Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 376 The world behind the closed door

Lin Qin didn't resist, and let the suction pull him into the door.

This is a world with broken rules, one after another of sharp sword energy, like a gust of wind, sweeps across the whole world.

As soon as Lin Qin appeared, there was a slash of sword energy.

The sword qi is lingering with the laws of the way of the sword, and there are lights and shadows flowing in it, reflecting a former world.

Lin Qin raised his hand a little, and there was a crisp clang, and the sword energy shattered, turning into countless fragments and flying in all directions.

Screams sounded from all over the world.

These are the three monks who have just been sucked in here.

The figures were split in half by the sword energy.

As soon as Yuanshen escaped, he was struck by a sword qi again, smashing it to pieces.

One by one, the God-eating Insects crawled quickly towards the center of the ground, making a rustling sound.

They were not attacking the monks, even if they attacked them, they would not fight back, and crawled forward quickly on their own.

A bang sounded beside Lin Qin, and a sword energy near him was knocked away.

"Junior brother, be careful, follow me!"

Then a clear and beautiful voice sounded, it was Xia Jinliang.

Immediately afterwards, several sword qi flew over.

Xia Jinliang scolded coquettishly, the whole body surged, and a magic weapon with a long whip appeared in his hand.

With a bang, the long whip snaked out, blowing away all the flying sword energy.

"Thank you, Senior Sister!" Lin Qin cupped his hands and came behind Xia Jinliang.

Xia Jinliang didn't say much, the long whip in his hand formed several protective circles around it, blocking the sword energy one after another.

Lin Qin looked around, the laws of this world had been broken.

Above the sky, there is a ferocious crack, the edge of which can hardly be seen.

It is precisely because of this crack that the laws of this world are completely cut off, and it is difficult to heal again.

"This should be the world left after two monks fought against each other in the third calamity, and one of them was hacked to death by the other!"

"This world is dead!"

Immediately, he looked towards the center of the world.

A ray of golden light shot straight into the sky, and it was precisely because of this light that it attracted the surrounding God-devouring insects.

They swarmed desperately, and on the ground in the distance, a golden carpet spread for several miles.

The strong men of the three major sects, as well as the Sun You of the Shattering Xu Sect, all had very ugly faces.

After being sucked into the gate just now, the incense wish power beads that had just been condensed before collapsed directly.

In other words, they have worked hard for so long, but the bamboo basket fetched water in vain.

"Don't worry about these god-eating insects, save people with all your strength first!" said Li Qiu, the third elder of the Insect Control Sect, loudly.

Several powerful men in the Heavenly Dao Realm also shot together, and began to rescue and protect the disciples under the sect.

But Sun You didn't care about them, but moved quickly towards the beam of light in the central area.

"What should we do now?" The two elders of Wanrenzong gathered together, and one of them asked in a low voice.

"Let's go there too, God Eater will share the pressure and resist part of the sword energy attack." Another elder decided after gritting his teeth.

"Okay, let's go! The exit should be there!"

As they said that, the two of them led nearly a hundred disciples and began to approach the central area.

Seeing this, the people in Qi Valley also began to move towards the central area.

The insect-controlling sect had the largest number of people. When they were first sucked into this world, dozens of people died directly, but now there are less than a thousand people.

However, the defensive pressure is the greatest.

As soon as the two groups of people left, the pressure immediately increased.

"Let's follow!" Li Dou ordered immediately.

Soon, the team of nearly a thousand people also began to move towards the central area.


In the Zhang family in Mingli City, Zhang Wei was sitting at the head of the hall, his face was terribly gloomy.

All the masters of the entire family were present, including Yi Kong, the advocate of Mingli City.

This person is also a direct descendant of the Zhang family, Zhang Wei's cousin, and a second-tier Taoist.

The Zhang family has controlled Mingli City for countless years, and it has long been entrenched.

Therefore, Zhang Wei did not obey Zhang Yuancen's last words and left Mingli City.

Instead, he gathered all his strength, opened his guard, and prepared to face the enemy head-on.

"Although Grandma Zu told us to leave Mingli City, this is the foundation of my Zhang family. Once we abandon it, the incense and luck will be greatly reduced. What is the difference between this and extermination?" Zhang Wei looked around, paused and continued. Said.

"Besides, there are too many secrets of my Zhang family here, which cannot be leaked."

"More importantly, the offering of incense to Xingshi Tiangong must not be interrupted. Otherwise, even if Mingli City is abandoned, my Zhang family will perish in an instant."

Zhang Wei's tone was heavy, Zhang Yuancen's fall was a painful blow to the Zhang family.

However, their behavior has not restrained.

Because they leaned against the Qiyun sect behind them, they were sentenced to death in Tiangong.

This is an extremely powerful sect, even compared to some Eight Fortune forces, it does not give way.

"I have already sent the news of Grandma's death to Xingshi Tiangong. I believe they will respond in a short time. We just need to hold on for a while."

Zhang Wei lightly tapped the handrail, giving many clansmen a reassurance.

At this moment, a loud bang sounded from the void.

A beam of light tore through the dark clouds in the sky and shone on the ground in front of the hall.

"I am today!"

"I am here!"

"I am the law of this world!"

"I will punish you on behalf of the heavens!"

A lazy voice sounded in the void, and this beam of light just reflected his shadow in the center of the square in front of the main hall.

"Who? Playing tricks!"

Zhang Yikong shouted angrily, rushed out of the hall, and looked up.

I saw a golden figure in the void, looking down.

A pair of eyes also emitted two groups of golden light.

"Men of the Zhang family, why don't you kneel down to accept the decree?" The voice resounded throughout Mingli City, and many mortals were stunned by the scene of his appearance, and couldn't help kneeling down to worship.

"Who are you?"

Zhang Wei walked out of the hall with a group of Zhang family disciples, all exuding a powerful aura.

"How dare you come to my Zhang family to play wild with me at the first level of Daoist Realm?"

An Elder of the Dao Modeling Realm of the Zhang Family scolded unceremoniously.

"Presumptuous!" The person in the void was full of radiance, and a halo of merit and virtue appeared behind him, and a colorful lotus appeared when he sat down. It looked like a fairy descending from the earth.

"I am the punishment envoy on behalf of the heavens. Can your Zhang family be convicted?"

"Listen to me to count!"

As he spoke, he took out a scroll and slowly opened it in front of him, followed by a voice.

"Ming Li Zhang's family, perverting, forcing good people to become prostitutes...cough cough...that, killing evil in vain, people and gods are all angry, heaven and earth will not tolerate it!"

"Eight years ago in 310, millions of innocent mortals were massacred in Mojiang City. This is the first crime!"

"Four years ago in 190, in order to snatch an ancient incense eye, nineteen sect families were slaughtered, even a three-year-old child was spared. This is the second crime!"

"Shut up! Nonsense, nonsense!"

A fierce light flashed in Zhang Wei's eyes, and he raised his hand to grab a formation control token, and hit it directly.

With a buzzing sound, the formations in the entire Nether City trembled, and a dazzling arrow appeared in the sky, shooting towards the person who spoke.

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