Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 343 Li Daitao is stiff, and the purpose of mastering the way of heaven is beginning to appea

The sky is cracked...

This was the thought that came to Lin Qin and Xiao Guang's minds at the same time.

The next moment, a point under Lin Qin's feet turned into a river of swords, running away through the air.

Xiao Guang was stunned for a moment, and immediately chased after him.

Starry Sky Jianhe turned a big bend in the distance, heading towards the direction where Xiao Guang came, and went away rapidly.

"You do the first day of junior high school, and I do the fifteenth day. This...is fair!"

The breath of heaven above the two heads separated again, one in front and one behind, followed by the two moving quickly in the void.

From time to time, large pieces of thunder struck down.

Without raising his head, Lin Qin punched the sky.

The strength of the fist tore through the space, and directly collided with the thunder, and they all exploded, turning into light and shadows that filled the sky.

Xiao Guang was also shuddered by the chop, and after a short pause, he continued to chase Lin Qin.

The speed of the two was very fast, turning into two afterimages, like two shooting stars, traveling thousands of miles in an instant.

A few days later, the two were still chasing each other, but Xiao Guang's face became more and more ugly.

He had already guessed Lin Qin's destination, where Tiansuo Immortal Palace was.

"Damn it!" Xiao Guang was so angry that his lungs would explode, panting heavily.

Lin Qin didn't care about it, and his speed didn't slow down at all.

After more than an hour, he finally saw a group of monks in the distance.

A hall emitting bright light floats in mid-air, surrounded by more than a dozen monks from the lower realms, and the local monks who have obtained inheritance are below.

The aura of all people merged into one piece and poured into the hall.

Thunderbolts struck down one after another, and all of them were drawn by the hall.

Even so, there were still three or four local cultivators whose bodies shook and were sucked into human beings by the hall to resist the thunder disaster.

Lin Qin rolled his eyes and said angrily: "You old bastards, you actually expelled Brother Xiao, you will die!"

His voice spread mightily, shaking the sea of ​​thunder in the sky violently.

"Today, I, Lin, will seek justice for Brother Xiao."

After it was over, he still didn't forget to turn his head and shout: "Brother Xiao Guang, cooperate with me to attack with all your strength, kill!"

While Lin Qin shouted, he punched forward, and a road formed by the collapse of space spread out towards everyone.

Above the head, large bows emerged at the same time.

"Bend your bow and look north, shoot Sirius!"

swoosh swish...

The dense arrows turned into an overwhelming rain of arrows, pouring down towards the front.

Xiao Guang, who had come not far behind, was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he heard his words, his face flushed red.

"Xiao Guang, you scoundrel, you are not as good as a pig or a dog!"

"Shameless, dare to join forces with outsiders to deal with us."

"Eat the food inside and out, if I knew it earlier, we would never entrust you with such an important task!"

There was a sound of angry yelling, and the three figures had already left the hall and rushed towards this side.

Xiao Guang looked ashen, raised his hand and grabbed it, and a disc the size of a palm was sacrificed by him.

At the same time as the disk flew out, two blades formed by the law of time split and shot towards Lin Qin's back.

Lin Qin turned around and swung both fists at the same time, two huge fist shadows flew out, respectively blasting on the blade light.

With a clang, the two blades were knocked out and flew back.

In the sky, a bucket-thick thunder fell from the sky, slamming on Xiao Guang's body fiercely, beating him until blood spurted wildly.

The black air has spread from the chest to the thighs.

The rain of arrows bombarded the main hall one after another, shaking it violently.

And the avenue formed by the collapse of space has already arrived in front of the three people who rushed out.

The two sides collided, and another loud noise came out.

The three flew out backwards, and the momentum of the avenue's extension came to an abrupt end.

At this time, the three parties are already very close.

The catastrophe gathered, as if the end of the world had come.

The Tiansuo Immortal Palace had the largest number of people, and the people from the lower realms also had the most people, which directly attracted the general power.

There was a loud noise that shook the sky, and a shocking Thunder Saber with a length of ten thousand feet appeared on Tiansuo Immortal Palace.

Lightning arcs spread out from the blade like a spider web, illuminating the starry sky for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Everyone was stunned. Who could resist such a terrifying power?

Lin Qin was also taken aback, and the wind screamed.

Stepping out with one step, shrinking the ground into an inch to cast, the figure disappeared in the same place in an instant, and when it reappeared, it was already thousands of miles away.

The sound just appeared, disappeared again, and disappeared in an instant.

Xiao Guang was stunned for a moment, then walked around and chased after Lin Qin.

The Heavenly Tribulation on his body was also attracted by Tiansuo Immortal Palace, and the pressure on his body dropped sharply.

"Lin Qin, don't go, I'm going to kill you!"

Behind him, several elders of Tiansuo Asgard let out furious roars.

"Xiao Guang, you must die, we will definitely use the power of the time array to imprison you in the present."

Xiao Guang's figure froze abruptly, changed direction directly, and quickly walked away in the opposite direction of Lin Qin.

Faintly, there was also the sound of his angry scolding.

"Lin Qin, you don't want to escape..."

Several elders were so angry that their beards trembled wildly, and they almost died of anger on the spot.

"Evil barrier, evil barrier!"

"Quickly use the time array to lock the law of time around him."

The great elder raised his hand and grabbed the time array, and breaths spread out one after another.

Immediately, he raised his hand to grab it again, and took out a tablet about half a foot long, which was Xiao Guang's soul jade tablet.

The great elder placed the soul jade tablet on the time array, and the law took effect immediately...

Not long after Lin Qin left, clear cracks suddenly appeared in the sky.

These cracks will not disappear, but will continue to expand over time.

Lin Qin stopped and looked towards the sky.

A breath of silence escaped from the crack, as if capable of destroying the world.

"God, what is this going to do?"

Even he can't figure out the calculation of the Lord's way of heaven.


In the depths of the starry sky, in a pitch-black space, three people stood suspended in the air.

It was Wuming Boy, Chen Laoguo and Widow Zhang.

The boy put his hands behind his back and looked to the sky.

Above the heads of the three, a big green tree grew upside down from the void.

Its roots spread continuously, forming a large net, spreading in all directions.

If you observe carefully, you will find that these roots are very similar to the thin lines of law.

Suddenly, a root was pulled out from the void, stretched out slowly, hung on the top of the young man's head, and gently touched his forehead.

In my mind, chaotic memories began to recover, and the breath around me began to rise.

Chen Laoguo and Widow Zhang's complexion changed, they flew out backwards, retreated a mile away, and then stopped, looking from afar.

The boy's eyes gradually closed, and he began to receive almost endless memories, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.


Lin Qin's eyes were serious, carefully observing the cracks.

Soon, his pupils shrank violently, and he raised his hand to grab the crack.

The power of nirvana touched the back of the hand, and even the emperor's corpse felt severe pain.

He seemed to have caught something, and pulled it hard, pulling out a branch from the void.

However, the next moment, the entire branch turned into fly ash and dissipated.

"It's actually... that's it!"

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