pastoral fairy

Chapter 2 Overnight at Li's House

The location of Long Dahai belongs to the new land boundary of Jizhou, which has been opened for less than a thousand years.

To the north is the Northern Cold Territory, which is the territory of the Snow Clan.

Although the Snow Clan doesn't like to fight, their single-body cultivation is very powerful. Adult Snow Clan members are all good at controlling ice and snow.

In the Northern Cold Region, they were undefeated.

However, the Human Race and the Snow Clan are separated by tens of thousands of miles. During this period, mountains are criss-crossed and rivers are widely distributed.

Due to the fertility of the human race, the population increased.Therefore, a thousand years ago, the Xianmeng decided to expand northward by [-] miles.

200 years ago, Yushan Daoist, the ancestor of Yushan sect who was promoted to the Jindan period, was able to occupy the Yushan mountain range and establish Yushan sect.

The Yushan sect has a radius of thousands of miles, but it is a county.

Here is more marginal, few people come to collect.The spiritual material products are more abundant and the harvest is rich.

This also allowed Patriarch Yushan to successfully enter the middle stage of Jindan within 200 years, and is expected to hit the Nascent Soul Realm in the future.

However, rewards and risks coexist, the living conditions here are harsh, and powerful monsters appear from time to time.

It is inevitable to lose troops and lose generals.

After 200 years, Yushan County has 43 towns and nearly a thousand villages. It seems that there are more than 40 foundation building and thousands of Qi training monks on the surface.

However, every year, villages are destroyed and monks fall.

As a shepherd immortal in the Qi training period, building a new village and surviving are all hard work.

Within the scope of the sect, potential disciples are all accepted into the inner sect.

As an inner sect, he has enough training materials and training time.

Most of the Zongmen's missions every year are simple and not dangerous.

Within ten years, as long as the inner disciples can become a high-level Qi training monk, they can continue to concentrate on practicing in the Yushan Sect.

If there is no success in cultivation within ten years, they will be assigned to the sect industry and become managers.

Their starting point may be the end point of the lifelong struggle of an outer disciple like Long Dahai.

The disciples of the outer sect have to work for the sect for 25 years after receiving five years of teaching and resources from the sect.

"That is to say, even if the world is so big, if I want to go out and see it, do I have to wait 25 years?"

"You can also give the Zongmen a sum of spirit stones, 300 yuan per year."

When Li Youshan heard Long Dahai's question, his tone was calm, and he drove the ox cart without turning his head.

"How much is 300 yuan?"

Hearing Long Dahai's question, Li Youshan turned his head and looked at him like he used to look at a fool.

"Those brothers who have been running the village for a long time can save two to thirty yuan of spirit stones a year, not more than 30, you can do the math yourself."

Hearing Li Youshan's words, Long Dahai closed his mouth wisely and focused on the surrounding scenery.


Coniferous forest, this is a tree species that is only found in cold regions.


Long Dahai looked at the nine suns above his head, seven of which were shining brightly, and he had some doubts about his own judgment.


Long Dahai didn't know how to explain these problems.

He simply didn't struggle with it, and began to sort out his memory and make plans for his future trip as a village official.

Dawang Township, where the two lived, was not far from Yushanzong. The ox cart walked from morning to night, and the two arrived in Dawang Township.

Dawang Township has been managed by the Wang family for a hundred years. Fifty years ago, the Wang family had passed the assessment of the Xianmeng family and became a real cultivating family with its own exclusive fiefdom.

Today, the Wang family has two foundation-building monks and more than a dozen Qi-training monks.

This year the Wang family also has a child who joined the Yushan sect, but it is different from Long Dahai and the others.

After two years of entry, the disciples of the Wang family have cultivated to the fourth level of Qi training, and directly became inner disciples of the sect.

When he arrived in Dawang Township, Li Youshan came to the Zongmen's residence and returned the ox cart.

"Dahai, your home is far away, stay overnight at my place today, and hurry back tomorrow morning."

"Is it convenient?"

"If there's any inconvenience, go with brother."

The Li family originally had a good family background, but when Li Youshan had the aptitude for cultivating immortals, the Wang family took care of him, and now he can be regarded as a well-known well-to-do family in Dawang Township.

The Li family was very happy to see their son back.

That night a goat was killed and a chicken was slaughtered.

The farmhouse is rustic and the food is delicious.

After eating and drinking, Long Dahai went to rest in the room arranged by the Li family.

At this time, Li Youshan chatted with his family.

"Youshan, the youngest of the Long family, looks quite normal, not stupid!"

"Hai Hai was really stupid before, but in recent days, he should have opened his mind and returned to normal."

