Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 31 Can't go out

"Compared to the little girl who was tortured by you, is this little pain unbearable?" Old Ghost cast a glance at him and said flatly.

After that, he greeted several Zhao family disciples and carried the two girls into the earth temple.

They also ordered the bodies of the three strong men to be taken away and buried.

Zhao Youli's eyes showed deep horror.

Wangsan Grotto is very famous in several surrounding towns, and it is the older generation who has been famous for decades.

Regardless of his appearance, he looks only 50 or [-] years old, but he is actually over a hundred years old.

However, it was not Wang Sanku that shocked him, but the village chief, Old Litou.

There have always been rumors that Old Litou was favored by the true god enshrined in the Earth Temple, and he became a monk from a mortal without spiritual roots.

After hearing it before, he always scoffed.

Now, the facts were in front of him, and he had no choice but to believe it.

Old Li Tou not only became a cultivator, but also far surpassed Wang Sanku in strength.

"Village head! This Wang San Cave..." Before Zhao Yuli finished speaking, he was interrupted by Old Li.

"Don't worry about it, there is something I want to entrust to your Zhao family."

"Village chief, please tell me!" Zhao Yuli subconsciously showed respect.

"There are more and more monks from outside the village. You send some monks from the Zhao family over to form a defense team. When the village has its own monks, you don't need your help," said the old ghost.

"Yes, I'll arrange it now." After more than 30 years of development, the Zhao family's overall strength has improved significantly, and it is still very easy to form a defense team.

If it was before, unless it was the Patriarch's order, he would definitely refuse without hesitation.

Now... He glanced at the dull-looking Wang Sanku, and couldn't help but shudder.

Bowing again, he led the Zhao family away, and at the same time dispersed the surrounding villagers.

The old ghost turned around, ready to check on the situation of the two little girls.

However, his talkative problem was repeated again, "I advise you to go to the Earth Temple to burn incense, it will be good for you!"

After Wang Sanku calmed down for a while, he stood up from the ground, glanced at the direction of the Earth Temple, his eyes were cold: "I, Wang Sanku, have never suffered such a loss since I practiced."

"If you don't kill me today, it will be your biggest mistake. I will make you regret what you did today."

The old ghost walked into the main hall, looked around, saw no one around, and then said with a smile: "My lord, you should slap him to death."

"The only thing is death, let him make some contributions to Dadi Village before he dies." Lin Qin's voice came from the body of the statue.

"My lord said that it would be easier for him to just die like this." The old ghost said while checking the situation of the two girls.

"My lord, the condition of these two girls is very bad. I am afraid that this old slave is not capable of saving them."

"No problem!" Lin Qin said lightly.

I said silently in my heart, "Call out the exchange list, and exchange for two times."

Two breaths invisible to the naked eye descended from the sky and penetrated into the bodies of the two women.

The next moment, wisps of black air escaped from the bodies of the two of them, forming a hideous phantom with a ghost head in midair, and let out low-pitched roars.

As the black air was forced out, the mark between the eyebrows of the two women gradually faded, and soon completely dissipated.

Only two puffs were heard, and the phantom ghost head exploded and dissipated into the air.

"My lord, there are indeed unpredictable abilities!" the old ghost thought in his heart.

"You put them in the Earth Inn, and they will wake up in a moment."

"Yes, my lord!" The ghost old man didn't delay, his figure flashed, turned into a black air, rolled up the two women, and disappeared without a trace.

Lin Qin's spiritual consciousness spread slowly and spread all over the area around Wangsan Cave.

At this time, this person was walking towards the outside of the village, and the killing intent in his eyes seemed to have substance.

Seeing this, pedestrians on the road gave way one after another, fearing that they would not be able to dodge in time.

As he was walking, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and swept around, but he couldn't see anything wrong.

After another incense stick of time passed, he suddenly woke up.

It stands to reason that he should have left the village long ago, but half an hour passed, and the entrance to the village was still ahead.

You can see it at a glance, but you can't get close to it.

This made him extremely anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

After walking for nearly an hour, a trace of despair arose in my heart.

The villagers who walked by walked out of the village very normally.

Only he, even if he followed others, the result was still the same. He saw the entrance of the village, but he couldn't get there.

"How could this happen?" Wang Sanku almost went crazy, this was the first time he encountered such a weird thing.

The encounters in this village have refreshed his cognition several times.

He regretted it, regretted it deeply, and shouldn't have come to this village.

The old ghost walked out of the Dadi Inn, holding a broom in his hand, and walked over unsteadily.

"It's for you, take it, if you lose it, you can only sweep the floor with your hands."

"Remember, go to the Dadi Temple every day to offer incense sticks, and then start cleaning the streets, once in the morning and in the evening."

After the old ghost explained a few words, he left straight away.

Wang Sanku stood there with a broom in his hand, in a daze.

After a while, he tore off the blindfold on his left eye, and threw the blindfold and the broom on the ground, "I, Wang Sanku, even if I die, I won't let you be so humiliated!"

With a sharp flash in his eyes, he wanted to cut off his heart.

It's just that, after working hard for a long time, let alone cutting off my heart, even if I hit a wall, I can't do it.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, when the sky was getting dark, he fell limp on the ground and lost all strength.

At this time, three people came from the entrance of the village.

The leader was a big man with a dark face, followed by a little girl, and the last was a man in his 30s.

The two people in front were Zhao Chui and Liu Yu'er who came back from Fangshi, and the last one was Fang Zhishan.

He still had some conscience, seeing the two girls being taken away and chasing them all the way here, the three of them walked together.

They saw Wang San Cave in a panic at a glance.

"Where did you get the two junior sisters?" The fear in Fang Zhishan's eyes flashed away, and he asked aloud.

Wang Sanku glanced at it, he had lost his hostility for a long time, and instead had a look of despair.

The doubt in Zhao Chuan's eyes flashed away, his eyes fell on the broom beside him, and he asked tentatively, "Are you sweeping the floor?"

Wang Sanku almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and yelled in his heart, "How did you know that I was sweeping the floor?"

"Hee hee, he must have done something in the village." Liu Yu'er blinked her eyes, her face full of gloating expressions. "You two sisters, you should be fine. Our Dadi Village is very mysterious!"

On the other side of the street, the ghost old man walked over again.He is everywhere, everywhere.

"The two little girls have woken up and are resting in the Dadi Inn."

The old ghost came to Wang Sanku and kicked him. "It's time to do something, what's the point of dawdling?"

"You..." Wang Sanku got up, glared angrily, opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

"That, shopkeeper!" Fang Zhishan was taken aback, and interjected from the side, wanting to remind the old man that this Wang Sanku's identity would prevent him from taking revenge.

"Call me the village head!" The ghost old man glared at him and said.

"Yes, village head. You don't know yet, this man is a very powerful monk, be careful of his revenge in the future!"

"In the future?"


Unremarkable grandfather

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