Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 37 Lie down 1 tablet

A black shadow suddenly came in front of Wang Haige, grabbed the little yellow bell, knocked it on his forehead, and sent it flying.

Afterwards, the black shadow shuttled through the crowd like a butterfly piercing through flowers.

A disciple of the Wang family had no power to fight back, and all of them were blown away, falling down a large area, only Wang Shilin stood there with a dazed expression, at a loss for what to do.

Zhao Chuan was also dumbfounded, and looked intently, and this time he recognized the person, it was the village chief, Old Man Gui.

The old ghost turned around, came to Zhao Chui, and handed over the small clock in his hand, "This thing is just right for you, and I will leave the rest to you. Throw all these people to the entrance of the village, so as not to be an eyesore." !"

After finishing speaking, with his hands behind his back, the dog put his arms around his back, and walked away shaking his head.

"He...he is the strong man behind the scenes in Dadi Village? The strange man who saved me?" Wang Shilin murmured softly, looking at the back who was neither tall nor tall.

Wang Haige wasn't in such a bad situation at first, but his thoughts were all on Zhao Chui. He never expected someone to attack him unexpectedly, and he was knocked unconscious by his own magic weapon when he was caught off guard.

Zhao Chuan ignored Wang Shilin who was in a sluggish state, called a few people, threw all the people lying on the ground to the entrance of the village, and sent a few people to guard the entrance of the village to prevent monks from breaking in suddenly.

After a while, Wang Shilin came back to her senses, stomped her feet, turned around and ran out. She couldn't let her clansmen lie outside, at least she had to wake them up first.

"So strong!" Wang Sanku, who saw this scene in his eyes, was shocked in his heart. Even in his heyday, he might only be able to draw with this old man.

"Unexpectedly, there are such strong people in the small Dadi Village!" Wang Sanku clenched his fists tightly, his eyes fell on the side of the square, on the fist-sized aura vortex, his eyes sparkled, he didn't know what he was thinking.

After the disturbance of the Wang family, the whole Dadi Village suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Except for ordinary mortals who still live according to their previous habits, all the foreign monks, as if they had discussed it, all went into hibernation.

In the middle of the night, a black shadow thief came down from Qiwang Mountain, quietly entered the main hall, and immediately prostrated himself on the ground, whimpering like a wolf cub.

"Little Si, you're here!" In the darkness, the old ghost walked out slowly, with a half-smile expression on his face, making the four-eared tiger stand upright.


With a low growl of protest from four ears, he opened his mouth wide open, showing his might.

The old ghost didn't seem to see it, he came up to him, and reached out his hand to touch it.


The four ears and limbs bounced up, avoiding it far away, and the moment it landed, lowered the body and made an attacking posture.

"Okay, stop making trouble!" Lin Qin's voice sounded, resounding in the main hall.

"According to my estimation, it will take another month for the entrance of this small world to be completely stabilized."

"The elixir garden inside is quite well preserved. Your task, Old Ghost, is to pick a few plants of Ningzhen Grass. As for Xiaosi, you stay inside until you kill those beasts before you can come out."


The four-eared tiger lay on the ground, nodding incessantly.

If the beast wants to improve its strength, it needs to fight, fight, and fight non-stop.

The fierce beasts in Qiwang Mountain are not only small in number, but also weak in strength. Entering the small world can just sharpen them.

"My lord, how about digging out all the spirit grass inside, so that this old slave can practice his skills and refine a few furnaces of spirit pills. In the future, our Dadi Village can rely on a steady stream of spirit pills to make a fortune."

"No, if a village wants to develop, it needs a population, a large number of people."

"In this small world, there are several condensed true herb gardens, which are extremely scarce resources and will definitely attract a large number of monks to come here."

"That's why I plan to hide most of the Ningzhen herb gardens, and only open one or two places at a time, so as to attract monks continuously..."

"Your Excellency is wise!" The old ghost fell to the ground in admiration, his body was arched at [-] degrees, and the four ears on the side just rolled their eyes.

"My lord, this old slave suddenly had an idea. There are at least a dozen villages and towns around here. We can hold a competition in the name of Dadi Village. The top ten monks in the Qi Entraining Realm will be eligible to enter the secret realm."

"Your idea is very good!" Lin Qin's heart moved, and he said appreciatively.

"After you come out of the secret realm, you will refine a furnace of Condensing Reality Pill, and first break through to the Condensed Realm Realm. The top three in the competition will not only get the qualification for the secret realm, but each will get a Condensed True Pill as a reward."

"My lord is wise, but an old slave is not as good as me!" The old ghost flattered him, and he was never soft-hearted.

"Go in, let's discuss this matter after we come out!"

"Yes!" The ghost old man responded respectfully.

Four Ears also lay on the ground, nodding desperately, it was already impatient.

"If only I could meet a tigress inside, even one!"

Lin Qin didn't say any more, rolled up a ghost and a tiger with his consciousness, and stuffed them into the fist-sized cyclone.

The entrance is extremely unstable, and others who want to force their way in will be torn to pieces.

The old man Gui only stayed inside for a few hours before he came out, bringing out the Twelve Beads Condensing True Grass, and some other spiritual herbs for refining the Condensed True Pill.

When he came out, he still looked unsatisfied.

"My lord, there are too many herbs in it. They are everywhere. They are not considered as spiritual herbs. Even those ordinary herbs are of great value." The old ghost regretted that idea a little. Good things should be hidden and left alone enjoy.

"It doesn't matter, the rules are determined by people. Anyone who has obtained the qualification to enter must turn in part of it after they come out, which is just right for the establishment of the Great Earth Pill Pavilion."

The old ghost's eyes lit up, he nodded, and he was already thinking about how much to share.

"This matter can't be hidden, and the surrounding forces will definitely take notice of it. You'd better raise your cultivation level to Condensed Reality as soon as possible, and be ready to deal with it!" Lin Qin warned.

"Don't worry, my lord, I'll beat them all to the ground as many times as they want." The old ghost said with a smile.

As time passed, more and more monks gathered outside the village entrance.

Ten days later, the Li family from Qiaoqian Town, the Fang family from Fanyun Town, and the Yun and Su families from Luyuan Town all gathered here one after another.

As the news spread farther and farther away, the cultivation forces in farther places were also moved by the news.

After more than 20 days, there are eleven second-rank families and sects alone, and there are countless first-rank forces.

Non-influential forces can only wait and see from a distance, and cannot join in.

These days, the members of the Wang family have not left either.

The reason why these forces gathered here so quickly is that they also played a role in fueling the flames.

Fortunately, with the experience of the Wang family before them, these people were still restrained and did not force their way into Dadi Village.

On the day of No. 20, the old ghost refined a furnace of Condensed Reality Pill, and after swallowing it, he was successfully promoted to the first level of Condensed Reality Realm.

At the same time, the news that the secret realm is rich in Ningzhen grass was quietly spread.

All the forces were in an uproar, and there was a surge of wind and clouds for a while...

Unremarkable grandfather

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