pastoral fairy

Chapter 332 The Blue Turtle Attacks!

The calm before the war.

The surface of Zhanlan City was calm for a few days, the outside of the city was calm, and the inside of the city looked peaceful.

However, in the city, news of the impending war has spread throughout the city.

Especially the monks who have established the foundation and above, they have all been included in the roster. If the protective formation is broken and the army of the immortal alliance suffers heavy losses, they will be forcibly recruited.

The sect disciples in the city, they have been recruited to form two regiments.

But when the war comes, they must always be ready to go to the battlefield again.

The largest sect in Zhanlan City is naturally the Yunlan Sect left behind by the previous county guard, but now the nominally highest position of the Supreme Elder of this sect is held by Long Dahai.

However, he, the Supreme Elder, has not been to the Yunlan Sect, but sent his apprentice Zhang Hechun to serve as a deputy suzerain.

Although Zhang Hechun is the deputy suzerain, everyone knows that he represents the faction of the sheriff.

Many people of insight naturally take the initiative to seek refuge, but there are also relatively large forces in many sects who are only superficially sincere.

The Cloud Blue Sect is deeply involved, and it can be found in every aspect of Zhanlan City. Zhang Hechun is naturally aware of it, so he didn't take any action.

However, he has firmly grasped the sect's finances, and has now sent someone to check.

As for daring to play tricks around the formation, Long Dahai felt that it must be a big family with a certain influence in Zhanlan City.

Several forces of the Yunlan Sect are very suspicious. Such hands-on people are likely to leave traces in the sect's affairs.

So he asked Zhang Hechun to check the accounts, not only to search for traces of traitors, but also to find greedy and corrupt people in the sect, so that he could have a greater say in the sect.

After several days of inspection, Zhang Hechun found some corrupt individuals, but there were no big fish.

Zhang Hechun found these problematic people and used gentle means to get them to pay compensation, and then dismissed them from their positions.

And these vacant positions will naturally be filled by his subordinates.

After these days, Zhang Hechun selected a few trustworthy people among his subordinates.

These people must have never been here before, and they are not familiar with Zhanlan City, so they are not worried that they are people from various forces in Zhanlan City.

The Yunlanzong is slowly changing like this. When the war is over, Long Dahai himself will let his family come to take over the Yunlanzong.


On this day, there was a thick fog, and the fog came from the Zhanlan River to the naked eye, and then surrounded the Zhanlan City.

Seeing this situation, the whole city is on alert.

The monks in the city also returned to their respective residences, and the inner city began to implement control, and no monks were allowed to go to the streets without special reasons.

Long Dahai himself also came to the military camp in the north of the county guard, and sat here in person to prevent accidents from happening.

Behind him, more than half of the monks above the Jindan realm of the Zongmen in the city have come, there are dozens of them.

These are the backbone of Azure City, and their interests are linked with Azure City.

"Fellow daoists, since this war, I have recruited everyone in advance in the name of the county guard to cooperate with the defense. I hope you will use your strength to resist the invasion of these sea clans for the sake of Zhanlan!"

Long Dahai's words were neither humble nor overbearing, but they could not be refuted.

"No, please abide by the county's decree!"

After the monks present finished speaking, a dozen or so monks left and went to other camps in Zhanlan City.

Some of the remaining monks have good cultivation, among them is the suzerain of Yunlan Sect, he is the apprentice of the former county guard, and now he has the cultivation of the late Nascent Soul.

"Junior Yunhong has met the Supreme Elder!"

The suzerain saw that Long Dahai was performing the ritual of a disciple, and he was extremely humble.

"Nephew Yunhong doesn't need to be too polite."

Long Dahai had a good impression of this kind and fat monk in front of him.

At least this is a smart person who knows what reality is.

"My apprentice, how is he doing in Yunlanzong?"

Long Dahai asked with a smile, and then glanced at the other members of the Yunlan Sect who were beside Yunhong.

"Junior Brother Zhang is really talented. Now that he is familiar with the elders of the sect's hall masters, he will definitely be able to take charge of the sect's affairs in the future." Yunhong replied.

Long Dahai was about to say something when he waved his hand suddenly.

The monks present immediately realized that the Sea Clan was finally coming.

The dense fog hindered the investigation of many monks, but failed to stop Long Dahai.

This method, he will also, and will be stronger.

At this moment, in his spiritual consciousness, he sensed the monks of the sea clan with blue turtle shells on their backs stepping on the water waves, heading towards the blue city.

The spiritual light in his hand floated, and then the sound of sentient beings resounded in the city, shaking the entire azure blue.


A total of eighteen beeps, this is a signal that Zhanlan City is facing a crisis.

The monks and ordinary people in the city became nervous and began to worry about the situation.

In the military camp of Zhanlan City, all the monks came out to defend on the city wall.

The sea-covering blue formation already has an ancient style, but now it has been fully activated.

The fog outside the city, and the water dragons swimming outside the city at this moment, gradually became the nourishment of the formation.

The fog gradually dissipated, and there was a shortage of waves outside the city.

This is the ability of the blue-shelled sea turtles to control water. The water of the azure blue river is drawn in, and the whole scene is extremely magnificent.

Many Foundation Establishment cultivators in the city were a little dumbfounded.

This kind of power is beyond their imagination.

With such a scene, it is natural to know that the visitor is not good!

On the hundreds of miles of waves, countless monks of the blue turtle clan stood, looking at the city of the human race, with radiance in their eyes.

The blue-shell sea turtles have a notorious reputation. They seem to be a gentle race, but they are actually full of wolves.

Seeing these turtles like this, Han Xin, the commander of the Northern Camp, felt bad.

Then he ordered: "Defense!"

The order was passed down, and the monks in the entire northern battalion immediately released a standard shield. This standard magic weapon is not independent, but can be integrated with each other.

Not long after, a khaki shield appeared to the north.

At this time, the blue-shell turtles on the waves protruded a mouthful of water towards the blue city.

In this blue water column, several turtles gather together.

Let them, who originally only had the strength of foundation building, spew out an attack power that Jindan monks only have.

Among them are many more powerful blue turtle monks, and their attack power is higher.

In the scene at this moment, the blue-shell turtles in the north sprayed thousands of water jets towards Zhanlan, while in the south of Zhanlan City, a khaki shield blocked the front.

The number of blue turtle monks is occupied, but Zhanlan City has long been prepared.

Using attribute restraint can eliminate the disadvantage of few monks.

Thousands of water jets sprayed onto the earth wall, making a booming sound.

Huge fluctuations occurred, and if they were no longer in the formation, the low-level monks who had passed twice would be washed away in the turbulent flow.

"The combined power of the monks is really impressive. Even I can't easily follow the thousands of water jets."

Seeing this scene, Long Dahai's blood boiled with excitement.

The war has officially begun!

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