Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 382 Rule treasure, the war continues

This is a broken four-cornered pavilion, and the runes on the tiles are connected to each other to form a complex rune.

However, this rune is still incomplete, and several places are missing.

Even so, it still exudes a strong regular atmosphere.

This is a rule treasure.

In addition to the six levels of magic weapon, treasure weapon, spiritual weapon, Tao weapon, real weapon, immortal weapon and divine weapon.

There are acquired treasures, congenital treasures, regular treasures, and fortune treasures.

The last four types of magic weapons are not the level of magic weapons.

It's a level difference.

Most of the acquired treasures are acquired, with traces of artificial refining.

As for innate treasures, most of them are conceived by themselves from heaven, material and earth treasures, some are strong and some are weak.

Some were born when the sky was opened, and some were gradually conceived later.

These two types of magic weapons will be imprinted with the laws of a certain world, and their birth often requires the complete laws of heaven in the world.

In the world of good fortune, it is impossible to give birth to innate treasures and acquired treasures.

And rule treasures are generally evolved from the rules themselves, not limited to a complete world.

In terms of strength, it is stronger than innate treasures and acquired treasures.

And the treasure of good fortune is the real thing that opened the sky.

It existed from the beginning of the birth of the whole world.

The world referred to here is the entire world of all things, not the world of good fortune, or the fairy world.

And the four-cornered gazebo that appeared in front of him was a regular treasure.

It's just that its rules are incomplete and incomplete.

But it still exudes a palpitating breath.

A series of regular lines spread out in all directions, forming a huge umbrella, covering the entire valley and the surrounding area with a radius of three kilometers in an instant.

"This is... the boundary rules!"

Lin Qin looked at the regular lines on the top of his head, his expression slightly moved.

There is no essential difference between rules and laws.

Any law is a kind of rule.

A rule is a collection of rules.

For example, reincarnation can be called a law or a rule.

It is a new law born out of the combination of the law of creation and the law of death, which we call the law of reincarnation.

And it itself is a kind of rule, which can also be called the rule of reincarnation.

The boundary rules are more complicated.

But its essence is the law of space.

Immediately afterwards, a pitch-black shadow floated out of the valley.

It has no fixed shape, it looks like a cloud of black mist, but if you look closely, it looks like a cloud of transparent liquid.

Moreover, its volume and aura are constantly changing.

The God-devouring Insect let out a sharp neigh, and the four pairs of eyes under its belly shot out fierce rays of light.

Tentacles stretched out one after another, interweaving into a large net, and spreading towards the surroundings.

After a while, the tentacles touched the umbrella surface in the sky.

The tentacles suddenly jumped straight and pierced towards the umbrella surface.

There were layers of space ripples inside the umbrella, and there were continuous explosions inside.

The tentacles that pierced the umbrella surface were blown off one by one, and countless space blades shot out from the umbrella surface, circling and gathering in the sky, and flying towards the location of God Devourer and Lin Qin.

God Devouring Insect's expression was furious, and its tentacles danced wildly, turning into dense whip shadows, and whipped them over.

A series of space blades were exploded.

Then, these tentacles intertwined and drew to the umbrella surface in the sky.

There was a bang, the sky trembled, and the ground shook.

Some bugs that wanted to approach were directly shocked to death.

The laws of space spread around Lin Qin's body, forming layers of isolated spaces.

Those space blades bombarded his space law, tearing apart layers of space.

Lin Qin didn't dodge or dodge, the Immortal Emperor's body moved all over his body, and his majestic energy swam around his body.

In the end, they gathered in the palms of their hands and raised their hands to grab them in the air.

This is not any kind of law, but a kind of power born in the body.

With this grasping, the space within a radius of one zhang in front of him was directly captured, and it was stripped from the world of creation.

The space blade light in this area collapsed immediately.

The space blade that followed immediately hit the captured space.

There was a loud bang, and the space exploded first, then shrunk towards the middle.

Absorb all the energy generated by the explosion, and then return to calm.


The battle in Mingli City was still going on. Except for Chi Ke, none of the troops from Cangcheng's side showed up, but the attacks continued continuously.

Chi Ke's body was shining with golden light, and he stepped out of the air with his hands behind his back.

"It's just a Taoist realm, if you dare to make a move in front of me, you will be punished!"

Chi Ke raised his right hand and pointed far away, and a jet-black iron nail shot out from his fingertip.

This coffin nail was only half a foot long, and as soon as it appeared, it was haunted by wisps of curse power.

The coffin nails turned into a black glow, spanning a distance of thousands of feet in an instant, piercing through the light curtain of the city's moat, and before the Taoist Elder of the Zhang family could react, it was nailed into the center of his eyebrows among.

The power of the curse is mixed with the powerful aura to tear the opponent's soul into pieces.

Another Dao Shaping expert from the Zhang family has fallen!

"What magic weapon is this?"

Seeing the coffin nail, the surrounding monks all took a few steps back, feeling extremely uncomfortable in their hearts.

Chi Ke stood in the air and waved his hand.

The black light of the coffin nails flashed and disappeared instantly.

This is the space array set up by Lin Qin, which can retrieve this magic weapon from a long distance.

"Who will die next?" Chi Ke's back of his head was shone with a golden light, forming a round of golden suns.

This is the exercise he asked Zhao Chuan for, and it doesn't have much power, the only characteristic is to pull the wind.

As soon as he said this, the expressions of all the people gathered around Zhang Wei changed drastically.

Whether it was the Xiaoyue arrow hanging above his head or the coffin nail in Chi Ke's hand, they were all absolute killers.

Zhang Wei didn't dare to really release the yin-yang wheel of life and death, and while cursing inwardly, he waved his hand.

The two moon wheels rolled back, one aimed at the Xiaoyue arrow in the sky, and the other at Chi Ke.

At the same time, he raised his hand again and took out a magic weapon.

This is a piece of copper foil with a landscape painting on it.

When the copper foil flew out, it turned into a small world.

Its inner scenery changes, the sun and the moon alternate, and even the cycle of life and death can be seen.

This small world slammed down hard towards a mountain in the distance.

The Xiaoyue arrow plummeted down from the sky again, and collided with a pale crescent moon, sending out a shocking roar.

The large moat below made another click, and a wide opening appeared.

On the other side, Chi Ke was directly blasted away by the bloody crescent moon. Even though his physical body was strong, he was also beaten to the point of spurting blood.

However, when he did it deliberately, all the blood turned golden yellow and shot out.

In the distance, a huge shield suddenly appeared, covering half of the sky.

A series of mysterious and unpredictable runes lit up on it, and exuded an ancient aura...

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