pastoral fairy

Chapter 31 Natural Foundation Building

Another three years passed by in a hurry.

By the side of Sanli Lake, where pink lotus flowers grow, a little girl with two braids is running by the lake.

The little girl was accompanied by a snow-white and long-haired spirit dog, and the spirit dog followed its master erratically.

"Dabai, Dabai."

The little girl ran and barked at the spirit dog.

By the looks of it, I had a lot of fun.

Not far away, a young girl stood Tingting, looking at the little girl.

"Hmph, the old man just didn't want to watch Mayfair by himself, so he ordered me to watch the child!"

It was Long Xiaoqi who spoke, the once well-behaved Qiqi had grown up now.

"Be careful, Mayfair!"

Seeing that the little girl in front was about to fall, Qiqi immediately threw out a roll of tulle and caught Mayfair before she fell.

"Thank you, sister."

Qiqi fluttered over, and the little girl politely thanked her immediately.

Qiqi touched Fei'er's little head, "Thank you, Fei'er, I am your sister."

The little girl nodded cutely, then continued to run, and soon came to a pier.

There were two wooden boats on the pier, and the little girl climbed into one, turned her head and said to Qiqi: "Sister, go find your father."

Qiqi followed on board, and then took out a Lingshi and put it on a shelf.

Docking an iron bar, the boat began to shake and moved forward.

The boat came to the center of the lake, and the little girl lay down beside the boat and looked at the bottom of the water.

Mayfair shook the pearl bracelet on her hand, and waited quietly with Xiaobai.

Not long after, the lake water rippled, and a white puffer fish poked its head out of the water.

The little girl stretched out her hand and stroked the head of the crystal white puffer fish, very happy.

Soon, the dragon sea emerged from the water.

After steaming the blue Taoist robe, Long Dahai caught the jumping daughter.

"Father, it's time to eat."

Long Dahai pinched his daughter's cheeks and said, "Understood, good girl."


Long Dahai came out of the water, without looking at herself, Qiqi felt that she was abandoned, not the beloved niece anymore.

"Oh, Kiki is here too."

"Uncle! I won't care about the children anymore!"

"Qiqi, uncle is wrong, you can't ignore your sister."

Three years ago, Qiqi, who was old enough, and Liu Yu from his aunt's family, Long Dahai said that they were young and did not let them go for the test three years ago.

It was not until last year that Long Dahai tested Qiqi and Liu Yu's spiritual roots in front of his family.

Long Xiaoqi is a third-class spiritual root, with very good aptitude.Liu Yu is a fifth-class spiritual root with mediocre qualifications.

The family was very happy, and at the same time discussed whether the two children should go to the sect.

In the end, Long Dahai made a decision to teach Qiqi and Liu Yu first and see how they practiced.

If the cultivation resources are insufficient or the speed is slow, let them go to the sect.

After five years in the Zongmen, they will be able to obtain an official position in the herding village. With the help of Long Dahai, the resources will not be too bad.

After more than a year of practice.

Liu Yu has just reached the second level of Qi training, but Qiqi has already trained at the third level.

Within three years, to reach the fourth level of Qi training, Liu Yu has little chance, while Qiqi has great hope.

For Kiki who loves to play, Long Dahai asked her to watch the children and be more patient.

Long Dahai hugged Qiqi and went back to the yard.

Now, beside the original courtyard, there is another small courtyard.

This is reserved for Aunt Long, as well as Qiqi and Liu Yu to practice.

There are some spirit-gathering formations here, full of spiritual energy, and Long Dahai can guide them at any time, which is very convenient.

Liu Yu has a stable personality, but Long Dahai is also relieved.

After leaving customs today, Long Dahai planned to go to Lianhua Township to do some shopping.

Three years later, Long Dahai has reached the eleventh level of Qi training Dzogchen, and he can take the foundation building pill at any time to try to build a foundation.

