pastoral fairy

Chapter 358 The Battle Begins

Xiaguang seems to be flying in the normal world, but also seems to be in another dimension, very mysterious.

The escape speed is very fast, Haiheng Mountain is thousands of miles away from the defense line, Xia Guang has already arrived at the front of the mountain in the blink of an eye.

The main peak of Haiheng Mountain is a majestic mountain near the mouth of the sea, with a magnificent and extraordinary momentum.

This place was originally in the city of Haizhou, but now the city wall near the sea has disappeared, and the surrounding mountains have been surrounded by sea water.

Full of aura, a spiritual mountain.

After Xiaguang arrived, it turned into colorful Xiaguang and stayed in front of the mountain.

The original mist and clouds on the mountainside gave way to Xiaguang at this moment.

When the rays of the sun set, a blue water wave rolled over and turned into a passage into the mountain.

"Welcome Senior Zhangtian!" Jimo said cheerfully.

Standing in the crowd wearing a gorgeous golden Taoist uniform, Zhang Tian looked at Ji Mo who came over with a smile, and replied, "Little friend Ji Mo, we meet again."

The two are like friends, not like the leaders of both sides who have just experienced a war.

After chatting, Ji Mo invited Zhang Tian to enter the Haihengshan formation.

It has been agreed that it is like a fight, and the Mojiao clan will not do things that turn back on you. Killing Zhang Tian's clone and a few monks who have turned into gods will not consume much human strength.

After entering Mount Haiheng, Long Dahai discovered that there is plenty of water vapor here, which is originally a water-attribute spiritual vein, coupled with the methods of the Shanghai Clan, it makes this place a special scene.

In the valley, seawater is everywhere, and there are several huge sea beasts in the seawater.

Most of the sea tribes are in the sea water, silver sharks, blue crabs, blue shell turtles and other tribes account for the majority, and there are several humanoid sea tribes with black dragon horns, which are members of the Mojiao tribe.

This time the competition did not delay for a long time, so not many monks from the two races came to watch the battle.

Jimo led the human monks directly to the arena that had been set up.

The arena is actually built on the backs of nine huge sea turtles. These turtles are not blue-shelled turtles, but ancient beasts with the blood of ancient tortoises.

It is bigger than the arena, with a length and width of several miles, enough for the cultivators to fight on it.

The monks participating in the competition from the Hai Clan are already waiting in the arena. Five of the nine monks are from the Silver Shark Clan.

The matter of the human race's fusion killing the silver shark's incarnation was already clear to everyone. When they saw the monks of the silver shark race, they naturally understood why.

Against the monks of the Silver Shark Clan, you must use your full strength.

On the human side, there are a few monks who came here in real bodies. This shows that they attach great importance to competitions and are very confident in themselves.

Although the avatar is convenient, it is not without worries.

If the avatar is killed, he can launch an attack on the deity through magic, and a monk with superb means can even make the deity go mad.

Although the avatar is convenient, it actually hinders the practice.

Spend a lot of energy on the incarnation, and if you can't advance to the realm of refining the void in the end, then everything will be in vain.

The avatar can be assimilated by the deity and absorb mana, but after all, it is not as real as the one directly cultivated by the deity, and there will always be mana loss during the absorption process.

Long Dahai was able to have an avatar at the level of transforming gods. Long Lan was due to absorbing the azure blue protective formation, and this one was due to the inner alchemy of the cultivator.

After a short period of refining, Long Haihai split his soul, and transformed this incarnation through his special aura.

After coming to the back of the sea turtle in the center, Jimo said, "Senior Zhangtian, please draw lots."

Nine bouts will be played simultaneously, so a draw is required.

It's easy for the fit monks to draw lots.

Nine pure white pearls appeared in Jimo's hands, which represented the nine monks of the Sea Clan.

When he was talking to Zhang Tian, ​​there was a spiritual thought in his words, and there was an explanation about the lottery. Zhang Tian heard it and naturally understood it.

Elder Zhangtian took a look at the sea monks in the field, then raised his hand to control the magic power and controlled the pearl in Jimo's hand.

After waiting for a while, the pearl turned into nine silver rays of light and flew into the hands of the monks participating in the competition on the human side.

Long Dahai caught the flying pearl, and immediately knew his opponent, a late-stage Silver Shark monk.

"Late stage of transformation?"

Facing this opponent, Long Dahai smiled wryly in his heart.

If he can stimulate the full strength of the alchemy in his body, he has some confidence, but now his refining time is very short, and there are many uncertainties.

Once the opponent is drawn, there is naturally no reason to back down.

Seeing that Long Dahai had drawn his opponent, Ruyan immediately walked over.

"Qinghu, how is your opponent?" There was deep concern in her words.

Long Dahai glanced at Ruyan, and then said: "In the late stage of transformation, it's not a loss."

"No loss!" Ruyan was a little anxious when she heard that, "This is for you."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to give Long Dahai something.

Long Dahai grabbed her little hand and found that it was a pill.

Ru Yan was held by Long Dahai, her face turned pink, but she didn't take it back immediately.

Long Dahai squeezed lightly, then let go, and put away the elixir that the beauty gave him.

Seeing this, Ruyan said, "This is a elixir that can improve your cultivation, and the sequelae are not serious."

Long Dahai nodded, looked at Ruyan, and said with a smile: "Sister Ruyan, don't worry, you will never lose this time in the Qinghu competition."

"Who is your sister!" Ru Yan whispered, and then fled to Elder Zhang Tian.

Everyone got ready, and then came to the back of the turtle where their opponent was.

After the nine pairs of contestants were ready, Ji Mo activated the nine battle formations.

The turtle's back shell has changed, turning into a ground with soil and water.

This is formed by the condensed aura of the large formation, forming on the back of the turtle, making it more solid.

"The fight begins!"

The nine competitions were held simultaneously in the surrounding valleys of Mount Haiheng, which explained the hugeness of Mount Haiheng from the side.

Long Dahai's opponent was a male monk with silver hair and silver eyes.

This is a typical feature of the monks of the Silver Shark family, and they look very evil.

When the signal to start the competition was given, this late-stage monk of the Silver Shark Clan raised up the sea water on the ground, turned into a big hand, and grabbed Long Haihai.

The big hands and feet are hundreds of feet in size, with surging strength.

Seeing this method, Long Dahai smiled.

Although his mana is not as good as the opponent's, but in terms of technique, he thinks he can't lose to the opponent.

Unleashing mana, the earth and rocks condensed on the ground immediately stood up and turned into a huge stone man.

In the body of the stone man, there is still azure water flooding, which shows that this giant does not only have the power of earth and stone.

The big hand fell, and was directly greeted by the stone man with his fists.


With a loud noise, the big hand made by the waves failed to fall, and was directly knocked into the air by the stone man.

Immediately afterwards, the stone bent and jumped, and its body directly attacked the opposite Silver Shark cultivator.

If hit by the Golem, Brother Silver Shark will also be seriously injured.

However, a silver light flashed across, and the stone man was directly shattered.

This kind of small method, the monks in the later stage of the transformation of the gods, can naturally solve it easily.

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