Chapter 409

For the first time in my life, the children of Aman had the experience of going into the water. To be precise, it was the first time they went down into the naturally flowing water. At first, they were actually a little resistant and even afraid.

Although he had already been on a boat in a canal in Gyeonggi-do before that, at that time, he was more interested in boats than in water, or in other words, he was so indifferent to the matter of going into the water that he had nothing to do with it. expected.

After all, I have seen the big painting boat in the Taiye Pond in the palace before, but I have never been able to sit on it, so I saw people chatting on the boat by the canal, and I kept clamoring for a boat experience. .

But going down into the lively and flowing stream, Xu Shi was always told not to do this and that not to do in the palace before. The little guy has never felt this thing before, and has never heard anyone mention it. Not interested, even when Zhou Heng encouraged him to put his feet into the water, he instinctively felt displeased. For this reason, his two chubby feet curled up and hooked around Lao Wu's waist, and his little hands tightly held him arm, he refused to go down.

This point, not to mention Zhou Heng, even the rest of the guards couldn't stand it any longer. They were all boys, and none of them came from rich or noble families. Who didn't jump into water when they were naughty when they were young?

In the end, after a long time, I actually saw a little boy who refused to go into the water. It seems that Miss Zhou's method is right. Today, the little prince must experience the folk life.

For this reason, the boss of the guard also frowned and looked at it, and then while pulling up his trouser legs, he greeted the second and the others:

"Let's go down first and show the young master a demonstration, so that he won't be afraid!"

This is a good idea. After hearing this, the rest of the people also rolled up their trousers and stepped into the water. The stream was not as cool as imagined, and even warmed. Everyone let out an uncontrollable sigh of satisfaction.

Seeing this, Zhou Heng quickly smiled and motioned the little guy to look into the water:

"Ah, look, the guards are all down, look at them, walking around in the water, isn't it fun? There are small stones underneath, do you want to go down and step on them too? It's slippery It's interesting!"

When I was in the countryside, there was such a small stream beside my grandmother’s house. The water was clear and there were many pebbles at the bottom. I even went to pick it with my friends and put it in a flower pot full of sunflowers on the windowsill. embellishment.

It's a pity that small stones and the like don't work for this deep palace prince, so Zhou Heng had to pretend to ask a few guards:

"Is there any fish in the water? Is it fun?"

The stream water is clear, but if you look carefully, there are groups of small fish swimming around in the water, and the ecological environment is too good. Although this little guy cares about the puppy now, the few big and small fish in the big tank Anyway, I still want to sprinkle some rice for feeding every day.

Fortunately, they were all young people. Although the guards felt that Zhou Heng's question was rather naive, but after all, it was for the sake of the little prince, so they also pretended to respond and started walking in the water, as if they were watching fish .

What the little guy liked before was that there were fish in the water. Now, after listening to Zhou Heng's words, and seeing the guards walking around in the water, it was quite amusing, so he tentatively went to the water. Li stretched his feet.

The water was warm, so Zhou Heng squatted down beside him, scooped up a little water and poured it on his instep to test it out. After seeing that he didn't shrink back, he tried to grab one of his feet and put it in the water.

The little guy lowered his head and watched his chubby little feet sticking into the water, and was caught by his aunt and patted the water surface a few times, making a "popping" sound, um, it seemed to be the same as sitting in the footbath at night Taking a shower is different.

So after Zhou Heng let go of his hands, the chubby feet continued to slap the water surface consciously, and gradually stretched into the water.

It's just that it's hard to hold his fifth son, who is still squatting by the stream at the moment, but he is tall, and now the little guy is bent over too much to fetch water, so he can't help hugging him a bit Seeing this, Zhou Heng took the little guy over and let him stand on the ground barefoot, rolled up his trousers and sleeves, and asked the fifth child to take off his shoes and go into the water:

"It's okay. The stream is so clear and shallow that it doesn't matter if you fall into it. It's too hard for you to hold him like this. You might as well hold him and go directly into the water."

Then he handed the little guy over and told him:

"Your elder brother and the others are all by your side, take it easy, there is a rock in the water over there, I think you can sit on it, so you hug Ah and hide it, and then let him go down into the water slowly, so that he can feel it too. "

A second child happened to be standing next to the big rock, and Zhou Heng saw that the water was very shallow, barely reaching his second's ankle.

Now that Ms. Zhou had spoken, the fifth child, who thought that the little prince should feel something, took the little guy, and began to walk carefully into the water with him in his arms:

"Little son, let's not be afraid, it's more fun over there!"

Zhou Heng also encouraged at the water's edge in a timely manner:

"It's okay, Man, my aunt is here to watch, and you can see if there are any small fish in the water over there."

Then he shouted to several guards:

"Oh, isn't it fun in the water?"

The few people understood what she meant, and hurriedly walked not far away while pretending to splash water with each other.

The scene was so tempting, the little guy looked at it, but in the end he didn't object, so the fifth child carried him to the stone, and then slowly put the little guy into the water by leaning on it.

The water is indeed quite shallow, barely above the little guy's knees, so the fifth child is still like teaching a child to walk, with both hands protecting the little guy's armpits, in case he slips and falls into the water, And the little guy stood there and didn't dare to move.

"Is it fun? It doesn't matter, Man, you hold on to the big rock and take a few steps to show your aunt!" Zhou Heng kept talking to him by the water. After all, everyone has their first time. Ordinary experience, other children have never experienced it before, and it is normal to be afraid.

Fortunately, after all, it is the nature of children to love to play, or in other words, children are quite adaptable. After standing for a short while holding the hand of the fifth child, the little guy took the first step bravely. I couldn't stop after taking this step. First, I held onto the boulder and turned around twice. While walking, I didn't forget to call Zhou Heng by the stream:

"Auntie, it's fun, you come too!"

Seeing this, Zhou Heng broke off a twig with leaves on the nearby tree, spotted it and threw it upstream to the little guy, and then shouted at him:

"Ah Man, hurry up, help Auntie get it back!"

For this glorious task of picking up branches, seeing it drifting towards him quickly, the little guy suddenly became nervous. Fortunately, with the help of a few big guards to surround him, he finally managed to leave the stone he was holding on to, and his hands fell from the The twig was intercepted in the water, and he immediately happily held up the wet branch to ask Zhou Heng for credit:

"Auntie, I found it!"

"Oh, we are awesome!" Zhou Heng applauded him loudly by the water, and took the opportunity to encourage him:

"Ah man, look in the water again, is there any fish?"

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