needed a piece of pure land to build their own homes.

For thousands of years, according to the statistics of the Immortal League, there are three monks who refine the virtual world, and more than ten monks who transform the gods have left.

These are the backbone of the human race, and their departure is a loss to the Immortal Alliance.

Among them, most of them had the experience of failing to compete for the lord of the state and county.

The number of states and counties is fixed, and the number has not increased much over the millennium.

Even in the new four states in the north, most of the extra states and counties are occupied by major families and immortal alliances.

Depressed, these monks could only go away.

Xianmeng didn't feel embarrassed about those who left, and they all left their contact information.

This was the order of the human emperor in ancient times. At that time, there was no fairy alliance, and the human race was chaotic and fought against each other. Finally, the human emperor was born and unified the human race.

Establish order, draw rivers, build cities, drive wild beasts, and kill aliens.

In the territory of the human race, there is only one title of Xianjun of a generation, and that is Tianyi Xianjun.

The human race is determined to gain a firm foothold in this spiritual world from now on.

Tianyi Xianjun lived for 900 years, and then passed away after ascending to immortality.

It is rumored that on the day of ascension to immortality, Mahayana monks from all walks of life came, and the true spirits came to congratulate them.

The scene is really amazing, shocking the Quartet.

The Tianyi Human Emperor left many behind-the-scenes, allowing the human race to survive the catastrophe in the next tens of thousands of years.

At that time, the Human Emperor was very supportive of the human race's expansion of territory, and issued a decree to support this kind of action. Even if someone went to the wilderness privately without going through the dynasty, they would leave a place.

Xianmeng also inherited part of Tianyi Renhuang's mantle, so these monks who went out were not strictly controlled, but provided some help, such as providing maps and tools.

The departure of these monks will not cause too much malice to the Xianmeng.

Some even have a good impression of the Immortal League, and even the Immortal League has sent exploration monks to the outside world.

This kind of mission has existed since ancient times, but in recent years, it has become more frequent.

Long Dahai has heard about it on Xinglanhai's side, and there are also monks from the Long family who plan to receive tasks and go out of the territory of the human race to experience outside.

In the future, Xianmeng will definitely go to Manghuang to open up territory in an organized way, which has become the consensus of many big families.

Now that the races in the east of the human race are fighting, it is naturally an excellent opportunity. After the human race has dealt with the Xinglanhai and other matters, it will start this matter.

There is still a buffer of a hundred years, and this hundred years is precious.

Improve your cultivation, and then occupy a place in Manghuang.

With the help of this form, the three virtual world quotas can be sold at a better price.

Those monks whose lifespan is approaching, those monks who want to break through the bottleneck but fail to follow the law, will consider going to the virtual world to try their luck.

"Three places in the virtual sky world should be sold at a lot of price. If you get these resources, you can definitely try to advance to the virtual refining realm within a thousand years."

Selling three quotas can only be a good thing for Long Dahai.

Although the Long family has a lot of income, their expenses are also increasing rapidly.

This is mainly due to the rapid increase in the number of people in the clan. The children of the Long family who have cultivated the seventh rank of fish and dragon are very keen on having children.

From this point of view, the Long family is not like a cultivating family, but like an ordinary family of princes and nobles in the world, and the main task is to pass on the family line.

This kind of atmosphere started from Long Xiaoming, this nephew is still beautiful now.

Long Dahai looked at Long Xiaoming, and felt that his nephew seemed to be suffering from love disaster, good and evil depended on each other, and he didn't know what the result would be.

"I have let Xiao Ming retreat in the Azure City. I think there should be no major problems. I hope that I can return from the virtual world and be safe."

He has seen it with the true eyes of the real dragon's luck. This kind of supernatural power is mutated by combining the blood of the real dragon. After accumulating a period of human breath, one can judge a person's general fate in the future.

The nephew was not in danger of his life, so Long Dahai felt relieved.

Zixu left the City Lord's Mansion with mixed emotions. If such a thing happened, he would report it to his superiors.

Long Dahai waited for the news that the token had already been refined by him. According to his perception, the virtual world should be opened within five years.

For five years, he did not continue to retreat.

After cultivating to the late stage of Transformation God, his strength has greatly improved, and he has also reached the late stage of rank five.

The Dragon Transformation Technique combined with the Fish-Dragon Technique made him seem to be able to feel the ripples in space even when he raised his hand.

Shattering the void may not be the unique skill of the Void Refining cultivator.

The ability of the rabbit-toothed blue-tailed beast has already made him comprehend [-]-[-]% of it, and with his own understanding, with the ability of a flood dragon, he can do it now.

"Ordinary cultivators at the early stage of refining the void, if you fight against each other, there is no big problem now."

As for the cultivators who are refining the virtual world, it is also true now. If they use all means, Long Dahai himself will not be able to assess the upper limit of his own strength.

Putting aside the matter of Xutian Token for the time being, in five years time, I will enjoy my family and enjoy family happiness.

Today, he has thousands of direct descendants, many of whom are outstanding, and many of them have been accepted by the sect.

Knowing Long Dahai's potential and this kind of chance to form a relationship, how could the major forces not take the initiative to make friends.

These grandsons and great-great-grandchildren did not embarrass Long Dahai, and some of them were well-known in the imperial city.

Walking out of the cave, Long Dahai had a peaceful expression on his face.

If the ancestor is like this, the descendants are naturally very happy, and at the same time take care of him carefully.

In this atmosphere, Long Dahai noticed the word old for the first time.

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