Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 378: Three-character mantra and supernatural power: "Seal" character decision

Where the first dies, there is a second.

Soon, monks died one after another, and their bodies fell to the ground one after another!

Even the powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao Realm can only delay their death time.

As more monks died, the cracks in the ground became bigger and bigger, and the escaping breath became more terrifying.

"What should we do now? Going on like this is not the answer."

The elder of Wanrenzong couldn't help shouting.

They were the closest and had the most dead monks.

Moreover, this world is collapsing, and the space is shrinking, and it will soon spread here.

At that time, everyone will be killed by the breath of silence.

"The exit is under the crack!"

At this moment, someone yelled.

The sound appeared very strange, it seemed to come from cracks, and it seemed to come from all directions.

Only Xia Jinliang who was close to Lin Qin turned to look at him.

"The exit is under the crack!" Many people also shouted.

True or not, someone has an answer anyway.

Soon, someone made a decision and rushed towards the crack.

During this process, people kept falling and people joined in.

Immediately afterwards, some monks discovered that fewer and fewer people died.

That terrifying aura is rapidly fading away.

With this discovery, more monks jumped down the crack.

Lin Qin also followed among the crowd, jumping from the crack into the deep underground.

Below is a huge underground space, and the surrounding cave walls are all engraved with runes.

It's just that all of them are cracked right now, losing their original function.

In the center of this underground space, there is a door suspended. Many people stop in front of the door, not daring to approach it.

"This world is about to shatter. Once you step into the gate, you can leave."

Another voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing this voice, a monk subconsciously stepped into the door, and his figure disappeared immediately.

With the first, there is the second, the third...

Soon, most of the monks also rushed into the gate.

Lin Qin also followed behind these people and rushed in.

The surrounding scenery changed, and everyone reappeared in the big lake before.

However, all the water in the lake disappeared, and everyone stood in the quagmire at the bottom of the lake.

And that ancient formation has also disappeared, revealing a deep pit the size of a room.

At the bottom lay a large door, the frame of which was all broken, and the door was riddled with cracks.

However, everyone had not had time to rejoice in their escape from the dead.

A shrill scream resounded from the crowd. The man's death was the same as before, and the soul was pulled out of his body.

It was only then that everyone discovered that there was a golden bug with a size of five or six feet lying on the shore of the lake.

There are eight eyes on the abdomen, four on each side, and they are staring at everyone with fierce eyes.

On its body surface, more than a dozen law tentacles constructed by the divine consciousness sway in the wind.

Each tentacle shot out, hooking a monk's primordial spirit out of his body.

"This is a God Devouring Insect!"

Many people exclaimed, everyone has seen God Eater.

But this is the first time I have seen such a big one with such a ferocious appearance.

"Junior brother, let's go!" Xia Jinliang's face was as pale as paper, and his figure flickered, and he came to Lin Qin, grabbed his arm, and fled towards the distance.

As soon as they moved, everyone else also moved, fleeing in all directions.

The God-eating Insect let out a loud and clear neighing, and the tentacles of the divine consciousness on its body exploded, increasing from more than ten to nearly a hundred.

These tentacles flew in the air and rolled towards nearly a hundred people.

This included Lin Qin and Xia Jinliang.

Seeing the tentacles of spiritual consciousness approaching, Xia Jinliang's expression immediately panicked.

Immediately, he gritted his teeth, raised his hand and grabbed a teleportation talisman, and slapped it on Lin Qin's back.

Before Lin Qin could react, the teleportation talisman was activated immediately, trying to teleport him away.

Lin Qin was amused in his heart, but he also admired this silly woman a little bit.

Unfortunately, she paid by mistake after all.

The laws of space surged around him, and Lin Qin delayed the transmission time by a breath.

Raising his hand and grabbing it, a space barrier shrouded Xia Jinliang's whole body.

Then, he tossed her casually, not knowing where to throw her.

When the woman disappeared, Lin Qin was also teleported out.

However, halfway through, he broke free from the void and fell from mid-air.

Looking around, I found that it was not far from the scene of the incident.

Immediately, he fled in the direction of the God Devouring Insect.

But before he arrived, a huge "Feng" character appeared in the sky and pressed downward.

"Is this... the three-character mantra?"

The first thing Lin Qin thought of was the word "seal" in the sealing formation.

The three-character mantra supernatural power was not a powerful supernatural power in the fairy world during the third calamity measurement.

Because this supernatural power was comprehended from the Zhutian Brush.

And the person who comprehended this supernatural power was also the former owner of Zhu Tianbi.

Lin Qin paused, blended his figure into the void, and fled in the direction where the three-character mantra appeared.

Soon, he came nearby.

It is a strong man in the heaven realm of the three sects, who is being chased and killed by the god-eating insects.

As soon as the word "seal" fell, one person would vomit blood, and the magic weapon was shattered.

"This ancient god-eating worm not only survived, but also comprehended the "seal" formula in the three-character mantra. Could it be that its owner is the same person as the former owner of the Zhutian pen?"

"Or, that person wanted to be reborn through this method? But, like the master of Zhendao Mountain, he failed in the end?"

Lin Qin felt that it was very possible that such a god-eating worm was created only when it failed.

At this moment, the eight eyes of the God-devouring Insect all stared at him.

"Oops, it's after me!"

Lin Qin thought something was wrong in his heart, stepped out with one step, shrinking the ground into an inch to cast, disappeared in an instant, and appeared in the distance.

With a slap, there was a sound of a long whip whipping where it was originally.

After one move, God Devourer saw that Lin Qin had no choice but to change his target.

It was eyeing Li Dou, the third elder of the Insect Control Sect.

More than a dozen tentacles of spiritual consciousness stretched out crazily, sweeping towards Li Dou, and completely fixed the space around him.

"Damn it!" Li Chao scolded angrily, the laws of his body surged, a black shadow emerged, and a clone of the Chaos Worm appeared.

He tried to use the ability of the Chaos Worm clone to simulate the breath of the God-eating Worm.

Unfortunately, this time he miscalculated.

More than a dozen tentacles of spiritual consciousness bound him tightly.

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the tentacles also abandoned the others, and all extended over.

Among them, a tentacle that was completely solidified like flesh and blood came to the top of Li Dou's head.

A suction came out, and the clone of the Chaos Bug hidden in his body was directly sucked out.

"What it needs is a clone of the Chaos Bug!"

At this time, Lin Qin understood.

The reason why it found him was also because of the existence of the Chaos Bug clone.

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