A group of wandering coffins suddenly stopped, and there were bangs and bangs in the coffins.

These sounds come and go, forming sound waves that spread in all directions.

Above the sky, countless thin lines of law interweave into pieces, forming a majestic pressure, pouring down.


Tong Tianyun used the reincarnation disk to escape continuously, however, two attacks followed closely.

Constantly bombarding the surrounding protective light circle, while blasting layers of air waves, it will also cause people on the reincarnation disk to die one after another.

The reincarnation disk is a divine tool, but it has not yet fully come to this world.

Just compare it with the cyan long sword. The long sword was forcibly split in two by the Lord Heavenly Dao.

If the reincarnation disk comes completely, the Lord of Heaven will not let it go.

"Damn it, damn it!"

Tong Tianyun was furious, a fire was burning in his heart.

The law of reincarnation is more about people and oneself. Could it be possible to let Che Zejian and Che Zezhi go to reincarnation?

Thinking of this, a fierce light appeared in his eyes.

"Lin Qin, you forced me to do this."

Tong Tianyun stomped his foot, and the samsara disk made a humming sound, turned into more than a dozen disks, and separated towards the surroundings.

Then it turned into beams of light piercing the sky and piercing the earth, directly piercing through the protective array formed by Jianhe, and reflecting on the major star continents.

One by one, the monks illuminated by the beam of light all showed dull expressions before stepping into it.

"court death!"

Lin Qin frowned, and a huge longbow emerged from above his head.

The sixth level of "Nine Revolutions Forging the Sky".

"Bend your bow and look north, shoot Sirius!"


A shrill scream resounded through the world, and a huge arrow of light and shadow shot out from the string, directly tearing apart the space in front of it with ripples.

More than that.

Big bows appeared one after another, and sharp swords shot out one after another.

Break through the beams of light one after another, and then turn them into little rays of light and dissipate.

The seventh level of "Nine Turns Forging the Sky".

"Fan Tianyin!"

A huge seal appeared in the void, shrouded in faint light, sucking in all the surrounding breath.

The next moment, Fan Tianyin disappeared in an instant, and when it reappeared, it had already reached the top of Tong Tianyun and the others, and then smashed it down fiercely.

With a loud bang, more than a dozen people around Tong Tianyun exploded, blood splashing all over the others.

The bite finger drove straight in, and directly clicked on the body of the reincarnation disk.

There was another loud bang, and the reincarnation disk vibrated violently, and Tong Tianyun could even hear the clicking sound coming from inside.

When biting, the sword pierces through the air to kill, and cuts down in the air.

Tong Tianyun felt an unprecedented terrorist crisis.

"Everyone, all re-enter reincarnation!"

He uttered this sentence almost at the top of his voice.

The others did not hesitate and rushed into the reincarnation passage.

But he himself flashed, and flew in with the wheel of reincarnation.

The next moment, a bigger explosion sounded.

Where Tong Tianyun was before, berserk power swept all directions.

Not only the Chu Zejian was knocked flying, but even the Chu Zezhi was directly scattered.

Above the void, a hideous gap was torn open.

Numerous thin lines of laws emerged around it, showing a more dense situation.

Lin Qin stretched out his hand to recall Che Zejian and merged into the river of swords.

The explosive atmosphere in the distance hit the Jianhe River one after another, causing thousands of waves of swords.

After a long time, it gradually subsided.

"He actually escaped!"

Lin Qin frowned, but he didn't have time to pay attention.

The laws of heaven in the star land world are merging.

And the main heaven is also peeping, he must put most of his attention on this side.


Continuous loud noises came from the direction of Cangcheng, and the four surrounding star continents merged with it.

The laws of Cangcheng Tiandao, under the control of the avatar of Tiandao, quickly swallowed and assimilated.

The Heavenly Dao Realm Monument exudes bright rays of light, and countless laws are intertwined around it.

Above the starry sky, a huge vortex appeared out of thin air, and then began to rotate slowly.

Thunderbolts swam like snakes, emerging from the vortex from time to time.

All of a sudden, thunder and lightning flashed, and dark clouds billowed.

The majestic power of heaven and earth is like a river hanging upside down, washing down.

The river of swords rolled under Lin Qin's feet, the law of space was outside, and the law of time was inside.

The law of space isolates the star land world from the outside world.

And the law of time makes Cangcheng Tiandao grow at an extremely terrifying speed.


A sky thunder as thick as a bucket slashed down from the vortex, aiming at the avatar of Tiandao.


At the same time, the place where Tiansuo Immortal Palace was located was also covered by dense thunder, which was more serious than what Cangcheng had to face.

The same is true for the League of Immortals, as well as the coffins, the holy land of all races...

All the forces with powerful backing behind them were all under the shroud of thunder.

Mexico day, in the sky of death.

One by one vortexes are suspended in the sky, and the sky is full of thunder and thunder, and the wind is surging.

The boundless black aura seemed to have also sensed the power of the heavens, and it rolled up even more crazily, as if an invisible big hand was churning crazily.

An angry roar sounded from the depths, as if it contained endless desolation and unwillingness.

In the middle of the sky, the Tiger Killing Hall reappeared, and beams of light shone down, accompanying the terrifying thunder around here.

It seems to repress the death screen into the space crack.

An angry whistling sounded from the gate of the Tiger Killing Hall, and there was the sound of continuous impact on the gate from the inside out.


Dozens of thunders descended from the sky, smashing fiercely into the sky of death.

Countless lightning arcs exploded, clearing out a large area amidst the boundless evil spirit.

However, it will soon be covered by black evil spirit again.

The Tiger Killing Hall was slowly pressed down, and mouths full of blood emerged from the outer wall of the hall.

Bursts of tigers roared, shaking mountains and seas.


The entire starry sky was in chaos, and the entire world seemed to be turned into a minefield.

All the monks felt extremely panic in their hearts.

In the holy land of all races, the big hand protruding from the vortex of spiritual energy exuded an extremely terrifying aura of wildness.

The monks in the entire Holy Land were trembling with fright.

Coupled with the continuous gathering of Heaven's Punishment Thunder in the sky, it gave people a feeling of heart palpitations.

Zhou Tai and Hong Zuozhou looked at the sky almost at the same time.

On the back of the big hand stands a large hall impressively.

The main hall is still intact, and the light on it is bright, illuminating the space in the spiritual vortex.

The door of the main hall was opened, and it was dark inside, as if it could swallow the surrounding light.

On the plaque at the gate, there are three big golden characters - Zhanwu Hall.

The last building of the False Four Elephants finally appeared, and it was still in such a weird way.

This hall seems to grow on the back of the big hand, and it seems to weigh ten thousand jun, making it move slower and slower until it stops.

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