pastoral fairy

Chapter 363

Nine Dou truce.

The matter about the truce of the Xinglanhai Sea Clan became a legend and began to spread among the human race.

A cultivator at the early stage of the transformation of the gods was able to tie a tie with a late stage of the transformation of the gods, so that the name of Long Dahai was mentioned again.

When it became clear to people, Long Dahai was still a cultivator who developed a glazed greenhouse, which immediately made his reputation even more prosperous.

Zhanlan County has also become famous among the human race.

Now in Zhanlan County, all industries are waiting to be flourished, and it is naturally an excellent thing to attract more monks.

Once the monks are working, the efficiency is still very high.

Those destroyed fields, damaged city walls, broken trees, and monks in the realm of Qi training all have a lot of room to play.

Tens of thousands of monks were mobilized, and Zhanlan County's recovery speed changed every day.

When repairing, with the protection of the legion, it is safe and worry-free.

The positions of village head and township owner will be rewarded or auctioned off after everything is restored.

Zhanlan County is already on the right track, getting better with time.

Under the strict family style of the Long family, there will also be children of dudes or misconducts, but once the Long family's punishment hall finds out, no matter what their status is, there will be no good fruit to eat.

With such a family style of the Lord of Azure, the Long family has such strict rules and regulations in the entire Azure City.

With a good atmosphere and a good business environment, the economy of Zhanlan City will naturally continue to improve.

When time turns, it will be 50 years.

Zhanlan City has become a big city like the blue star of Zhoucheng, and is even more famous among the human race than Zhoucheng.

In the Zhanlan County Guard's Mansion, a cultivation cave has now been established in it.

Long Dahai is currently cultivating inside. In the past 50 years, he has refined the True Cicada Pill and a lot of pills that can increase his cultivation.

"The cultivation base has been improved for 500 years, and now it's the late stage of the transformation of the gods. It only needs to practice the skills well, and it will be a matter of course."

According to my estimation, I don't need to take pills, and I should be able to break through again after 20 years of meditation.

Breaking through the realm does not mean that the more cultivation the better.

The more cultivation bases, it means that the combat power and endurance of the same realm will be stronger.

The mid-term repair base is 3000 years and the mid-term repair base is 1000 years. The comparison of strength in combat is still very large.

Of course, this is the result of the comparison under the condition that the skills, sword formations, etc. are all equal.

At the time of breakthrough, only when one's cultivation has reached a certain level can one have the opportunity to comprehend the next stage of practice or level.

Now Long Dahai's own mana cultivation is enough, if he wants to break through to the later stage, he only needs to hone his mind and skills.

The Dragon Transformation Technique he practiced is a self-created technique, and every breakthrough needs to be carefully verified.

For this reason, he specially exchanged for a water-attribute exercise that can be cultivated to the late stage of Void Refining, and combined with each other.

During the fifty years of closed-door training, he has already found the next step in the practice of the Dragon Transformation Secret Art. Combined with the practice of the seven turns of the fish and dragon, it is enough to make him worry-free in the territory of the Transformation God.

"Now that you're out of the customs, you can move around freely even incarnate as Dragon Blue."

The incarnation of Long Lan retreated with him, and now he has been at the bottom of the sea for 50 years.

After 20 years of meditation, it is not necessary to always retreat in the practice room.

Long Dahai also missed seeing his wife and children for 50 years.

Now Longyuan is guarding the Yulong Cave, and the rest of the children have come to the Azure City.

As an elder sister, Long Fei'er is still single. After thousands of years of cultivation, her temperament has become stable and she has become enthusiastic about cultivation.

However, the eldest daughter is also well-known in Zhanlan City for her slightly willful personality.

As for the two youngest daughters, each was different.

Long Nianqin once had a partner, but his partner's cultivation was mediocre. After the Jindan realm, he failed to advance to Yuanying and fell.

[To tell the truth, I have been using Mimi to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres. can be used for both Android and Apple. 】

The two have a child, and now they have cultivated to the late stage of Jindan. The materials needed for promotion have been prepared. Whether the promotion can be successful is the child's own fortune.

As for the younger sister, Long Xiaojie, she has a stronger personality, and her qualifications are not as good as her sister's reciting piano since she was a child, but she works hard in terms of cultivation.

After being tempered by Zhujin Pill, supplemented by Long Dahai's tempering aptitude, his cultivation level is not weaker than that of his sister, and even surpasses it.

The youngest daughter had a partner, but in the end she turned out to be a scumbag who only wanted to use the power of the Long family.

After having a scar in my heart, I practiced in the family and helped the family manage some affairs at the same time.

Apprentice Zhang Hechun, as the deputy suzerain of the Yunlan Sect, cooperates with the monks of the Long family and is in charge of the selection of monks in Zhanlan County.

The second apprentice also came to Zhanlan City, but he has been in retreat for the past 50 years, and he is also preparing for the promotion of Nascent Soul.

With the master Long Dahai and the strength of the Zhang family, he has a high probability of being promoted to Nascent Soul. As for whether he can be promoted, it also depends on personal fate.

There are fourth-order spiritual veins here in Zhanlan City, but the main veins of the spiritual veins are all covered by formations, and the Fuhai Azure Great Formation is arranged on top of this spiritual vein.

Zhanlan City has not fallen, and the aura of the entire county will slowly recover.

This is the meaning of defending the Azure City.

Long Dahai, who walked out of the cave, came to a garden.

In the garden, there are many rare and precious elixir, as well as beautiful ordinary flowers.

A group of children are playing here, having a great time.

It is now afternoon, the class is over, and the nature of the children makes them unable to help but fight.

"Brother, your swordsmanship is very accurate."

Three children were competing to stab copper coins with wooden swords. A handsome boy who looked somewhat similar to Long Dahai used a wooden sword to accurately stab all the copper coins. The work was very clean and neat.

Seeing this, the little girls watching immediately applauded.

Immediately after, a girl in an orange dress, also holding a wooden sword in her hand, began to compete.

The little girl's swordsmanship is also very good, and all the copper coins were also stabbed.

"Sissy, amazing!"

When the little girl finished, the onlookers clapped their hands and applauded.

After the two passed by, it was the turn of a little boy in black, and he drew out his sword without a sound.

The sword light flashed, and all the copper coins moved almost at the same time.

"What a fast sword!"

Long Dahai was also shocked when he saw the last boy unleashing his sword.

It is really extraordinary that a child of six or seven years old can have such a fast sword speed.

In the little boy, he sensed the blood of the same race.

This must be from the family.

To be able to play in the Sheriff's Mansion must be very close to my own blood.

With the release of his consciousness, he instantly understood the child's physique.

"There is a sword heart psychic out of the Long family."

The wooden sword in the little boy's hand is a kind of crystallized sea wood captured from the sea tribe, which is a kind of coral.

There is a certain connection between this treasured wooden sword made of first-grade top-grade materials and the child who has only practiced herring body exercises.

The imperial envoy is like an arm, it is Long Dahai who noticed the connection between the wooden sword and the little boy.

"Meet the ancestors!"

The boy in black was the first to discover Long Dahai, but the first boy was the first to speak and led the crowd to salute Long Dahai.

Long Dahai used his strength to help them up.

"You children, come with the ancestor, the ancestor has something to ask."

For these children, he really wanted to know more about them.

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