pastoral fairy

Chapter 309 2 Fuying

"Husband, Sister Wang has already fallen into a deep sleep, and it may take a hundred years to recover her sanity this time."

The Han Xiuya who spoke, at this moment, her cultivation has reached the Nascent Soul realm.

"Yu Jie's mood is unstable, Ning Ying failed, this is also fate, to prolong her life to this day, she can only rebuild the ghost way."

Long Dahai had already expected it in his heart, but he was still a little disappointed in his heart, but he protected Wang Yujie's soul and helped her turn into the ghost realm.

Practicing this kind of technique has a long lifespan, but it also needs to be practiced again.

Huang Hanling, who has awakened now, only has the strength of the Jindan realm, and it will take a long time to advance to the ghost general level.

This is mainly due to the lack of cultivation resources, and I don't want to practice the cheap but harmful method, so I can only practice slowly.

Except for Wang Yujie, the other wives were all successfully promoted to the Nascent Soul realm under his protection.

As for himself, he has now reached the consummation state of the late Yuanying stage, and he is only one step away from advancing to the state of transforming gods.

After being tempered by Hualongchi, his aptitude has been improved again. Within a hundred years, the spiritual roots of the five elements have been promoted to the level of earth spiritual roots, and the water spirit roots have even reached the level of sky spirit roots.

Among them, because of the power of transforming the dragon, the wind spirit root has also become the earth spirit root.

Five kinds of earth spirit roots, one kind of heaven spirit roots!

Perhaps Mahayana monks cannot possess this kind of qualification.

With his current aptitude, plus his own understanding, and the blessing of this secret realm.

After practicing for 600 years, it is only from the early stage of Yuanying to the late stage, which is actually a bit slow.

The reason for this is that Long Dahai finally succeeded in refining the Lingbao blue and white fan, and finally created a set of things he wanted.

Long Dahai named the Five Elements Sword Formation he created as Dragon Sword Five Elements.

This set of sword formations has five long swords made of pure five-element materials. The materials can be mediocre, but the attributes must be balanced.

Long Dahai naturally focuses on water swords, so the water attribute power can be increased by an order of magnitude, so that he can dominate the sword array.

He refined the five main swords he was satisfied with using the fourth-level five-element materials, and used auxiliary materials to refine other flying swords.

It took 300 years to refine it with magic power, and now it has become his natal magic weapon.

There are 25 sword formations in this set. In addition to the five main swords that must be made of five elements, flying swords with other attributes can also be added to them, which are infinitely magical and powerful.

Over the years, the human race has been peaceful. Long Dahai has been cultivating in the family for so long, and has not encountered any major incidents.

It was heard that for some unknown reason, King Nanyue separated from the Demon Dao.

At that time, the human body monks who guarded the north came to the border and took charge of Daheng.

The fit monk's aura just appeared between the heavens and the earth nakedly, the Mozun of Mo Dao, who had just advanced to the state of Fusion, did not dare to appear, and the demon cultivator obediently left the monster mountains.

It is rumored that Moxiu is going to the east of Manghuang to establish his own territory.

Why is the magic way like this?

Long Dahai didn't know, nor was he interested. Mo Dao's departure would be an excellent thing for Qianhongshuihe.

Human monks can go to the mountains of monsters without worrying about sneak attacks by magic cultivators.

This has greatly promoted the trade of Qianhongshui River, making Qianhongshui River one of the most lively places for human monks.

Yulong City has also successfully become a mansion city, and the lord of the mansion is Longyuan.

With the blessing of so many high-level spirit stones, the spirit veins of Fish Dragon City have also grown to a low-level third-level.

Long Dahai did not come forward, Long Yuan directly reported to Xianmeng.

This kind of spiritual vein cultivated by one's own family naturally does not need to be distributed, and it has become the land of the Long family.

Qianhong County City and Yulongfu City are now the two most popular monk cities.

Especially Yulong Fucheng, which is more stable and more friendly to casual cultivators.

Longyuan's many policies, under the guidance of Long Dahai, attracted monks very much.

This led to a sharp increase in the income of Yulong City, a prefecture city. This place alone can satisfy the cultivation of the children of the Long family.

The Zhang family attached to the Long family also benefited a lot.

However, 600 years later, the second elder of the Zhang family passed away, and Zhang You failed to cross the catastrophe and re-entered reincarnation.

For Long Dahai, the Zhang family had no old friends.

But the Zhang family is still taken care of by him, and now there are five Golden Core cultivators, one of whom is the grandson of Zhang You, who has also become his apprentice.

This is his second apprentice, and he is now in the late stage of Jindan. If his state of mind passes, Long Dahai feels that this apprentice can also advance to the Nascent Soul realm like his senior brother.

Zhang Hechun was promoted to Nascent Soul, and Long Dahai was naturally present.

He admired the great disciple's tenacity and persistence, and advanced to Nascent Soul after a rough time.

Although I suffered a lot, I was lucky in the end.

Here in the Long family, Long Dahai's three wives, with his help, successfully advanced.

His daughter and son were both allowed to try after his realm was completely consolidated. With the help of various elixirs and spiritual materials, they succeeded, but it only cost 3000 to [-] million spirit stones.

As for his nephews and descendants, Long Xiaochuan's nephew advanced, Liu Yu's son Liu Zong successfully advanced, Long Xiaoming also successfully advanced, and three other grandchildren successfully advanced to Yuan Ying.

If you don't count Long Dahai's wife, but only count the children and juniors, there are already ten Nascent Soul monks in the Long family!

The rest of them perish.

Long Dahai took action to protect the souls of these people, allowing them to reincarnate smoothly.

For these juniors, Long Dahai has also prepared enough promotion materials, which can at least increase the promotion probability by [-]%.

Falling is also due to fate.

As for his eldest nephew, Long Xiaoyue, because of this secret realm, he successfully advanced to rank [-] of Fish and Dragon, but he was also extremely lucky.

There are three tribesmen who have advanced to rank four!

This is the help of the fish and dragon cave to the cultivation of fish and dragon skills!

The Long family has great luck, this is what Zhang Ran often said before his death, but it is also confirmed now.

The several families that cling to the Long family have not been suppressed. Instead, all the families have been promoted to the Jindan realm, and their strength has improved a lot.

In addition to the Zhang family, it is the Li family who came from the Yushan sect; there are also those who have been the Lingzhi husband of the Long family since Mengzhuang Township, the descendants of Master Deng, and now there are also Jindan monks.

These families are naturally very grateful to the Long family and will not have any second thoughts.

Because the Long family cannot be purely a good family, over the years, they have dealt with many monks or families who dared to deliberately cause trouble.

Coupled with the strength of some of the Long family they knew, they felt that their main family was unfathomable.

It is rumored that the ancestor of the Long family who has been in Yuanying for 600 years is about to enter the late Yuanying period.

In 500 years, it is possible to transform into a god. If you advance to the next level, the Long Family will prosper for thousands of years!

These dependent families naturally obeyed orders obediently.

Today, the Long family has two mansions. In addition to the Yulong City, Long Dahai also personally took action to win a mansion near Daheng City 300 years ago.

Now that prefecture city is occupied by Long Xiaoming who has returned from his travels.

For 300 years, it has become a city of refining tools.

Many nearby monks wanted a suitable weapon, and the first thing they thought of was there.

With Long Xiaoming, a master craftsman and monk, as the city lord, many monks will naturally be attracted to go.

The Long family is thriving, and Long Dahai's plan to be promoted to become a god is also on the agenda.

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