Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 327 Great Turmoil: The Prelude to the Annexation Begins

Just as Lin Qin was setting up the time formation, chaos broke out in the starry sky.

A Hongqiao fell from the sky and ruthlessly bombarded a star land.

Dozens of figures rose from the sky and escaped the attack, but more monks were killed or injured by the blow.

For a time, grief was everywhere.

"Who dares to offend my Heavenly Beast Sect?" An angry voice resounded throughout the world, and an old man appeared in midair, with surging aura and brilliant light, illuminating the void above his head.

Beside him, a huge monster let out a deep roar.

This is a half-blood unicorn. It once entered the crack where the Four Elephant Heavenly Palace was located. Although it almost died, it survived tenaciously in the end and gained a lot of benefits.

Today, he has made great progress in cultivation and achieved extraordinary achievements.

This is a Heavenly Sect with two Transcendent Realm powerhouses, ranking among the top among all Heavenly Sects.

"Submit to my Banished Immortal Alliance, or... die!"

An ethereal voice resounded in the sky, and a woman's figure suddenly appeared on the Hongqiao.

She yelled in red, but her eyes were extremely cold and indifferent, as if all living beings were worthless in her eyes.

"League of Banished Immortals!"

The old man's eyes were fixed, and the aura he exuded did not even feel a little weaker.

"That's right, only by joining the Immortal Alliance can there be a chance of survival. Otherwise... today, everyone will die!"

The woman's tone was cold, without any emotion.

At this time, he stretched out his hand and waved.

One after another figures appeared on the Hongqiao, including men and women, old and young.

Although these people have different demeanors, their cultivation bases are surprisingly powerful.

"My Heavenly Beast Sect has never been an enemy of others, and I don't want to join any forces."

After a long silence, the old man still made his own decision.

"In that case, then... let's go!"

The woman didn't talk nonsense and raised her hand.

A series of powerful figures stepped out from the Hongqiao in unison, and plummeted towards the star land below.

Two of the figures rushed towards the old man and the half-blood Qilin.

"This unicorn is not bad, catch it and use it as a mount for me."

The woman's voice followed.


The half-blood unicorn let out an angry growl, and the aura of its whole body reflected a blood-red long knife in the void.

The blood knife slashed out in the air, and a crack in space spread towards the woman at an extremely fast speed.

at the same time.

Outside Wentian Jianyun Palace, a figure of a young man stood in the air, holding a dark golden writing brush in his hand, with a little cinnabar stained on the tip of the brush.

In front of him, a beautiful figure stood opposite, and behind him were more than a dozen women with strong cultivation bases.

The young man is Li Xuan who seeks to break the rules.

Confronting him was Nie Tingyun, the master of Wentian Jianyun Palace.

"Fellow Daoist Li, is it too much for you to attack me and ask about the sect guard formation in Tianjianyun Palace?"

Nie Yunting was covered with a white sword box and wore a lavender tulle dress, making her look like a fairy in a painting.

However, Li Xuan acted as if he hadn't seen it, and his eyes were a little cold.

"I came here only to seek a broken rule."

"I've never heard of any broken rules. Fellow Daoist Li, please leave. Otherwise, don't blame me for doing it." Nie Tingyun's face was extremely ugly. She is also one of the strongest ninth-level Transcendents in this starry sky.

Even if he is slightly inferior to Li Xuan, he is not someone who can be bullied.

"Fairy Nie's Wentian sword box is well-known in the world. Li wanted to see it for a long time. It is better to hit the sun than to choose a date. This time it happens to fulfill my wish for many years." Li Xuan's eyes swept over Nie Tingyun, and finally fell on it. On the white sword case.

The Wentian sword box is said to have been passed down from the founding master of the Wentianjian Yun Palace, and has always been a token of inheritance from the suzerain of this sect.

It is also an innate magic weapon, which can accumulate infinite innate sword energy, and its attack power is unparalleled.

"In this case, the little girl will experience the power of Brother Li's Tianzhu Pen!" Nie Tingyun's eyes were fixed, showing a cautious expression, but she did not intend to back down.

Just when the two were about to do it, a slightly cold voice sounded.

"Since you want a broken rule, then I will help you. As long as you can take my trick, why not promise you?"

An ethereal voice came out, as if it contained some kind of rule, the surrounding world seemed to be frozen, and a series of crackling sounds came out of the space.

Li Xuan's eyes changed, and he felt that the surrounding space was becoming stronger, and the law mobilization became more difficult.


The expression on Nie Tingyun's face eased a little, and she saluted respectfully, then she led the other students and retreated far away.

The surrounding space is constantly changing, and this change is not superficial, but on a higher level of law.

"Is she trying to isolate this world and separate this area from this starry sky?"

Li Xuan looked horrified, this kind of method was unheard of.

Even those immortals from the lower realms can't do this.

In this space, the cultivation base can even break through the limit of this starry sky and enter a higher level.

Li Xuan didn't dare to be careless, and frantically mobilized the true energy in his body.

The Tianzhu Pen in his hand also turned into a ray of light and rushed into the void, emitting a faint dark golden light.

The changes in the surrounding space seemed to be affected, and there was a brief stagnation.

Then, it began to change at a slow speed.

"This change cannot be allowed to continue!"

Li Xuan made up his mind, stretched out his hands and began to write.

Following his stroke, the Heaven Punishing Brush in the void emitted a dazzling light.

The pen tip seemed to weigh ten thousand catties, moving slowly in the void.

Infinite auras rushed in, sweeping almost all the spiritual energy in the starry sky tens of thousands of kilometers around.

Even the surrounding solidified space was torn apart.


A sigh came from Wentian Jianyun Palace, it seemed a little helpless.

Nie Rushang looked up at Li Xuan who was outside the formation, and sighed in his heart.

She has been hiding her aura all along, but once she makes a full-strength attack and her aura leaks, someone with a heart will notice it.

At that time, the troubles will be endless.

However, this Li Xuan was stronger than she had imagined, and it became more difficult to isolate this starry sky.

For a while, I didn't know what to do.

It is impossible to hand over a broken rule.

Finally, with another sigh, she made up her mind.

It no longer isolates the surrounding space, just raise your hand to point out.

This finger was stronger than what Lin Qin had seen before.

The entire starry sky was distorted, like a layer of water, with layers of ripples.

Just as Li Xuan was about to write a second stroke, the nib of the pen sank suddenly, and it was hard to continue.

His whole body was trembling, and the right hand he was holding was trembling even more.

From the tiger's mouth, traces of blood seeped out and dripped into the void.

A slender finger suddenly appeared in front of his brow, and gently tapped it.

A terrifying death crisis spread from the bottom of his heart, making his eyes bloodshot, "Put!"

A hoarse roar came out of his mouth, and the Tianzhu pen in the sky moved again, writing a stroke and a stroke again.

The imprisoning forces around him stagnated slightly, he took a step back without hesitation, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

The jade finger followed like a shadow, and the moment he disappeared, it also disappeared together.

The next one, Li Xuan fell out of the void, with blood gushing from his mouth.

Behind him, there is still a jade finger that follows him like a shadow.

"Can't escape, can't hide!"

Li Xuan roared wildly, he is the strongest young genius in the starry sky, how could he not be able to catch even one move?

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