Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 293 Cangcheng New Journey

"We are not enemies!"

"My Tiansuo Immortal Palace has no malice towards this world."

It took a long time before Guangying suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Everything in the world has thousands of laws, and only time is supreme."

"Our cooperation will allow you to comprehend the law of time for mutual benefit."

"Without the permission of Tiansuo Immortal Palace, even if you study here for thousands of years, you still don't want to get a little bit of the law of time."

It seems that this guy already knew that Lin Qin was hiding aside and quietly comprehending the law of time.

"Tell your purpose, we still have to talk, if you don't say it, then don't worry about me being rude."

Lin Qin raised his eyebrows, his tone turned cold.

He who has inherited the memory of the emperor's corpse knows better than anyone else the virtues of these guys in the fairy world.

He didn't want to seek skin from a tiger.

The face of light and shadow keeps flickering, like a projection that is about to dissipate.

After a long time, Rangcai stabilized this state, and his figure gradually became clear.

"We're looking for the last place where the fairy hides for the third calamity."

Lin Qin frowned, he had never heard of such a place.

"What is this place?"

"Do you know about the twelve-day burial?" Guangying didn't answer, but asked rhetorically.

Lin Qin nodded. There are many thresholds on the long road of practice.

For example, the beheading of the three corpses in the realm of transformation, such as the three disasters and nine calamities in the following.

If it is said that beheading the three corpses is a natural moat in the process of a monk becoming a fairy.

Then, after becoming a fairy, the test to go through is even more dangerous.

If you are not careful, you will die.

These tests are called three disasters, nine calamities and twelve sky burials, and each is more terrifying and more dangerous than the other.

After the three realms of escape, there are the three realms of true immortals, then the three realms of Daojun, and then the realm of Taoists.

There is only one realm in the Taoist Realm, also known as the Eternal Realm.

At this level, lifespan is infinite.

However, he cannot live forever and needs to face the test of twelve days of burial.

From ancient times to the present, many immortals with extraordinary talents have fallen before this realm.

According to legend, as long as one survives the twelve-day burial, one can become an emperor.

Light and Shadow did not make Lin Qin wait, and continued: "After the emperor who has passed through the twelve sky burials, after death, the world in his body will turn into a sky burial place. This place is the place where we want to find the fairy hide .”

"It is said that you can find a way to pass the calamity."

Lin Qin frowned again. The emperor's corpse had not reached this legendary realm before his death, and fell under the calamity of calamity.

Moreover, the classification of cultivation levels above is only for Qi training, as for body training...

Strictly speaking, the cultivation base of Dishi's physical body has only reached the Eternal Body, and the corresponding Qi training base is the Dao Master Realm.

The Taoist Realm is already the top powerhouse in the fairy world.

As far as he knew, no one in the Immortal Realm had reached the Emperor Realm before him, so where did the sky burial come from?

"If there is a way to survive the calamity, how can the emperor fall?" Lin Qin did not believe this statement.

"Believe it or not, this is the purpose of my Tiansuo Asgard." Guangying didn't explain too much.

"You mean that other forces may have different goals from yours?" Lin Qin heard the other party's voice-over.

"The purpose is almost the same, either to find the place where the fairy hides, or to find the magic weapon of good fortune."

"The people who have these magic weapons don't know where they are hiding. If you want to find them and snatch them back, it will be as difficult as climbing the sky."

Lin Qin didn't fully believe the other party's words. There are thousands of planes in the world. How could it be such a coincidence that they happened to land on this starry sky?

"How many forces in the fairy world are involved?"

Light and Shadow was silent for a moment, but still answered truthfully, "All!"

"According to the deduction of many strong people, the land of fairyland has a huge role."

"What effect?" Lin Qin asked.

"It has the power to resist the calamity. As long as you hide in it, you may escape the next calamity."

"We can cooperate. As long as we find a place, everyone in this starry sky can hide in it. And you can also survive when the calamity comes."

Light and shadow continue to seduce.

Lin Qin was calm on the surface, but in his heart he scoffed.

In terms of understanding of the amount of robbery, the emperor's corpse is absolutely second to none.

Lin Qin did not intend to tell the person in front of him the information in the memory of the emperor's corpse.

The forces that can come to this starry sky are all giants in the fairy world, and there are countless strong ones.

However, no matter how strong you are, no matter what method you use to descend, your cultivation will definitely be completely suppressed, but Lin Qin is not afraid of these people.

As long as it doesn't involve himself, he doesn't bother to care.

"Forget it, I'm not interested in cooperating, go find someone else."

Lin Qin refused without thinking, and disappeared into the small world in a flash.

The light and shadow looked at the direction where Lin Qin disappeared, and after a long time, the light flashed and disappeared without a trace.

Afterwards, the law of time spewed out, dissipating the formation that Lin Qin had arranged in the crack, and spreading towards the outside world again.

Lin Qin appeared next to Yang Ba, his figure flashed, and the two disappeared together.

Hundreds of kilometers away, on a meteorite, the figures of two people appeared.

"I've met you, my lord!" Yang Ba hurriedly saluted.

Lin Qin said with a smile: "Very good, your strength has improved a lot, and there is something for you to do."

"Please tell me, my lord!"

"Ji Chen has already left Cangcheng, and he will definitely return to the Nine Dao Saint Heaven Sect. His purpose should be only one, to restore the immortal artifact."

"At that time, it will definitely affect the whole body, causing turmoil in the Nine Paths Saint Tianzong."

"You lead the Wuxiang Heavenly Demon Army, take the opportunity to control the sect in your hands."

"The person behind the Nine Dao Saint Heaven Sect is Li Xuan, the youngest and most powerful man, who has cultivated his cultivation in half a step. I will talk to him and ask him not to interfere."

The corner of Yang Ba's mouth twitched. Is the "heart-to-heart talk" that the adults refer to as he understands?

"Wuxiangtian Modao controls the Nine Dao Sacred Heaven Sect. It's justifiable. You can do whatever you want. You have seen what happened today. This starry sky has already begun to turmoil. We must plan ahead."

"Yes, my lord, this old slave will definitely live up to his trust!" Yang Ba saluted deeply.

"When you take full control of this sect, you will completely remove the factors of instability, do you understand what I mean?"

"Are you referring to those statues?" Yang Ba asked uncertainly.

Lin Qin nodded, "You don't need to destroy them all, just throw them into the starry sky to attract the attention of the Lord."

"I will choose a suitable time to completely open Cangcheng, and the new round of battles will not be too far away."

"Zhou Tai has gradually taken control of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races. After controlling the Nine Paths Sacred Heavenly Sect, contact him as soon as possible."

"Yes, my lord!" Yang Ba felt a surge of torrent in his heart.

Conquering the starry sky and the universe is something that every demon is looking forward to.

The matter was almost explained, and Lin Qin didn't waste any time. He immediately redeemed a long-distance starry sky teleportation from the redemption list, teleported the Wuxiang Heavenly Demon Army, and handed it over to Yang Ba.

And he was going to talk to Li Xuan for a heart-to-heart talk.

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