However, Long Dahai planned to build a foundation naturally without using the Foundation Establishment Pill.

If successful, he will be on par with those cultivation geniuses.

The method of refining Zhuji Dan is proficient, and there are several kinds of pills.

Taking Foundation Establishment Pill has almost no side effects, which is the inevitable choice for most monks to establish their foundation.

However, Long Dahai learned from the book that he could better understand the foundation building process and optimize his aptitude without using the foundation building pill.

There are many geniuses in the spiritual world who have cultivated to the perfection of Qi training, and they are not very old, so they try to build a natural foundation for the first time.

Even if it fails, just take the Foundation Establishment Pill for the second time.

Originally, a year ago, Long Dahai had already planned to buy the Foundation Establishment Pill, [-] spirit stones had been prepared, and he also inquired about the price from Liu Qin'er.

Knowing about the natural foundation building, Long Dahai was no longer in a hurry.

Now the [-]th level of Qi training, the state of Dzogchen Qi training, can already try to build a natural foundation.

"I still have to buy one of the Foundation Establishment Pills. If it succeeds, it can be kept mysterious and not known to outsiders."

Long Dahai didn't want to be too high-profile, and the Foundation Establishment Pill could be used sooner or later.

He had asked Liu Qin'er to order the elixir, and he went to Lianhua Township to get it today.

Liu Qin'er had been brought back to Qinghu Village by Long Dahai.

When she and Han Xiuya met, the two laughed and talked kindly, which made Long Dahai mistakenly think that he could hug left and right and enjoy the blessing of being equal.Unexpectedly, the two women were just superficial.

"Women are really hard to understand."

However, the two of them didn't mess around too much, they just pestered Long Dahai.

After lunch, Long Dahai rode a black horse and followed his second brother to Lianhua Township.

During these three years, the villagers encountered monsters several times, killing and injuring several people.

Long Dahai killed two of them and escaped a few.

As long as Long Dahai is free, he will go to the countryside with his second brother and the others.

"Xiuya is currently at the seventh level of Qi training, so don't be in a hurry to buy the Foundation Establishment Pill. Qin'er has already trained at the tenth level of Qi, and the Foundation Establishment Pill is also on the agenda."

If Long Dahai succeeds in building a foundation naturally, Liu Qin'er's foundation building pill would not be a problem.

Long Dahai is now worth a lot.

The spiritual field has been expanded to three acres, and it can generate an income of sixty spiritual stones every year.

The red fruit is still ten trees, because the family doesn't like to eat it.Thirty pears were planted.

These spiritual fruit trees also have an income of sixty spiritual stones every year.

In addition to the nine-leaf radish on the tidal flats, Long Dahai put some flat-headed spirit eels, which earn a lot of income every year, reaching 100 yuan of spirit stones.

As for Sanli Lake, in addition to the golden carp, moon night aquatic plants, pink lotus and jade white clam, there are several kinds of spiritual beasts and spiritual plants.

Sanli Lake produces two hundred spirit stones a year.

If all of them were sold for money, Long Dahai could earn four hundred and two spirit stones a year.This is more than half a year's income of an ordinary Xiuxian family.

The Xiuxian family has a large population and consumes a lot of resources.

Now here in Longhai, there are Han Xiuya and Liu Qin'er, as well as Qiqi and Liu Yu, who are cultivating immortals.

Long Xiaochuan was in the sect, and Long Dahai only asked Zhang You to send some pills worth a dozen spirit stones every year when Zhang You returned to the sect.

Four people practice, and each person has an average of one hundred spirit stones per year, which is stronger than the inner disciples of the Yushan Sect.

However, inner sect disciples often have Foundation Establishment cultivators on demand, as well as various cultivation resources that Long Dahai cannot access.

They are much better than Long Dahai, a self-educated monk with insufficient background.

If it weren't for Long Dahai's extremely high comprehension and good luck, he would be at the seventh level of Qi training at most.

There is a long way to go.

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