Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 82 11 Disposal

This is the incense and offerings accumulated by the Nine Turns Sword Dao Pool from generation to generation, and then merged into this sword pool as the ancestors of the past dynasties sat down.

The ground also shook violently, as if streams of sword energy were about to emerge from the ground.

But just when it was about to appear on the ground, a majestic spiritual consciousness enveloped all these sword qi.

It's like a huge palm, kneading the sword energy in the ground into a long river again, and being pulled out from the ground forcefully.

"How is this possible?" Ming Ling finally showed a look of panic.

Since practicing till now, he has never encountered the current situation, and was stunned for a moment.

The sword energy in the void trembled slightly, as if it was about to fall down the next moment...

Ming Ling finally came to his senses, and raised his hand to take back the remaining half of the ancient sword pool.

However, it was still a step too late.

All the sword energy in the sky seemed to be pulled by some force, and retracted into the void, and immediately turned into a long river, which was also pulled out.

The two long rivers are like water dragons, struggling violently, but they are of no help, and they are firmly imprisoned in the void.

At this moment, a mighty voice came from Nine Heavens.

"Nine-turn Holy Path Pond offended my Dadi Village first, and this ancient sword pool will be used as an apology."

As soon as the words fell, the two water dragons suddenly stopped struggling and turned into raindrops falling from the sky.

The sword bamboo forest in front of the Dadi Temple forms two pools of water, and the sword energy condenses and lingers, moistening the entire bamboo forest.

The majestic incense contained in it was also stripped out.

Silence, shock, unparalleled shock.

Whether it's Mingling, or everyone below, including monks from Dadi Village and foreign monks.

They were all shocked by the scene before them.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized that this place was not simply a cultivation village.

There are extremely strong people here that even the Jindan powerhouses of the Nine-Turn Saint Path Pool are hard to shake.

"Earth Village!"

"Earth Village!"

"Earth Village!"

The monks in Dadi Village raised their heads to the sky and howled.

At this moment, they truly regarded themselves as members of Dadi Village.

Li Cangshan was trembling, not from fear, but from excitement.

I was so excited that my heart jumped out of my throat.

"Hahaha, I finally hugged a thick thigh." He shouted in his heart.

As a casual cultivator, he was bullied everywhere outside.

Just because of his name, he was hunted down by the Cangshan Zhou family for more than 100 years.

If it weren't for some luck, even the bones would be rotten now.

Standing on the top of Lingshan Mountain, Linge witnessed this battle with his own eyes, and he was extremely horrified.

At the same time, he was a little rejoiced that he did not have any enmity with Dadi Village, and secretly decided in his heart that he must remove Xiao Zhu from the sect.

Xiao Zhu and Fan Yaxuan were equally astonished, the aggrieved and depressed hearts in their hearts disappeared at this moment, and there was only fear in their hearts.

There were also the three major monk army coalition forces, all of whom were stunned in place, with a deep look of fear in their eyes.

They also did not expect that such a terrifying powerhouse was hidden in such a small village of comprehension.

Don't talk about destroying them, even the power behind them is probably not enough to slap them in the face.

"No!" Mingling opened her mouth and spewed out a stream of blood, her body suspended in the void was crumbling.

"You guys... are deceiving people too much!"

"The sacred object of my Nine-turn Holy Path Pool cannot be peeped by others. I will definitely bring people to level this place..." Ming Ling raised her head to the sky and let out a sharp roar, which made her, who had a beautiful face, reveal a bit of ferocity.


Lin Qin's flat voice sounded, "In that case, then go to guard the fourth floor of the trial tower."

As soon as the words fell, a large illusory hand came out from the void, and twisted Ming Ling up.

No matter how hard she struggled, it was difficult for her to break free from the shackles of her hands, and she was stuffed into the fourth floor of the trial tower in the trial square under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Xiao Zhu, would you like to let you guard the third floor of the trial tower?"

Lin Qin's voice came out powerfully and reached everyone's ears.

Xiao Zhu trembled all over, and immediately lowered his head, "Student is willing!"

"very good!"

Unreal reappeared, twisted Xiao Zhu up, and threw him into the third floor of the trial tower.

"Fan Yaxuan!"

"The disciple is here!" Fan Yaxuan lowered her proud head, there was no stubbornness and arrogance in her eyes, but only deep awe.

"Today, I will give you two choices. One is to leave Dadi Village, and you will not be allowed to enter it for life; the second is to become the goddess of my Dadi Village, and you will have the complete inheritance of "Nine Turns of Sword Art."


Fan Yaxuan's delicate body trembled violently, and her body was on the verge of falling, as if she couldn't hold on and was about to fall down.

"Disciple... is willing to become the goddess of Dadi Village, and everything from now on will put the interests of the village first."

"Very good, I will pass on your complete "Nine-Turn Sword Art" today, and when your cultivation reaches the ninth level of the Yuangang Realm, you will take the place of Dadicun Sword and walk the world, challenge all fourth and fifth-rank sects, and achieve your goal Jindan Avenue." Lin Qin's voice came out again.

"Yes, disciple takes orders!" Fan Yaxuan knelt down on her knees.

"Moon River City!" Lin Qin's next words made the monk army on the side of Moon River City tremble, and a deep look of fear appeared in their eyes.

Facing such terrifying power, they didn't even have the courage to escape.

"Nian Er and others have not caused any major damage to Dadi Village, and they can leave by themselves after handing in one hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones."

"Yes, senior!"

No matter whether it was Mu Yang or Li Jihua, who dared to say no, turned in all the spirit stones obtained from the spirit stone secret realm this time, and ran away in despair with all the people, only wishing to lose two legs.

"Willow River Villa!"

"Senior!" Liu Zizai's body trembled, and he knelt on the ground, prostrating himself on the ground.

A group of family disciples behind him also knelt down one after another, their eyes full of fear.

"You join forces with the Cangshan Zhou family to surround our Earth Brother Army..." Lin Qin hadn't finished speaking.

Liu Zizai shouted loudly: "Senior, I, Liuhe Villa, didn't kill even one member of the Earth Cultivator Army, and I hope that senior will be punished lightly."

"Although you didn't kill them yourself, you also indirectly killed five members of the Earth Brothers Army."

"Now I will give you a chance!"

At the same time, a huge palm shot down from the void, turning everyone in Liuhe Villa into meat sauce.

Then the big hand grabbed it from the air, and the soul of the dead person was caught out.

Half of them are full of resentment.

To Lin Qin's surprise, Liu Zizai didn't feel any resentment.

"Ghost old man, take away the souls that have no grievances, and turn to the ghost way. The rest, put them in the soul banner, and refine them."

"Yes!" The old man gave a deep salute, turned into a black glow and swept away all the souls, disappearing without a trace.

"Cangshan Zhou family!"

Zhou Yuanyi and a man and a woman behind him all changed their expressions and knelt down together.


Lin Qin didn't give these people a chance to speak, a ball of fire fell from the sky, enveloping everyone from Zhou's family in Cangshan, burning for a quarter of an hour before the flames gradually extinguished...

Unremarkable grandfather

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