These space sword qi did not choose to kill the insect swarm, but planted it into its body.

A ray of light came through the air and stuck to the roof of the four-corner gazebo, and the last fragment finally returned to its place.

The pavilion at the four corners shook slightly, and all the runes lit up, forming a more complicated regular pattern.

The barrier formed by the boundary rules lit up and began to spread rapidly towards the surroundings.


Outside Mingli City, Chi Ke was slapped flying with a palm, and a sunken palm print appeared on his chest.

Blood spurted from his mouth even more, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

"This is definitely a strong man at the ninth level of the Heavenly Dao Realm."

On the far horizon, an unreal world reflects the void.

This is a powerful existence that is about to step into the Shaping Realm.

"Dare to touch my Zhang family, you are looking for death, no matter which faction you come from, you will be annihilated under the anger of this seat!"

The mighty voice sounded again, forming a storm blowing from a distance.

Chi Ke hovered in mid-air, looked in the direction of the sound, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Ants who haven't stepped into the Shaping Realm are all ants, and only the Heavenly Dao Realm, let's see if I don't crush you to death."

After saying this, he turned around and ran away without looking back.

"Junior who speaks wild words, you are looking for death!"

There was an angry voice from the other party in the distance, and another palm appeared and patted Chi Ke.

The surrounding free laws were all grasped in the palm of this palm, wrapped in boundless evil spirit, stirring up the world.

Chi Ke's heart jumped wildly, and the heaven and earth furnace turned into balls of flame law, leading him away quickly, like a shooting star across the sky.

However, the palms are getting closer.

Chi Ke only felt that the space around him was gradually solidifying, and the speed of his escape was also affected, gradually slowing down.

"Ignorant ants, die!"

The palm of the hand gradually enlarged in front of Chi Ke, and the fingertips shot out golden laws, blocking all directions.

Chi Ke's whole body was full of fairy energy, his blood was surging, and he sacrificed the coffin nails with all his strength.

A black light suddenly appeared and shot into the palm of the giant palm.

With a bang, the giant palm was shaken and retreated hundreds of feet.

"What magic weapon is this?"

A suspicious voice came, and the distance was getting closer.

"Look at me cutting your luck."

Chi Ke shouted loudly, and sacrificed the coffin nails for the second time.

The coffin nail turned into a black light and disappeared in a flash, sinking into the palm of the giant palm again.

"How brave!"

There was another surprise in the distance, and a curse force had already attached to his body through the connection between the opponent and the giant palm.

The giant palm shook again, and then grabbed it at an even faster speed.

Chi Ke had just taken back the coffin nails, and before he could take them out, his palms were already pressed down.


In the distance, a thunderous arrow shot through the air.

The arrows are entangled with six-color thunder, and the six laws of thunder are intertwined with each other.

Wherever the arrow passed, dark clouds were densely covered, and thunder flickered.

After the arrow, there was a jet-black blade light.

The sword light brought a strong sonic boom, as if the sky was split.

Above the sword and knife, there is a round of bright moon reflecting the night sky.

And another round of bright moon complement each other.

Followed by two fists and two feet, a huge golden wheel is set on it.

On each golden wheel, there is a big Buddha sitting cross-legged, with Sanskrit sounds faintly flowing.

Several attacks on Jinji Lake hit the giant palm at the same time, making it slightly stagnant, and then criss-cross cracks appeared, which exploded immediately.

Chi Ke was blown away by the powerful explosion force, blood gushing from his mouth.

"This is murder!"

Chi Ke let out a strange cry, did not dare to stop at all, and galloped crazily.

The giant palm dissipated, and the people behind him did not intend to give up.

A more terrifying aura soared into the sky, chasing after everyone.


For the sea worm nest, several beams of space sword energy came from a distance.

Ji Chen felt the chill all over his body, so he immediately sacrificed the Taoist Talisman, forming layers of protection around him.

Immediately afterwards, several explosions exploded in front of Ji Chen.

The space sword energy almost penetrated the protection formed by the Dao Talisman.

And his whole body was constantly blown away, and he was beaten thousands of feet away.

"This kind of sword energy contains the law of space and cannot be resisted."

Ji Chen was terrified, and no longer cared about looking for opportunities, he turned around and ran away.

Around him, there are also many light escapes galloping.

From time to time, some people were directly shot down by the sword energy, and then never appeared again.

The monks who were still in the nest of the sea worms suffered fatal attacks one after another, and all fled in the direction of Fangshi.

Lin Qin was also among these people, but he seemed to be able to do a job with ease, with every step he took, he covered a distance of thousands of feet.

"Hey, why is Ji Chen here?"

He sensed a breath, and after searching with his divine sense, he found that it was Ji Chen.

With a flick of his figure, he disappeared in place and appeared beside Ji Chen.

The latter was first surprised, then overjoyed.

"grown ups!"

"A scary guy has appeared in the sea worm nest. I will send you out first, and then pass the news to other peaks in Cangcheng, so be careful."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ji Chen to reply, he raised his hand and grabbed a talisman, and patted it on Ji Chen's arm.

A ray of light shot up into the sky, and Ji Chen's figure disappeared in place in an instant.

Just after he disappeared, a transparent light curtain moved from a distance, covering more and more regions.

"The speed is so fast, the rule treasure is really extraordinary!"

Lin Qin turned around, looked in the direction where the light curtain was rising, and couldn't help admiring.

"However, it can't make you so smooth."

As soon as the words fell, the consciousness scrolled, and void runes emerged around, scrolling all over the sky.

Then two long rivers formed and spread towards both sides.

Lin Qin kept retreating, and the void formations flew out densely.

The two long rivers formed are getting bigger and bigger. When the light curtain is about to approach, the two long rivers finally close together, forming a complete circle around the light curtain.

"Wanliu returns to the clan formation, get up!"

All the void patterns lit up, like stars in the starry sky, emitting dazzling light.

In the next moment, all the formation patterns were connected to form a large formation.

Then there was a loud bang.

The outwardly expanding light curtain collided with the formation of Wanliu Guizong, stirring up layers of intense turbulence.

The boundary wall formed by the boundary rules and the protective light curtain of the Wanliu Guizong Formation collided with each other, rubbed violently, and made continuous clicking sounds.

The ground trembled, and cracks appeared one after another.

Insects all over the mountains appeared in front of the boundary wall and roared lowly towards the Wanliu Guizong formation.

At this moment, the four-corner pavilion soared into the sky, suspended on the top of the boundary wall, and the regular aura spread out one after another, squeezing the Wanliu Guizong Formation to make a crackling sound.

The entire nest of sea worms also began to tremble slightly, as if to form a certain resonance with the four-corner pavilion.

"This nest of sea worms...could it be this person's world?"

As soon as this thought came to Lin Qin's mind, the Wanliu Guizong Formation made a crackling sound, then exploded and dissipated quickly.

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