Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 4 Little 4 is so pitiful

The four-eared tiger's body was like lightning, and its body exuded a fierce and sturdy aura. Its big copper bell-like eyes showed a bloodthirsty red light.

All the villagers in the square knelt down on the ground, trembling with fear.

They are all ordinary people, where have they seen such terrifying beasts.

Even the strongest Li Tiezhu, Zhang Daniu and others turned pale with fright.

The Earth Temple was originally on the mountain, and the tiger swooped down from the foot of the mountain and stopped at the edge of the square.

So much food, so fresh food...

The four-eared tiger moved forward gracefully, but the saliva pouring out of its big gaping mouth showed that it could no longer hold back and was about to attack.

Only when I saw the four-eared tiger up close did I realize how big it was. It was three times bigger than an ordinary tiger and full of oppression.

The villagers in the square were all frightened and dumbfounded. The child was covered by his parents, tears were streaming down his face, and his eyes were full of fear.


A roar spread all over the field, announcing that all these foods belonged to it.

The sound was like thunder and rolling, like a strong wind sweeping, flying sand and rocks.

"What's it called? Noisy!"

A voice suddenly appeared in its mind, causing it to stop crying abruptly, looking around blankly, not finding the owner of the voice, which made it even more annoyed.

Food, only food can extinguish the anger in Benhu's heart.

With a fierce light in his eyes, he flew towards the nearest villager.

Its body is huge, and its strength is extremely powerful. With a light leap, it is three feet into the air, forming a huge shadow covering the past.

"a slap!"

Lin Qin's voice came out again, and his spiritual consciousness condensed into a huge palm invisible to the naked eye in mid-air, and slapped it towards the four-eared tiger.


An incomparably clear slap sounded, and the four-eared tiger was hit by everything, and its huge body flew upside down, falling more than ten feet away, shaking the ground.

The four-eared tiger only felt dizzy, tinnitus and dizziness, and could not find the north.

The villagers in the square were stunned by this change, and then they realized that they kowtowed to the statue for a while.

Incense value +1, +1, +1...

The four-eared tiger stood up shaking its head, the anger in its heart was completely ignited, and it roared angrily again, and the fierce light in its eyes became even more fierce.


Lin Qin let out a cold snort, condensed his slap again, and slapped it.


There was another clear slap, and the four-eared tiger was sent flying again.

This time, the force was even greater, causing it to bleed from its seven orifices, and its head almost exploded. This was because Lin Qin didn't kill him.

This... is the terrifying existence among human beings?

Even though it is not very intelligent, it also understood that it had encountered a strong man. After getting up from the ground, it whimpered and prepared to run away with its tail between its legs.

How could Lin Qin let it go, and slapped him again.

This time, it was drawn in the opposite direction.

This slap was even more powerful, and the four-eared tiger was thrown backwards, and landed at the entrance of the temple, making a pit on the ground.

"I didn't want to trouble you at first, but when it came to your door, it could only become food." Lin Qin's voice appeared in the four-eared tiger's mind.

"I...my meat is not tasty. There are... more delicious ones." The four-eared tiger actually had a bit of wisdom, knowing that now is a critical moment of life and death.

"You bastard, you actually gave birth to wisdom, anyway, let's hear it, maybe I will really let you go."

"Deep in the mountains, there are...delicious beasts, the meat...more fragrant...bigger!"

Lin Qin was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that there were really fierce beasts in the mountains.

Fierce beasts are the same as monks in the Qi-Entraining Realm, they are divided into nine levels, and Fierce Beasts are equivalent to the existence of monks in the Qi-Entraining Realm.

"How many levels?"

"No... I don't know!"

"The flesh and blood of ferocious beasts have a great nourishing effect on ordinary mortals. Long-term consumption can also improve the aptitude of future generations." Relevant information emerged in Lin Qin's mind, and then he smiled lightly.

"Kneel down, surrender, and then lead that beast here, and I will spare you."

The four-eared tiger hesitated for a moment, got up from the ground, knelt on the ground with all four limbs, lowered its proud head, and whimpered.

Seeing this bizarre scene, all the villagers in the square were dumbfounded in shock.

"Miracle, this is definitely a miracle!"

"My Dadi Village is really blessed by gods and gods, and even fierce beasts have to surrender!"

"Earth Temple must enshrine the true god..."

"Worship the true God!"

"Worship the true God!"

The outsiders who had been skeptical before saw this scene and had to believe it.

The so-called hearing is believing, seeing is believing, how can things that are actually happening in front of you be false?

More and more people came from afar, knelt on the square, and paid homage to the Earth Temple.

Incense value +1, +1, +1...

Lin Qin suppressed the excitement in his heart, and transmitted the voice to the four-eared tiger again: "Go, attract the beast, if you dare to escape, I will beat you to death!"

The four-eared tiger whimpered and ran into the forest with its tail between its legs.

Lin Qin sneered in his heart, and his spiritual sense followed closely.

Immediately, another slap came over.


The four-eared tiger screamed and flew out. This time, it was not injured, and got up and ran wildly.

Not long after, Lin Qin slapped him again, and the four-eared tiger screamed again and flew out.

On this side, Lin Qin didn't stop until the four-eared tiger ran five kilometers away.

He did this to leave an indelible imprint on the opponent's heart so that he would not dare to resist his orders.

If it hides in the deep mountains, there is really no way in the short term.

The four-eared tiger ran wildly all the way, and stopped only after returning to the residence. It was so exhausted that it was out of breath, its limbs went limp, and it almost knelt down.

I walked around the spot several times with my tail between my legs, and looked into the depths of the mountain several times, feeling hesitant in my heart.

Immediately, thinking of the horror of human beings, he whimpered again, and took a difficult step towards the depths of the mountain.

"Benhu... so... pitiful!"

"Humans... so... scary!"

The four-eared tiger was thinking as he proceeded cautiously.

When it reached the fifteen-kilometer area, a seemingly invisible crisis surrounded the surroundings, making it shiver involuntarily, and fear appeared in its eyes.

"Human... ferocious beast?"

"Fierce beasts... Humans?"

"Human!" Soon, it made up its mind and favored the human side.

After making up his mind, he felt a little more courage in his heart, and when he raised his head, he let out a howl.

The mountain forest was awakened at once, countless birds fled into the air, and the sound of animals fleeing in the grass was also heard.

"Food...a lot of food...not mine...damn..."

"Snatch...all of them!"

The periphery of the mountain was severely affected by the drought, causing a large number of wild animals to flee to the deep mountains.

Coupled with the frequent predation of the four-eared tiger, the beasts have become extinct.

Discovering that there is so much food here, the anger in the four-eared tiger's heart surged up, and it couldn't help but let out another angry roar.

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