Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 556 The Lord of the Ninth Wheel Chapter

After realizing that the vitality of this person had not completely dissipated, Lin Qin stepped in from the dark hole without hesitation.

It fell from the gap between the staggered chains, all the way to the bottom.

The man was bound by chains and hung about three feet above the ground.

The chains passed through his withered body, and the flesh had grown together with the chains.

Lin Qin looked at this man, feeling a sense of dread in his heart.

A chain passed through the back of his head and out of the Tianling Cap. As the chain swayed slightly, the man's head also shook.

"who are you?"

Lin Qin observed for a moment and asked.

This person is not completely dead, there is still a little bit of vitality hidden deep.

Seeing that this person ignored him, Lin Qin didn't take it seriously, but observed the surrounding environment.

Just when he looked up, the criss-cross chains came into view.

"This is... the reincarnation lock array!"

Lin Qin was no longer terrified this time, but horrified.

The reincarnation lock soul array is not to lock the soul and prevent it from reincarnation, but...

"Jie Jie! I didn't expect you to know the reincarnation lock array!"

An abrupt voice sounded from inside the dried corpse, forming layers of magic sounds, echoing in this small space.

Lin Qin was not frightened by the sudden voice, but calmed down instead.

"Are you locked here by Master Tongtian?" Lin Qin asked.

The person who can arrange such a formation, I am afraid that the only one in the third era is Tongtian Taoist.

"Tongtian? Hahaha..."

The man didn't answer, but laughed wildly as if he had heard the funniest joke.

Let his originally little vitality be consumed again.

After laughing for a full quarter of an hour, the man's laughter gradually diminished, "Is he worthy?"

"Who are you?" Lin Qin asked again.

The man didn't answer, but said: "Since you can come here, I think Guiming Realm has been reconnected with Huangquan Road, and that villain Tongtian should have entered the world of fortune. Even if you know who I am, What's the use?"

"The reincarnation of the six realms will re-run, and the existing order will be broken."

"People who reincarnate will also be branded, and their life and death will be controlled by others."

"Samsara Locking Soul Formation locks both reincarnation and soul... Hahaha..."

As the man spoke, he laughed again.

The laughter is full of desolation and vicissitudes.

"Who is that person you're talking about? Master Tongtian doesn't have such a great ability." Lin Qin asked sharply with a cold look in his eyes.

When he looked at this formation, he had some guesses in his heart.

It's just that this guess is bold enough that he himself can't believe it.

If it is as expected, among the nine stone pillars, this person is the one who is sealed.

"Of course he doesn't have the ability..."

The man's voice gradually decreased, as if the remaining vitality was not enough to support him to continue speaking.

"Thinking of my reincarnation Taoist master, after nine reincarnations, I still can't escape the calculation..."

"Reincarnated again and again, banned again and again."

"The more you want to break that person's scheme, the deeper you will sink in. Instead, you will facilitate this terrifying conspiracy step by step."

As the man spoke, his voice gradually became inaudible.

The last bit of vitality was completely cut off.

"Samsara Taoist, this person is actually the Samsara Taoist."

"Moreover, nine times of reincarnation, every time you become a Taoist master, you will be arrested and banned here."

"Who is it? Who has such terrifying power?"

Lin Qin felt a chill hit his forehead, and with his current physical strength, he couldn't help shivering.


At this moment, the stone pillar shook slightly, numerous cracks spread all over it, and then the whole thing collapsed.

The chains that locked this person lost their support and fell from the sky one after another.

In the process of falling, it turned into pieces and scattered.

When all nine stone pillars collapsed, the lamps placed on each stone pillar fell one after another, and then stopped a foot above the central vortex.

Strips of light shoot out from the lamps and connect with each other, forming a complicated formation above the vortex.

Immediately afterwards, the space formations that isolated the outside of this space were shattered one after another.

A Yellow Spring Road, like a beam of light extending from a distance, is connected with the formation.

The wandering souls walking on Huangquan Road stepped into the formation one after another and disappeared.

With these wandering spirits, keep entering.

A strand of Yellow Spring escaped from the vortex and began to spread towards the surroundings.

Soon, the formation above will be submerged.

After about a stick of incense, balls of light surfaced from the underworld.

When these spheres of light appeared, the wandering spirits began to selectively enter the spheres of light.

Lin Qin's expression finally changed.

These are not real light spheres, but worlds, universes.

Lin Qin even saw the world of Cangcheng.

As soon as Cangcheng World appeared, he sensed it.

But before he could take a closer look, the ball of light representing the world of Cangcheng exploded with a pop, and disappeared.

"Someone is using the reincarnation lock array to rebuild the six reincarnations, and it started a long time ago."

"It should be more than that, that person seems to want to integrate the universe into one."

Lin Qin suddenly thought of the fragments of the fairy world that fell into the world of creation.

It is impossible for the fragments of the fairy world to fall into the world of creation for no reason, and there must be someone behind it.

Suddenly, Lin Qin saw a wandering spirit coming from a distance.

He is very familiar with this person's appearance, it is exactly his appearance in the previous life.

"This...how could...is it a coincidence?"

He didn't feel that his three souls and seven souls were lost, but when this wandering soul appeared, he saw it immediately, as if he was born with a sense of existence.

Lin Qin pondered for a moment, and then he used his supernatural powers, and the Hongqiao under his feet extended to the feet of the wandering soul, pulling him over.

The Wandering Soul suddenly seemed to lose its direction, and began to circle back and forth on the Hongqiao.

"Take that road to hell and explore the end of life, and you will find that everything has returned to the original point..."

The jargon resurfaced in Lin Qin's mind, and he couldn't help saying it in a low voice.

The next moment, Lin Qin raised his hand and grabbed the wandering soul.

At this moment, corpses emerged from the underworld.

Float on the water, rising and falling with the waves.

At a glance, Lin Qin was shocked again.

These corpses are extremely powerful, and the aura they exude is quite astonishing.

At least it is the initial stage of the Holy Spirit.

What's even more strange is that these corpses are quite well preserved, without any decay.

If it weren't for the pale complexion, it would be almost like a living person.

A terrifying aura suddenly appeared behind Lin Qin, he turned around suddenly, and saw a familiar figure appearing on Huangquan Road, and walked away slowly towards this side.

There seemed to be a weight of ten thousand weights on this person, and every time he took a step, the road to the underworld trembled.

"The corpse of the ancient emperor, he actually ran here too."

The Taoist Lord of Nine Reincarnations is free to read.

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