pastoral fairy

Chapter 316

Long Dahai stood in emptiness, experiencing this completely unfamiliar self and the world.

"In the realm of transforming gods, the rules of heaven and earth can be vaguely seen. This kind of power is really wonderful and really comfortable."

Standing in the void, Long Dahai didn't use mana, and this physical state alone allowed him to levitate naturally.

This seems to have merged into the space between heaven and earth, but it is only a step forward and a glimpse of a corner.

"Under the tempering of Lei Yun, the spiritual consciousness has more than doubled, and the mana is even more abundant. It seems that the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth can be used by me."

Gently clenched his fist, thunder and lightning emerged in his palm, and his spiritual root was raised again.

It used to be able to absorb the chaotic aura in the spiritual veins, but now it can be felt from the sky and the earth, but it is not easy to absorb it.

"The thunder and lightning absorbed by the avatar tempered the avatar's body, and also allowed the spiritual root to break through to the level of the earth's spiritual root."

Noisy, the power of thunder and lightning floated around Long Dahai's body. Feeling the power of the thunder and lightning he mobilized, Long Dahai's mind was moved, and it instantly turned into a flash of lightning and rushed to the sky.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten miles away, but in one thought.

This kind of escaping speed is not the limit of Long Haihai, but it is the top level of the monks in the early stage of transformation, but compared with the speed of the monks who can break the void, it is still extremely slow.

Thinking of this, Long Dahai realized that there was an expert waiting outside the formation.

It turned into a blue light and flew over.

"I have seen the predecessors, thank you for coming to protect me."

When Long Dahai saw Lu Ling, this is the first time in his life that he had seen such a close-up cultivator, he was still a little curious.

Hearing Long Dahai's greeting, Lu Ling was also very curious when he saw the young monk who was treated warmly by the Human Emperor.

As a descendant of the true spirit, Lu Ling naturally saw more things than the other monks present.

The cultivator in front of him seemed to have a remarkable spiritual body for cultivation. Judging from the mana that Long Dahai showed just now, it seemed that he was not much worse than the cultivator who possessed the blood of the true spirit.

"Little friend Qinghu, you don't have to be polite. I first congratulate fellow daoist for advancing to God Transformation. From now on, you can expect a long life."

Lu Ling had a smile on his face, looking very kind.

After Lu Ling congratulated him, Kazama stepped forward to congratulate him and said, "Brother Long really succeeded in advancing as expected, and now he can be called Master Qinghu."

Long Dahai replied with a smile: "It's just a gift from the sky, my brother will definitely advance to this level within a hundred years."

Talking and laughing, Kazama introduced the fellow disciples behind him to Long Dahai.

Those who can come here can definitely be geniuses among the human race. Naturally, Long Dahai will not refuse to know these monks.

After getting acquainted, Lu Ling said: "Boy Kazama, little friend Qinghu, please treat me well, the old man has something else to do. Little friend Qinghu, see you by fate."

Long Dahai saluted and said, "Congratulations to Senior Lu Ling."

Lu Ling glanced at everyone, and at Long Dahai for the last time, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

It didn't shatter the void, after all, it would consume a lot of energy.

But given his current state, it is difficult for ordinary monks to see his movements clearly.

But in Long Dahai's eyes, he saw a trace of Lu Ling's departure, which was never perceived by the Nascent Soul Realm.

The realm is different, and the world we know is also different.

This is the gap in realm, and unless one is gifted with supernatural powers, it is almost impossible to close this gap.

That night, Long Dahai and Fengjian gathered together.

The Nascent Soul cultivators present were actually looking at Long Dahai eagerly. What they most wanted to get was Long Dahai's experience of being promoted to the realm of transforming gods.

Although this kind of thing is not difficult for them disciples of the Emperor's sect to obtain, but it is naturally very much looking forward to hearing the explanation of a monk who has just crossed the catastrophe and advanced to the realm of transforming gods.

Long Dahai did not disappoint them, and under the moonlight, he began to explain his journey through the tribulation.

Without a broom to cherish himself, Long Dahai himself could not be stingy about the generosity of the Emperor.

After explaining for one night, Kazama planned to find a monk in a quiet room for Long Dahai to stabilize his realm.

But Long Dahai politely declined, and now he just wants to go home as soon as possible and share the joy of this promotion with his family.

"My brother has been lonely so far, and it is difficult to understand the feeling of my brother returning home like an arrow."

"Brother Feng, you are practicing hard work, you are not a person with great perseverance, and you cannot last long."

"Pardonous training? I don't have this kind of experience as a brother, but I enjoy it."

"Brother Feng, you are truly practicing, and you will surely succeed in the immortal path in the future."

"By my brother's auspicious words, my brother will stop talking about this, send my brother outside the formation, and see you later."

Feng Jian sent Long Dahai to the outside of the Lushui Formation all the way. After Long Dahai saluted, he turned into a flash of lightning and headed directly towards the nearby county town.

At this moment, Long Dahai's escape speed is several times faster than those flying boats, but it can't compare with teleportation.

"Among the thunder and lightning, it can be compared to teleportation. It can travel hundreds of thousands of miles in an instant, but that is faster than breaking the void."

Carefully understand his own lightning root, and constantly change his mana to cooperate with Feidun, which makes his speed sometimes faster and sometimes slower.

When it was [-]% faster than when he crossed the catastrophe, Long Dahai fled for a million miles in one breath.

But the journey home was long, and it was only one-fifth of the journey.

On this day, he came to a county town, but found that the atmosphere in the city was abnormal.

The monk came to pick it up in a hurry, and the indifference of the past was completely gone on his face.

When something happened to the human race, everyone could see it.

The county town here is to the east of the human race, not far from Xinglan Haizhou County, which has experienced the struggles of the murlocs and sea races for thousands of years.

Long Dahai came to the Xianmeng resident to inquire, and it turned out that Xinglan Haizhou County was once again invaded by the Hai Clan, and this time the invading Sea Clan was very powerful.

But the reason is the internal turmoil of the Sea Clan, the birth of the Flood Dragon Clan caused disturbances in the East China Sea, and many Sea Clans were affected and came to the offshore to toss.

Rumor has it that the Red Crawfish Clan intends to flood the Xinglan State and use it as a refuge for the Red Crawfish Clan. The news spread that many Sea Clans have attached themselves and seem to intend to occupy the ten states near the Xinglan Sea.

The three states where the human race faces the sea are naturally unavoidable.

How can the race endure this!

But these sea tribes are not like the two murloc tribes. Daxiu in the tribe is trapped, and there are many masters in their tribe. If there is a war, the human tribe will be powerless to resist.

How the human race should plan is the question that the Immortal League and the Human Emperor should discuss at this moment.

People's sentiments are high, and direct retreat will definitely attract criticism, and the human race will definitely resist. This is something that many monks understand in their hearts.

After hundreds of years of stability, the strength of the human race has also made great progress.

It can't fight against several sea tribes, but these sea tribes are not a piece of iron, and they certainly can't cooperate well.

Coupled with the fact that the human race has a good relationship with several sea races, it is not impossible this time.

Everything is waiting for the decision of the higher-ups of the human race.

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