Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 345 The world is about to collapse, and the chapter disk appears

In the sky, the aura of Thunder Tribulation merged again, and the void vortex above Lin Qin's head had expanded to [-] kilometers.

Thunder was constantly pouring down from the top of his head, and the space around him was torn apart by this terrifying force.

However, Lin Qin's body exuded a faint white light.

This is the realm of the physical body that appears after the physical body reaches the fairy body.


A bang came from the void above the head, and a huge crack appeared and spread towards both ends.

The power of the Thunder Tribulation above his head has been raised to a limit state, and this world can no longer bear such a force, and it begins to shatter at an accelerated rate.

Lin Qin did not stop, but changed his direction and headed towards the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races.

As he moved, the crack above his head changed direction.

Follow the direction of his movement, cracking all the way

Along the way, as long as he saw a star land, as long as there were monks, he would put them all into the prison.

The void vortex above the head is getting bigger and bigger, and its power is getting stronger and more terrifying.

The speed and extent of the fragmentation of the sky also increased accordingly.


Mexican day, the sky of death.

The thunder that spread all over the sky did not force back the evil spirit permeating below, but instead widened the crack leading to the source several times.

Moreover, space cracks continue to spread.

Finally, there is a crack connecting it.


A burst sounded, and the crack leading to the source exploded, and the scene inside completely appeared in this world.

It was a deep and wide Buddha mound, where countless dead Buddhas were buried.

Beside the Buddha tomb, a young man sat cross-legged.

Sanskrit sounds came out from his body, his whole body was shining with golden light, and behind his head was a halo of merit like the scorching sun.

The evil spirit accumulated for tens of thousands of years around him did not dissipate because of the collapse of the small world, but surrounded the young man and slowly rotated.

At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and in his eyes, two "卍" characters flashed away.

Immediately stood up, the joints of the whole body creaked.

In the Buddha tomb, countless dead Buddhas were all turned into fly ash at this moment, blending into the surrounding evil spirit.

"I... Zhao Chui... I'm back!"

Zhao Chuan murmured in a low voice, his voice was hoarse and dry, as if he had gone through countless reincarnations.

The aura around him also kept rising as he woke up.

Transform the mortal, cut the mortal, transcend the extraordinary.

In just a few breaths, his cultivation had reached the ninth level of the Transcendent Realm.

"This world is about to be broken. I promised to use my body to bear the Buddha's grievances for a lifetime, then...all of them will enter my body. I will use the merits of a lifetime in exchange for your chance of reincarnation."

Zhao Chuan's voice sounded slowly, and the evil spirit surrounding him stagnated slightly, and then split into countless black lines, flying from all directions and entering his body one by one.

The heart-biting pain of ten thousand ants came from all over the body, and he seemed to be unable to feel it, and his expression did not change at all.


A crashing sound attracted his attention, and he looked up suspiciously, only to see a hall floating in the air.

"Tiger Killing Hall? Is it the four ears?"

Zhao Chuan felt a familiar aura.

Immediately, he took a step forward, arrived at the entrance of the main hall, and punched out.

With a bang, the hall shook violently, and hideous bloody mouths appeared on the four walls, making angry roars.

Zhao Chuan took a step back, raised his right foot and kicked it out suddenly.

A golden leg shot out of the air and kicked heavily on the door.

He didn't retract his legs, but kicked them out one after another.

In just over ten breaths, he kicked out tens of thousands of legs.

Finally, there was a loud bang.

The Tiger Killing Hall exploded directly, turning into dust all over the sky.

Among the dust, phantoms of ferocious white tigers roared angrily at him.

In the middle of the phantom, there is also a colorful giant tiger with four ears and two wings on its back. It is the four ears.

It first glanced at Zhao Chui vigilantly, and a trace of doubt flashed in its eyes.

The person in front of him gave it a very familiar feeling, but it was not the same.

"Si Er, it's me... How long has it been since you don't recognize me anymore?" Zhao Zui said with a smile.


There was a low roar of the tiger from the four ears, and he opened his mouth to inhale, and all the phantoms of the white tiger around him turned into moon blades, which were swallowed by it in one gulp.

"It's really you who have completely mastered the White Tiger Blade."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and grabbed it, dragging a large shield in his palm.

"You still recognize Tiantian Shield. I don't need this thing anymore, so I will give it to you as a gift for meeting again!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and flicked it, and the sky shield turned into a ray of light, falling in front of his four ears.

Seeing this magic weapon, all the vigilance in the four ears and eyes faded away, they opened their mouths to hold it, and placed it in front of Zhao Chui.

Zhao Chuan smiled, and stretched out his hand to stroke the hairy head with four ears: "I gave it to you, it will be yours from now on, you should use it well."

He raised his hand to grab it from the air, grabbed the cut-off shield in his hand, and then slapped it into Si Er's body.


"You're welcome, this world is about to collapse, we must find a place to live."


"That's right, I'll contact my old friend to have a look!"

As he spoke, he took out several sound transmission jade slips and sent several messages.

Lin Qin was galloping in the starry sky, and after a while, a sound transmission jade slip flew towards him, flying around him continuously.

Want to enter the prison, but can't get in.

He stopped, raised his hand, and grabbed the ray of light in his hand.

"Hey, it was actually Zhao Chui who sent the message to Yang Ba."

After seeing the contents inside, with a light pinch, the sound transmission jade turned into a ball of light and floated in front of him.

He grabbed a sound transmission jade slip from the storage ring, entered a passage into the jade slip, punched the ball of light into it, and threw it out again.

The next moment, the sound transmission Yujian quickly returned in the direction it came from.

After finishing these, Lin Qin didn't delay any longer, and rushed to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races at full speed.

Zhao Chuan stood in place and waited for a long time. A ray of light pierced the sky from the depths of the starry sky, and he caught it in his hand, and a familiar voice rang in his ears.

"Go to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races and meet Zhou Tai, I'll be there soon!"

Hearing this voice, Zhao Chuan's body trembled, and he murmured in a low voice: "Master!"

Soon, he packed up his mood and rushed to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races with Si Er.

Lin Qin galloped in the starry sky, suddenly, he stopped and looked into the distance.

In the void there, there is a group of thunderclouds shrouded, exuding a boundless terrifying aura.

Lin Qin hesitated for a moment, then changed direction and approached.

It was a man, a man sitting cross-legged in the starry sky.

He is very familiar with this person, Tong Tianyun.

Sensing someone approaching, Tong Tianyun slowly opened his eyes, "It's actually you...a fairy body, your physical body has reached such a height."

Afterwards, he shook his head, "So what if it's a fairy body? Once the world is broken, it will be swallowed by the breath of silence, so that there will be no residue left."

Lin Qin's eyes swept over Tong Tianyun, and finally landed on the reincarnation disk he was sitting on.

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