"Oh, then the lady of the Long family should be very happy. For the third child, the lady of the Long family begged the Wang family in a low voice."

"The Wang family can't do anything about this kind of thing. The panacea is so precious, how could it be given to a fool."

The Li family, let's chat a little about Li Dahai's situation.

Then, Li Youshan's mother said, "Shanzi, a few days ago, the Wang family asked a matchmaker to marry their seventh son to you."

"The seventh child of the Wang family?"

"Yes, that's..."


Before Li Youshan came home, the Wang family had already asked a matchmaker to come over and talk, and wanted to marry their daughter to him.

Li Youshan is also a fourth-class spiritual root, but now he is at the peak of the third level of Qi training, and within two years, he can definitely break through to the middle level of Qi training.

This kind of cultivation is naturally nothing in the Yushan sect, but in the Wang family, Li Youshan is a rare talent.

Moreover, everyone in the cultivation world knows that the offspring of monks with spiritual roots are more likely to have spiritual roots than the offspring of ordinary people.

The higher the level of the spiritual root, the higher the cultivation base, the higher the chance of future generations having the spiritual root.

However, it is more difficult for monks to produce offspring than ordinary people.

Otherwise, everyone can practice.

After Li Youshan and Long Dahai detected their spiritual roots, the children of the Long family and the Li family became the favorites of the rich and powerful in Dawang Township.

There are many people who want to marry and want to marry.


"This marriage is fine."

After thinking about it, Li Youshan agreed to the marriage.

However, as for the seventh son of the Wang family, he had to inquire in detail.

Monks don't have so many rules and regulations, and they can meet and communicate before marriage.

"Since Hai Hai is back to normal, what do you think of your younger sister Lao Wu?"

"The fifth one is only 12 years old."

"Can we make a marriage contract first? The fifth child is well-behaved and sensible. She is also a monk's younger sister. It is not a grievance to marry Dahai."

Li Youshan: "..."


Long Dahai didn't have so many things to do. After dinner, he was taken to the wing by a little girl.

After a brief wash, he returned to the house.

Take out an incense burner from the bag, insert a one-foot-long incense stick, and light it.

After a while, the room was filled with fragrance.

This fragrance makes people feel at ease and comfortable. This is the fragrance of concentration, and it is a sect item saved by Long Dahai.

Sitting cross-legged, Long Dahai began to meditate with his eyes open or closed.

Along the way, Long Dahai had already memorized the "True Explanation of Waterways", and now the formula is clearly displayed in his mind.

According to the Fa Jue and the explanation he heard from Chuanfa Pavilion, Long Dahai operated the exercises.

The aura swims from the lower dantian, and slowly circulates according to the route.

As the kung fu worked, Long Dahai felt a trace of water vapor condense around his body, and his consciousness extended, like an arm, blending into the water vapor.

Then, the consciousness returned, and a trace of spiritual energy joined the body, and it worked with the exercises.

Where the Li family lives, the aura is relatively weak, but it is just right for Long Dahai to get in touch with for the first time.

Long Dahai continued to absorb, assimilate, and circulate without any sense of stagnation.

At the same time, the understanding and perception of "The True Explanation of Waterways" is constantly deepening.

This made Long Dahai feel relaxed.

The mood is carefree, and the natural operation becomes more proficient and unimpeded.

Sitting quietly all night, he didn't open his eyes until the cock crowed.

"I used to meditate for an hour, and I would feel very sleepy, but now I can meditate for a night without hindrance."

Long Dahai felt his own cultivation, and he clearly knew that the meditation this night was equivalent to the previous three days of cultivation.This is still in a place where the aura is thin like the Wang family.

"I remember a master who built the foundation said that the Qi training period has been chewed and boiled by the cultivation world, but you have to realize it yourself when you practice."

"The level of spiritual root is different, and the spiritual energy absorbed every day is also different."

"A monk with a fourth-class spiritual root like me is assisted by a spirit stone. If I meditate for more than two hours a day, if I persist every day, I will have a chance to break through to a high level of Qi training before the age of 30."

Recalling the meditation time, Long Dahai's eyes flashed with light.

"I can definitely become a high-level monk in advance. However, it will take close to seven or eight years of hard work."

"This is just becoming a high-level one. It will take seven or eight years to complete it."

"This is still the best state."

"However, this is already comparable to the speed of third-class or even second-class spiritual roots."

Long Dahai was still a little happy.

However, he thought of the fourth son of the Wang family, who became a fourth-level Qi training monk in two years.

The pride that Long Dahai had had suddenly disappeared without a trace.

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