pastoral fairy

Chapter 361 The price of the truce

After the fight, the human race looked at Long Dahai with admiration in their eyes.

In their cognition, Long Dahai is a cultivator in the early stage of the transformation of the gods, and it is a miracle to draw a tie against the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

Zhang Tian was naturally very happy, but the ending of this competition was somewhat unsatisfactory.

A monk in the late stage of transformation was seriously injured, a monk in the late stage fell, and four incarnations were destroyed.

These four incarnations all have spiritual weapons. After being destroyed, the spiritual weapons were taken away, and the deity was also severely injured.

Nine fights, three victories and one tie, the human race kept four territories.

The strength of the Hai Clan is tyrannical, and none of the monks of the Mo Jiao Clan went to battle in person.

Of the nine god-transformation monks made up of the three big sea clans and one sea snake clan, only one is a mid-stage god-transformation cultivator.

Three incarnations were destroyed, and one late monk fell.

The fight is very tragic, and this is also the price for wanting to stop the war.

Facing a powerful opponent, it is unrealistic for the human race to stop Bingfeng without paying some price.

The hatred of the Hai Clan must be kept in the bottom of my heart now, and I have to endure it.

Zhangtian and Jimo, the two fit monks, now looked at each other with smiles.

Jimo was the first to speak: "Senior Zhangtian, the competition is over, and the Sea Clan will control their subordinates not to invade the territory of the Human Clan within the agreed time."

Zhang Tian nodded, and then said: "The old man can still trust the trust of the Mo Jiao clan. Now that the competition is over, little friend Ji Mo, see you by fate."

Jimo said, "See you by fate."

A battle between the human race and the sea race seemed nothing to the two fit monks.

The words are understatement, a battle involving tens of millions of lives has ceased from now on.

A road paved with sea water leaving Haiheng Mountain appeared, which was Ji Mo's respect for the state of Zhangtian Fusion.

The palm of the sky released a glow, enveloping everyone, and flew out of Haiheng Mountain along this blue road.

After the human race left, the two Xuxu cultivators beside Jimo walked up to him.

"My lord, the human race is weak, why did we stop fighting?"

The person who asked the question was a cultivator from the Mojiao Clan, who was a little confused about the truce with the human race.

Hearing what the people said, Jimo stretched out his hand to close the formation of Haiheng Mountain, and then said: "An unknown aura is in the space of the human race. Maybe the human race has Mahayana monks coming."

"Mahaya monk!"

Hearing this news, all the Sea Clan present were silent.

A monk in this realm is already considered the ceiling of combat power in the human world.

Even in the realm of waiting to be recruited, it is not necessarily stronger than Mahayana monks.

This is a realm of unknown strength. There used to be monks who practiced Mahayana in the spirit world, and they would never lose the wind against the immortals.

The aura of the Mahayana monk of the human race was revealed, and it was definitely not something that could be easily detected by Jimo, a fit monk.

But now that the breath is perceived by him, it naturally has the meaning of warning.

The origin of the war came from two murloc races, and the Jiaolong clan took this opportunity to rectify the sea clan.

The capture of these coastal territories is an extension of the means.

The purpose of occupying the land of the two states of the human race has been achieved, and there is no need to continue.

As a fit monk of the Mojiao clan, Ji Mo can solve this kind of thing by himself.

The current situation is acceptable to the clan.

Hearing that the Mahayana monks were nearby, the senior monks of the Sea Clan stopped their actions immediately.

They were originally adapted to practice in the sea, except for the novelty at the beginning, they are not so curious now.

The most important thing is to cultivate in a place full of aura.


On the human side, Zhang Tian led everyone back to the defense camp with ease.

He is satisfied with the performance of the human monks this time.

However, he also has regrets for the fallen monks.

"It's a pity that you are recruited to compete this time, a fallen fellow Taoist."

The late-stage cultivator who has fallen into the gods, his own lifespan is approaching, participating in this competition is also a kind of hard work, and it is also a sacrifice for the human race.

"He was a hero of our clan, and he deserved his death."

Zhang Tian defined the fall of this monk as a hero.

No matter what purpose he has, the final outcome is indeed to contribute to the human race.

After his death, his family will receive the goodwill of the Immortal Alliance. In the next thousand years, members of the family who have spiritual roots can enter the Immortal Alliance controlled by the Immortal Alliance to cultivate.

Of course, the pension of death is also indispensable.

As for other defeated monks, there will also be compensation, which is enough to offset their disappearing avatars.

As for Long Dahai and the four winning monks, the compensation was naturally more.

Long Dahai gave up his control over the territory, and now it is his choice to control Zhanlan County and practice in a low-key manner.

After giving up the territory, Xianmeng naturally produced a lot of good things.

A list of options available to him, which he is now looking at in his hand.

Ruyan made tea beside her and accompanied her, she behaved like a little daughter-in-law.

Everything on the list is treasure.

There are even dozens of types of elixir at the level of good fortune, but some of them are relatively low-level.

There is no rush to exchange things, just hand them over to Xianmeng within three days, so there is still time.

Long Dahai needs to think carefully about what exactly he needs.

"Yulongdongtian wants to speed up the progress of the Dragon Transformation Pond, what it needs is a monster that can transform dragons, and sea monks can naturally."

Thinking of this, Long Dahai exchanged some sea monsters.

These were all obtained by the Immortal Alliance amidst the chaos in the Star Blue Sea.

Among them, Long Dahai even saw nearly a hundred blue-haired humanoid blue-haired sea people from the sea tribe.

Slim and fair body, this is Long Lan's favorite.

Besides exchanging these, Long Dahai exchanged some rare materials for his family.

Add some rare talismans and jade talismans for life-saving purposes.

For the rest, I exchanged some pills for improving my cultivation level for myself.

Long Dahai gained a lot from this competition.

At least it can stimulate some mysteries of this Sea Clan inner alchemy.

Give him a hundred years, maybe he can have an incarnation of the false refinement realm.

While looking for what they need, Long Dahai and Ruyan communicate easily.

After the fight, the relationship between the two seems to have improved a lot.

However, it was difficult for Long Dahai to do anything with Elder Zhangtian.

But he knew that getting Ruyan's peace of mind was already an easy task.

Ruyan looked at Long Dahai, and offered him a bowl of tea.

Long Dahai took this opportunity to hold the beauty's small hand and test the beauty's reaction.

Ruyan had a shy face, but she didn't dodge it.

To deal with this kind of little girl, it is naturally very convenient to have the blessing of chaotic aura and dragon aura.

What's more, Long Dahai himself is also a very handsome man with extraordinary temperament.

The two spent three days together in this bamboo forest.

Finally, Long Dahai chose the things he needed and handed them over.

Before leaving, Zhang Tian called him to the front.

When Zhang Tian called Long Dahai, he naturally encouraged Long Dahai a few words, and then said: "I understand what that girl Ruyan is thinking. You have to take good care of Dahai in the future."

Women are not allowed to stay in college, and so is education for thousands of years.

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