pastoral fairy

Chapter 318 Fierce Battle to Transform Gods

In a mountainous place thousands of miles south of Beiyan Mansion, there are few people and monsters living here.

Originally, this was a mountain range where humans raised monsters in captivity. Normally, monks would come here to explore, look for elixir and hunt monsters.

But on this day, the trees and grass leaves in the mountains suddenly grew wildly, and the emerald green life essence was crazily extracted!

Within hundreds of miles, this change can be clearly seen with the naked eye.

Many flowers withered instantly, and some big trees dried up directly, and then were gently blown by the wind, straight to the end!

"What kind of sorcery is this?"

The monks in the mountains feel that the life energy in their bodies has also been mobilized. If it is not protected by mana, it will even be taken away directly!


There was a loud noise and spiritual energy fluctuations, and the monks in the mountain immediately realized that there were high-ranking monks fighting!

A Jindan cultivator in the forest also felt this crazy aura fluctuation, and then set up a sword light and fled directly!

This kind of battle is not something that a little monk like him can participate in.

The demon cultivator in the middle stage of transformation, with his avatar, a figure of a four-armed demon god, accompanied by the flying sword of the spirit weapon level in his hand, attacked the dragon sword formation arranged by Long Dahai.

Even though Long Dahai activated the ancient bronze lamp, he was still at a disadvantage.

"Although the Nascent Soul of this female cultivator is under control, the devilish energy that emerges from the Nascent Soul is very difficult to refine. It will take a long time to recover the incarnation as soon as possible. If this is the case, then try this The true power of the Dragon Sword Five Elements Sword Formation!"

The male cultivator could feel the breath of the female cultivator at this moment, so he attacked Long Dahai frantically.

Seeing Long Dahai's methods and the lightning that turned into him, he still knew in his heart that they couldn't kill Long Dahai without entering the formation to ambush him.

The blue light floating fan that appeared in Long Dahai's hand just now was clearly a spiritual weapon, but at this moment, Long Dahai didn't use this spiritual weapon, which showed that he still had a second hand.

Now he only intends to break the formation and rescue the female cultivator who came with him. He is a true descendant of the Venerable. Although he has a strong background, it is difficult for him to explain why people are killed here.

"You guys hurry up and set up a bloody array!"

The male cultivator did not forget the Nascent Soul cultivator who came with him, and immediately arranged for them to set up a large formation.

Fighting in Xianmeng will definitely attract other monks to come.

Even now, some senior monks have received the news and are coming.

If another cultivator from the Immortal League came, he would have to run away by himself.

The blood light formation is just a simple formation. After it is arranged, it can condense the magic energy, and then find enough blood sacrifices to break through the void and teleport away.

At this time, Long Dahai, who was besieged in the sword array, sensed the changes outside and also felt the pressure.

He lightly exhaled a mouthful of true energy, which turned into a cloud of mist and melted into the formation.

The formation immediately changed, and the azure water sword suddenly shone brightly. At the same time, the mist began to connect to the outside, and the mist dragons continued to emerge, and the pressure of the sword formation instantly decreased.

Long Dahai breathed out his true energy again, and this breath brought four emerald green sword lights to the vicinity of the water sword.

With four blows in a row, Long Dahai protruded twenty flying swords.

All 25 flying swords of the Dragon Sword Five Elements Sword Formation flew out immediately.

At this moment, the sword array appeared flat instead, and the light was only the color of water, which seemed ordinary.

But the sword array was still there, and Long Dahai felt that the wood attribute sword light of the flying sword used by the demon cultivator was constantly being consumed, dissolved, and even transformed into the Dragon Sword Five Elements Sword Array.

Over time, the sword formation of the spirit weapon Feijian must gradually become weaker, while his own sword formation will gradually strengthen.

"This spirit tool, the Flying Sword, is not bad. It has the attributes of a sword array, and it really makes people want to find out!"

It was the first time to display this self-created sword formation in front of outsiders, and Long Dahai was still very proud in his heart.

But he likes this wood-attribute flying sword with its own sword formation and spiritual weapon level even more.

If the mystery of it can be researched, maybe the power of the Dragon Sword Five Elements Sword Formation can be increased by a bit.

The Nascent Soul cultivator over there was arranging formations, and Long Dahai could feel the strong blood energy, which made him very uncomfortable.

Fire breaks the magic energy!

Turning his hands to move the sword array, the main sword of the fire sword did not move, and the other four auxiliary swords disappeared inadvertently, and then came behind the demon cultivator Nascent Soul cultivator who was setting up the formation.


The male demon Xiu immediately noticed the abnormality, and sent a sound transmission to remind him, but it was too late.

The fiery red light flashed, and the Nascent Soul cultivator who mainly arranged the sword array was immediately shattered by the sword energy to shatter the magic weapon for protection, and then the Nascent Soul shattered directly!

"Hmph, looking for death!!"

The male demon cultivator felt humiliated. Under his nose, a cultivator who had followed him died, and now even the Yuanying disciple was beheaded by Long Dahai, which made him very angry.

The disciple was killed, this is also an opportunity!

The Demonic Cultivator's incarnation soared with demon energy, but it directly absorbed the demon energy and blood energy essence of the companion who died just now!

The blue magic light glowed directly from the limbs and arms, and then gathered all the strength to smash down fiercely towards the sword array arranged by Long Dahai.

This blow is so powerful that even the space is a little distorted!


A corner of the sword array was directly smashed by the incarnation of the four-armed demon god, and even the huge force smashed a huge hole in the ground!

But the sword array was not broken!

A layer of water as thin as a hair moved with the huge force. Under the huge force, there were tens of feet of dents, but it did not shatter!

This is the transformation method of Dragon Sword Five Elements Water Formation.

The water formation that twists and turns softly and changes with the force!

The male demon cultivator was full of confidence at first, but when his avatar fell and the spirit weapon flying sword attacked with all his strength, although the formation of this sword array changed, it was unbreakable!

What kind of formation is this!

The male demon cultivator suddenly wanted to leave, this monk of Long Dahai is really more evil than him, a monk of the demonic way!

How to fight this!

"you go first!"

For the remaining Nascent Soul cultivators, Moxiu directly asked them to leave. He had to make a last-ditch effort, and if he failed, he would just run away!

At this time, Moxiu retracted the flying sword, and then the devilish energy surged all over his body, and finally turned into a light and shadow, flying into his avatar.

The power of fusion!

Combined with his own incarnation, Moxiu's strength instantly reached the stage of the late stage of transforming gods!

The spiritual weapon in his hand immediately glowed with sword light, and the condensed essence of the wood attribute turned into a green whirlwind, directly surrounding the sword array arranged by Long Haihai.

Huashen suddenly became a hundred feet in size in a trance, and the flying sword in his hand changed accordingly.

This is a huge figure, but it doesn't look tall among the mountains, but its shining green light can illuminate thousands of miles!

This is the power of transforming gods, the clouds in the sky are all green at this moment!

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