Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 573 Exchange of Seven Realm Flags, Changes in Cangcheng

The original body can be chosen according to needs, but it cannot be chosen at will.

While condensing the body of thunder for Zhou Tai, Lin Qin had already got the answer.

To reshape the body for others by exchanging the "original body", two conditions need to be met.

One is people who practice only one law from beginning to end.

Second, the principles of cultivation are limited to gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, and light and darkness, which are nine kinds.

The 36 laws of heaven and the six supreme laws are not among them.

Lin Qin had a feeling that once he forcibly molded someone into a body of time, he might perish on the spot.

At his level, many things don't need to be explained too clearly.

Waves of thunder passed through Zhou Tai's body, each time leaving a severe burning pain in his soul.

Lin Qin raised his hand again and took out a drop of the essence of the universe. He dropped it on Zhou Tai's soul and continued to repair the damaged soul.

In this way, three consecutive days passed.

Zhou Tai's soul was being roasted by thunder every moment.

Gradually, his soul began to merge with the surrounding Thunder.

And so, another month passed.

Zhou Tai's body gradually became the size of an adult, and he sat cross-legged in front of Lin Qin, constantly refining the thunder that merged into his body.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Qin took out another thunder ball and threw it over.

Suddenly, a vast thunder, not much weaker than before, suddenly exploded in his body.

Zhou Tai's illusory body trembled suddenly, and there was a slight cracking sound on the surface, showing faint signs of cracking.

Lin Qin was unmoved, and the lightning-type good fortune glazed beads flew out, suspended above Zhou Tai's head, and imprisoned his body firmly in place.

The role of good luck glazed beads is like a piece of steel wire mesh wrapped around broken porcelain, placing the broken porcelain to shatter.

At this moment, a vast dragon chant resounded in the sky.

Among the twirling clouds of incense, a real dragon of incense wishing power swims out of the cloud, and rushes towards Zhou Tai below.

Moments later, the True Dragon of Wishing Power plunged headlong into Zhou Tai's body.

A series of thunderbolts continued to swim on Zhou Tai's body, making dense crackling sounds.

The true dragon of incense and wish power that rushed into his body split into countless threads, spread out continuously, and began to completely merge with the surrounding thunder.

Just like that, another month passed by.

Zhou Tai's body has been completely solidified, and on the surface, he is no different from ordinary people.

Even the clothes on his body were made of thunder.

If outsiders touch it with their hands, the clothes on their bodies will turn into thunder.

Zhou Tai slowly opened his eyes and looked down at his hands.

With a light pinch, two groups of violent thunder spread out from both hands, making crackling and explosive sounds, with an astonishing momentum.


Lin Qin was sitting at a stone table not far away, sipping tea, nodded and praised.

"grown ups!"

Zhou Tai let go of the thunder in his hand, and was about to stand up from the ground.

It's just that he hasn't completely controlled his current body yet. Following his violent movements, thunderbolts scattered from all parts of his body, blasting the surrounding land into scorched deep pits.

"This..." Zhou Tai was taken aback.

"It's okay, you get used to your new body first." Lin Qin's soft voice came.

"Yes, my lord!"

Zhou Tai closed his eyes again, and began to get familiar with the power in his body.

Lin Qin was not in a hurry, and waited quietly while drinking tea.

About an hour passed, Zhou Tai opened his eyes again, and took a step.

This time, Thunder did not escape.

Then he took a few more steps, and quickly took full control of this body.

"Thank you sir for being perfect."

Zhou Tai came to Lin Qin and bowed deeply.

"Don't get too excited, it's only half done."

With a half-smile expression on Lin Qin's face, he stretched out his hand to grab it.

The Nine Heavens Thunder Bow, nine arrows, and more than a dozen thunder balls were all floating in the air.

"I separated your soul from the Nine Heavens Extreme Thunder Bow. You may die when you encounter a strong enemy in the future, but it also completely frees you from the shackles. You will not be bound by this bow in everything like before."

"These thunder balls are all separated from Wumaming's body. They are very useful for improving your cultivation. After absorbing them all, you may not be able to raise your cultivation to the Taoist realm."

As he spoke, Lin Qin stretched out his hand and swept all these things in front of Zhou Tai.


Zhou Tai looked excited and his eyes were full of gratitude.

"Take it, you deserve it."

"When you fully grow up, you can really help me."

"Yes, I will definitely live up to your high expectations."

Zhou Tai didn't evade any further excuses, and put away all his things.

The more you get, the more responsibility you need to bear.

"Go back to the mountain to retreat by yourself. When will you reach Wumaming's level, and when will you leave."

In today's chaotic form, only those who have cultivated to the Taoist realm have a certain right to speak.

"Yes, my lord!"

Zhou Tai didn't talk nonsense, and after giving a deep salute, he turned and left.

Lin Qin sat on the spot without moving, his spiritual consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and he muttered silently in his heart.

"Consume one billion incense points to exchange for a flag of the Seven Realms."

As soon as the thought came up, a wave of terrifying aura appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, like the sea, violently churning,

Immediately afterwards, a torrent formed, rushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and converged in front of Lin Qin.

As the torrent surges, intertwined and entwined.

Not long after, a small blue flag about two feet long appeared in front of Lin Qin.

On the flag, mysterious golden runes flickered violently.

Before Lin Qin stretched out his hand to grab it, it suddenly turned into a cyan light and shot up into the sky, sinking into a certain place underground in the Cangcheng Continent.

Even with the strength of Lin Qin's consciousness, after chasing him for a while, he lost the trace of the other party, and it was difficult to find him again.

Soon, he felt that the surrounding space was being squeezed.

The feeling is very slight, and it needs to be felt carefully to be noticed.

This process lasted for more than ten days before it gradually stopped.

Lin Qin still sat on the same spot, grasped from the air, buckled the space of the palm in front of him, and grasped it in the palm of his hand.

"The space has indeed become stronger than before, and it takes more power to tear it apart."

Lin Qin glanced at the value of the incense, and there were more than 130 billion.

Then they exchanged three flags of the Seven Realms again, consuming 30 billion incense points.

He also needs to leave 100 billion incense sticks in exchange for a breath of opening the sky.

Of course, now is not the best time to redeem the Opening Heaven Breath.

It needs to wait until the Qi refining reaches the ninth level of the Eternal Realm, and the body refining practice reaches the late stage of the Eternal Body.

There are a total of four flags of the Seven Realms, distributed in four places in the Cangcheng Continent.

This process lasted for more than a month, and the entire Cangcheng Continent gradually calmed down.

Lin Qin experimented several times and found that it became more difficult to cast the laws of time and space than before.

Even if he wants to tear apart the space, there will be a momentary delay.

When using Reverse Time, the consumption is even more terrifying.

Not only that.

The ground of Cangcheng Continent is also stronger, even a small stone is much stronger than before.

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