pastoral fairy

Chapter 366

Rabbit-toothed blue-tailed beast, dragon blue has not been refined.

Not impossible, but a waste.

In this sea water, the blue-tailed beast has an optimal environment, and within this formation, he cannot escape.

"It's obedient, and I'll save your life."

In the formation, Long Lan began to delve into the secret of the blue-tailed beast.

Long Lan carefully put away the jet-black little fish Yuanshen.

This kind of thing is better refined by the deity.

For a while, Long Lan continued to practice quietly.

One day later, at the place where he beheaded Mo Hei Xiaoyu, a cultivator of virtual refinement appeared.

This Sea Clan monk had a sad face on his face. After sensing the aura here, he seemed to be sure of something.

The mana in his hand circulated, and the surrounding space was instantly shrouded in translucent light.

The cultivator of Xuxu sensed for a while, and finally his face was full of disbelief.

The murderer who killed the clansmen was not found, and it seemed that all traces had been washed clean.

The cultivator who killed the tribe was very clever. Even he, a cultivator in the mid-stage of Void Refinement, didn't catch any trace of escape.

The cuttlefish tribe monk did not give up, and searched around again.

In the end, he found some traces of space penetration, the remnants of the power that shattered the void.

Void Refining Cultivator?

In this way, he thought clearly that the clansman must have been killed by the cultivator of refining the void, so they fell.

Some special traces of the scene were preserved, and the cultivator of the Void Refining disappeared afterward.


The Fusion Wars are over, but the chaos at the bottom of the ocean continues.

This war is over, and the next one will start again.

The sky is turbulent, the sea is tumbling, and the entire East China Sea is not peaceful.

In the trench where Ziwu is located, many sea beasts or sea tribe monks have also visited.

However, most of them had low cultivation bases, and in the end they were not able to enter inside.

Within ten years, only one Nascent Soul cultivator from the mermaid tribe who didn't know where came from broke the formation outside and hid in the trench.

She seemed to know the danger here, so she didn't go deep.

After the aura of several Nascent Souls outside disappeared, the Nascent Soul mermaid did not go out either.

Here, although she felt the danger, it was still safe for her.

The master's breath appeared, but it didn't drive her away, making her feel at ease.

Slowly stop at the edge of the hole.

Time passed slowly, but 300 years passed in a flash.

The East China Sea has been in chaos for a hundred years, and the Jiaolong Clan punished some Sea Clans. Finally, another hundred years passed, and the East China Sea completely returned to calm.

In Zhanlan City, it is now thriving.

A hundred years ago, the Sea Clan retreated back to the ocean one after another.

Only those monks who had good cultivation and liked the landscape and the human world stayed on the land.

As a result, Zhanlan City also gathered many sea people.

For these Sea Clan monks, Long Dahai specially issued an order to allow the Sea Clan to settle in the Sea Clan who have withstood the interrogation.

This is the first human city at the county level, and the promulgation of such a decree is also a decree of the Sea Clan that has deeply influenced future generations.

Many monks objected, but in the end they did not waver from the promulgation of the decree.

Because this decree is only regulated in Zhanlan City, Long Dahai does not have strict regulations on other prefectures and counties in Zhanlan County.

At the beginning of the decree, apart from the Long family, only Han Xin and Chengran Fucheng passed this regulation.

A hundred years later, Zhanlan City gathered many Sea Clans and became a port on the mainland where they could trade directly with the Sea Clans, earning massive amounts of spiritual stones and treasures.

Wealth touches people's hearts, and monks in the spiritual world are also people.

The surrounding counties followed suit.

Today, a hundred years later, although not all of the three New Blue Sea states have been recovered, there is only one state left.

There are even some sea people who don't need to be driven away by the human race, but only need to agree to communicate with each other.

Xinglanhai has not fully recovered, but the trade has surpassed before.

The sea area, which had no attention from the big families, has become a hot spot, and monks from many races in the East China Sea have come here.

Many business alliances, seeing the opportunity to earn spirit stones, came to Xinglanhai to set up shops.

Zhanlan City, the most dazzling and lively city, naturally attracted more attention.

However, after the Merchant Alliance with Renhuang and Xianmeng moved in, the Long family was less troubled.

Zhanlan City has developed commerce and trade, and the Long family naturally made a lot of money.

In this comprehension world where pills are abundant, with spirit stones, it is natural to be able to cultivate a large number of powerful clansmen.

During these years of guarding Zhanlan City, the Long family has produced many golden core monks, and a large number of third-level body-refining monks whose strength is comparable to that of golden cores.

With this large group of talents, the power of the Long family began to gradually spread to every corner of the Azure City.

Those established families couldn't fault the Long family.

The Long family's family style is strict, which also makes those old families have to restrain their edge.

Having such a good atmosphere is also one of the reasons why Zhanlan City is so successful today.

In Zhanlan City, Long Dahai has now left the customs.

Sitting in the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, surrounded by children of the Long family.

"Uncle, now the Xianmeng has issued a dispatch order to dispatch half of the defenders of Zhanlan City to the front line of defense."

The one who spoke was Long Xiaoyue, who is now in charge of the defenders in the city.

The name of uncle, after coming to Zhanlan City, was gradually passed down from generation to generation among these nephews.

To them, Long Dahai is like a biological father.

Calling all the clansmen here today is also for this order of the Immortal League.

"The summoning order has been issued. The human army will definitely take back the remaining land of Xinglanhai. Uncle, my son is willing to take the lead."

Long Xiaochuan is going to lead the battle. Now that he has entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul, his strength has been delayed, but he has made good progress in body training.

After continuous polishing and training, he has entered the third rank of fish and dragon.

If you want to go further, you need to temper it in actual combat.

It is an excellent opportunity to play against the Sea Clan.

Long Xiaochuan is the first person to cultivate among the younger generation of the family, and his seniority is very high.

He stated that he would lead the family to fight, and the rest of them would naturally not come to compete for this opportunity.

However, before he expressed his opinion, someone coughed aloud on the side of the female cultivator representative of the family.

Although the coughing sound was not loud, it was very conspicuous in this quiet place.

It was a young female cultivator whose cultivation was at the late stage of foundation establishment.

The girl looks a little very beautiful, with a playful and lovely personality.

In the presence of Long Dahai, the patriarch of the Long family, he dared to make small moves, which is really a bit bold.

However, Long Dahai didn't respond, instead there was a faint smile on his face.

Hearing the coughing sound of the nun, Long Xiaochuan was a little embarrassed, but he was also a person who had practiced for a thousand years, and his face quickly returned to calm.

At this time, Long Dahai spoke, "I have received the summoning order of the Xianmeng. This time, the Xianmeng has no order for the family, but if you want to participate, it will be counted in the number of times the family is recruited."

Whether to go to the Long family or not depends entirely on the choice of the clansmen.

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