pastoral fairy

Chapter 353

After Long Dahai released the temptation spell, he immediately took out a teleportation talisman and released it.

The blue crab inner alchemy in the Void Refining Realm in his hand was sent along with the talisman.

The Mozu monk reacted quickly, sensing the changes here, and immediately planned to release countermeasures.

But Long Dahai had already made a decision when he released the talisman.

The avatar directly turned into a dragon and flew towards it, with the determination to blew himself up.

The self-destruction of a cultivator who transforms spirits, even if the cultivator of the demon race has a high defense power, he must be treated with caution.

The Demon Race hesitated a little, and activated the defensive black armor he was wearing, and a cloud of black air enveloped him, preventing the incarnation of Long Dahai from approaching.


Turning into the incarnation of a dragon, it exploded directly between the teleportation talisman and the demons, freezing with extreme cold.

The Art of Ice and Thunder!

Long Dahai has been studying lightning techniques for some years. After he was promoted to Tianlinggen, he has made rapid progress in ice water lightning techniques.

Although the strength of the avatar is average, the power erupted by self-explosion has also reached the level of transforming gods.

The demon cultivator found that he had been deceived. The little thief in front of him was much less powerful than he thought.

For him, these ice mines are not a hindrance at all, they just consume some mana.

A low-level avatar is exchanged for the inner alchemy of a cultivator who refines the void, no matter how worth it.

"Little thief, I remember your aura, I hope you don't fall, and when you come to the spirit world, your soul must be sacrificed!"

Through the aura of Long Dahai's incarnation, this demon monk sensed Long Dahai's deity three thousand miles away.

But he didn't kill it immediately, but came to the body of the blue crab and took the body of the crab.

When the demon monk put away the body of the blue crab, he looked up towards the sky.

A human cultivator in white Taoist uniform appeared in the sky.

"Demon junior, why did you come to our human land?" the human monk asked.

Seeing this, the demon cultivator did not reply. He looked at the human cultivator with black eyes, and then unhurriedly placed a black talisman.

The human-fit monk seemed to recognize what it was when he saw the talisman in the hands of the demons.

"Boundary escape talisman, why did you demons come here?"

The human-fit monk frowned when he saw the talisman. The demons who used this kind of talisman that was comparable to the heaven-reaching spiritual treasure must have a lot of plans.

It's a pity that what he came was a projection, not even an avatar, otherwise he could try to keep this demon monk.

The World Escape Talisman has been released, wrapping Moxiu, whistling in place, and after a while, the space seems to be pierced, and the breath of another world can be felt with spiritual consciousness.

"Not the Demon Realm!"

Even if the fit monk came from the projection, he could sense the breath of another world brought by the escape talisman through his own divine sense.

The passage between the two worlds that penetrated was gradually closed, and the demon monks also lost their breath.

It just left a special aura in place, it seems to be a different kind of world, but it's not the virtual world.

The human race monk thought for a long time, then his figure disappeared into the sky and disappeared.

A cloud of mist was left in place, a trace of magic energy remained, and the spirit energy left by the blue crab's death.


In the sky above Zhanlan City, Long Dahai suddenly had a bad expression.

When the avatar exploded, what exploded was his consciousness and his mana.

Although he had experienced it once, it still made his face turn pale.

Seeing this, Zi Xu immediately understood what was going on, stretched out his hand to release a healing spell, and then asked, "Dahai, what happened?"

Long Dahai quickly stabilized his somewhat chaotic spiritual power, and replied: "I met a demon cultivator in the realm of refining the void, and the avatar was destroyed."

When Zi Xu heard the word Mozu, his eyes were a little unbelievable, and he said, "You mean the cultivator who robbed the Sea Clan just now was a demon cultivator, and the one fighting in the distance was the demon cultivator and the sea clan cultivator? "

Long Dahai nodded, and then told Zi Xu what he saw, skipping some content.

After hearing what Long Dahai said, Zi Xu's face was a little ugly, he looked to the east and said: "Dahai, let's go back to Zhanlan City. There is an ancient great formation in the city to protect us, so we don't have to be afraid to meet the cultivators who refine Xu."

Long Hai said: "That's exactly what I meant, the situation is even more serious now, but it's not safe here."

For a distance of three thousand miles, for a Void Refining cultivator with a high level of cultivation, he could directly break through the void.

If you want to sneak attack on the two of them, it can be said that it is a surprise.

Now I feel a lot of battles, the harvest is enough, and it is safer to return to the city.

After returning, Long Dahai said goodbye to Zi Xu on the grounds that he wanted to cultivate stably.

When I came to the county guard's mansion, on a jade platform, there was a fist-sized inner alchemy like jade, and the radiance flowed, which was very magical.

"The inner alchemy of refining the blue crab is really extraordinary."

The blue crab's primordial spirit could no longer sense it, and Long Dahai presumably had already fallen.

The inner alchemy has lost some of its activity, but there are still a lot of magic power of the alchemy cultivator left in it.

Sensing the inner alchemy carefully, I found that there is an inexplicable connection with external objects inside.

"That white harpoon, the magic weapon of the blue crab's natal spirit!"

Long Dahai immediately thought of the harpoon that was blown away by the demon monk, it was a rare treasure.

Neidan's spirituality was still draining, so he immediately wrapped it with his own mana.

With this inner alchemy, I came to the secret room where I practiced, and began to study this inner alchemy.

After studying for a day, Long Dahai was very happy.

"This blue crab has cultivated for more than 2000 years, and there are about [-] years of cultivation in the inner alchemy. If I absorb all of these cultivations, it will be enough to increase my cultivation for more than a thousand years."

A thousand-year-old monk, Long Dahai, with the assistance of Yulongdongtian, may even impact the late stage of God Transformation.

Losing an avatar to get this inner alchemy is absolutely worth it.

But before that, he had to wait until the end of the war before the deity could leave.

After studying in the secret room for three days, a white harpoon turned into a dragon and flew out from the mountains in the north, and finally landed in the Azure City.

Long Dahai had been prepared long ago, and everything happened quietly.

When the harpoon and flying knife landed in front of him inside the Sheriff's Mansion.

The harpoon is also a spiritual weapon, much higher grade than his blue and white fan.

It's a pity that this is the magic weapon of the cultivator's destiny, and he cannot exert its full magical effect until the traces of the original owner are not eliminated.

The harpoon will not be more powerful than the blue and white fan at this time, and it needs Long Dahai to wash away the traces, and then he can sacrifice himself to be able to rejuvenate.

"After refining the inner alchemy, this magic weapon will naturally be sacrificed, and then it can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

With some natural joy, Long Dahai began to refine the inner alchemy.

However, the situation in front of the defense line is uncertain, and he can't retreat with all his heart, he just takes time out every day.

After another five days, the defensive array of Zhanlan City was activated directly.

The fit monk war broke out on the front line.

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