A series of piercing sounds sounded, and hundreds of sword qi shot up into the sky, heading towards the courtyard of Wang's house.

There were screams one after another, and the entire Wang family, more than a hundred people, died in just a few breaths.

"You...you bitch with a heart like a snake and a scorpion, I will never let you go!" The old man trembled all over, his eyes staring out of their sockets. If the eyeballs were very murderous, he would use them as hidden weapons without hesitation.

Zhao Xiaojie was expressionless, raised her hand and pointed out, a sword energy pierced the old man's eyebrows.

The entire Wang family was wiped out in an instant.

"Who is presumptuous in my Fanyun Town!" An old voice sounded, and a figure galloped in the sky.

Thanks to the Land Ranking Challenge, Fanyun Town's Real Condensation Realm powerhouses have not only grown from scratch, but also produced a lot more in a hundred years.

And this old man is one of the beneficiaries.

"The middle stage of the second level of the Condensed Realm!" Zhao Xiaojie raised her eyebrows, and then murmured, "Fanyun Town finally has its own Great Cultivator of the Condensed Realm?"

"However, today I'm afraid I'm going to die."

On Zhao Xiaojie's face, the complex emotions after the murder could not be seen at all. Instead, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his demeanor was particularly awkward.

"Little girl, what a vicious heart! What kind of grudge is it that made you slaughter the Wang family?" After seeing the situation of the Wang family clearly, the old man's wrinkled brows frowned even tighter.

"It's nothing more than a group of ants in the air-inducing environment. If you kill them, you'll kill them. What do you do?" Zhao Xiaojie reached out and wiped the storage bag at her waist, and a magic weapon of a long sword appeared in her hand.

"Little girl, today the old man will kill you here to comfort the spirits of the Wang family's hundreds of mouths in the sky." The old man let out a cold snort, and the breath spread around him, rolling towards the front.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" Zhao Xiaojie snorted coldly, took a step forward, and pointed at the long sword in her hand.

swoosh swish...

More than a dozen sword qi shot up into the sky, condensed into a long river in mid-air, and shot towards the old man.

The old man's face changed drastically, and he raised his hand to grab a round shield.

The round shield was only the size of a palm at first, but under the urging of true energy, it instantly became as tall as a person, blocking it in front of him.

Bang, bang, bang, four collisions in a row, the old man grabbed the big shield and kept retreating.

Finally, after the fifth collision, the large shield made an overwhelmed cracking sound.

Seeing that the situation was critical, the old man raised his hand and grabbed another talisman and crushed it directly. At the critical moment, he could barely block the river of sword energy.

However, the whole person was sent flying upside down, spurting blood wildly in mid-air.

A mocking look appeared on Zhao Xiaojie's face, the long sword in her hand shook lightly, the sound of the sword was melodious, and more than ten sword qi shot up into the sky.

"Have a frenzy!"

A figure soared into the sky and came towards this side rapidly.

"Zhu Zi dare!" Another strong man in the Condensation Realm took off into the air.

"Fanyun Town, you won't be allowed to be presumptuous!" An old woman in the Realm Condensation Realm soared into the sky at an extremely fast speed.

Zhao Xiaojie's complexion changed, and she cursed secretly, "Damn it, why are there so many great monks in the Realm Condensation Realm in Fanyun Town?"

Further away, a breath rises from the sky, and a young figure steps forward in the void.

"It's actually the fifth floor of Condensed Realm!" Zhao Xiaojie's expression became even uglier.

He thought that when he returned to Fanyun Town again, with his own cultivation, he would be able to crush everyone and do whatever he wanted.

Now it seems that not only has she improved, but the cultivation level of the entire Fanyun Town has also risen to a great level.

Without waiting for the No. 2 Condensed Realm expert to approach, she put away her long sword, and her figure soared into the sky, galloping towards the direction of Dadi Village.

"Since it doesn't work here, let's go to Dadi Village. I want to see who else in Dadi Village can stand up to me!"

"My silly brother should have been turned into a handful of loess long ago. No matter how good the skills are, without matching qualifications, it will be nothing but nothing."

"Perhaps, I should go to your grave to offer incense."

Zhao Xiaojie didn't go to Yunshan Valley Fang City, but went straight to Dadi Village. She couldn't wait to go to her brother's grave to show off.


Dadi Village is very lively today, with a large number of casual practitioners pouring in from all directions.

Because, tomorrow is the day when Dadi Commercial Bank and Yunshanfang City will hold a large-scale auction.

Within three kilometers of Dadi Village, Zhao Xiaojie felt her whole body sank, as if a mountain was pressing on her body, pressing her whole body to the ground.

"Forbidden Formation?" Zhao Xiaojie was startled.

The air-forbidden formation is a relatively high-end formation. In such a remote area, the teleportation formation was first discovered, and now the air-forbidden formation is encountered, and the scope is still so wide.

"Could it be that a powerful low-grade spiritual master is here?"

Both feet landed on the ground, the pressure on her body suddenly disappeared, Zhao Xiaojie thought to herself.

At this time, it was already close to Dadi Village, and there were more monks.

Zhao Xiaojie's arrival did not attract many people's attention.

Soon, they came to the entrance of the village.

"Huh, this doesn't seem to be the original entrance?" Zhao Xiaojie murmured.

"Little girl, this is the entrance to the new village, and the original Dadi Village is on the other side. However, monks are not allowed to enter and exit at will."

A monk passed by, heard her whisper, and explained something casually.

Zhao Xiaojie didn't think much about it, ignored the person who struck up a conversation, and went straight to the entrance of the village.

Far away, I saw two welcoming boys at the entrance of the village, a boy and a girl.

The man has delicate features and good looks.

The woman has a graceful figure and a graceful figure, which is several times better than her.

Zhao Xiaojie stared at the man first, and then at the woman. The more she looked, the more familiar they looked.

After walking in, when I saw the woman's face clearly, I was stunned in place.

His eyes were wide open, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Saint...Saint!" Zhao Xiaojie rubbed her eyes, thinking she had misread.

However, when the other party winked at him, he was sure that the person in front of him was Fan Yaxuan, the Saintess of Nine Turns Holy Path Pond.

This discovery made her back away in shock, almost bumping into the person behind her.

"What is the saint doing? As a welcome guest?"

Xiao Zhu had been to his Nine-Turn Saint Path Pond, and he was also a little concerned about this cute girl, so he recognized her at a glance and winked quickly.

"The demon of Sword Demon Mountain... Lord Mozi!"

Zhao Xiaojie also had some thoughts about this devil from Sword Demon Mountain, so she had a deep memory.

"What are they doing? Could it be that a very extraordinary person has come to Dadi Village, whose status even surpasses that of Sword Demon Mountain and Jiuzhuan Shengdao Pool?"

"How is this possible? It's just such a corner, where the birds don't shit, how can there be a big man!"

"No, I'm still standing still, let's see the situation!"

Thinking so in my heart, I settled down and walked towards the door without squinting.

No matter how the two of them winked, she pretended not to see it.

After walking the distance from the entrance of the village, the whole person collapsed, as if he had experienced a protracted battle, and his legs were weak.

Unremarkable grandfather

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