Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 279 The Cursed Doll Weaved by Medten Grass

This is completely contrary to Chi Ke's statement, and also beyond his expectation.

But Jean had no intention of showing mercy.

The void disk flew out of the air, suspended in the void above the heads of the two, and the laws of space spread one after another, sealing this world.

The woman is about 30 years old, but the vicissitudes of life are hard to hide.

Obviously, this person is very old.

Dressed roughly, the woman raised her hand and grabbed a set of clothes from the storage equipment and put them on her body.

The Book of Curses has been hovering over her head, protecting her in it.

"Who are you? How can there be such a powerful monk as you in this starry sky?"

In the woman's eyes, there is still a kind of shock that cannot be concealed.

"Why did you curse me?" Lin Qin asked without answering.

The woman took a deep breath, and then said: "From the news I learned from Yitian Shengzong, you are very likely to be the first person to come out of the Four Elephant Heavenly Palace."

"So what?"

"The fairy corpse may be on your body!" The woman hesitated for a while, but finally said truthfully.

"It turns out that your target is him!" Lin Qin nodded, as if talking to himself, as if deliberately telling the other party, "The nail inserted between its eyebrows should be yours!"

"Sure enough, it's here with you. That's right, that nail is the result of my whole life's cultivation."

"So, your goal is the nails, not the fairy corpse?" Lin Qin showed a smile that was not a smile.

The woman's expression was stagnant, and she didn't answer for a long time.

"You are my captive now, give up resisting, and spare your life!" Lin Qin planned to inquire, but he had to catch the other party first.

The void disk buzzed and trembled, and the space around the woman rippled layer upon layer, and the power of confinement became stronger and stronger, which made her face gradually pale.

The pages of the Book of Curses flipped, making a rattling sound, and more and more black air escaped from it, trying to fight against the surrounding space laws.

Lin Qin didn't look at her, but grabbed a set of tables and chairs and started making tea.

The meteorite where the woman is located has a large area and is a good place to rest.

After a long time, Lin Qin filled up the teacup in front of him, and then asked, "Are you a strong man in the same era as the ancient demon?"

"Your body injury is left from the battle with the immortal?"

"What's your name?"

Lin Qin threw out one question after another, but he was not in a hurry, nor did he seem more interested, he just asked what he thought of!

The woman sat cross-legged on the ground, gritting her teeth to resist.

The Book of Curses is indeed a top-level innate magic weapon, much stronger than the defective Void Disk.

Before the crack on the void disk was repaired, under Lin Qin's control, at best he could only trap this person.

Lin Qin had a half-smile expression on his face, a black glow flew out from between his eyebrows, hovered above his head, and his book of curses appeared.

The woman looked up suddenly, the shock in her eyes was uncontrollable.

Ever since I took control of the Book of Curses, I have never heard that there is a second book in this world.


The two books of curses look exactly the same, but both understand the surprise on both sides.

Lin Qin's book is more like a newborn child, full of vigor and vitality just like the rising sun.

On the other hand, the other party's book of curses is closer to an elderly man, full of vicissitudes of time.

Lin Qin's book of curses turned into a black light and flew over the woman's head, exuding a strong curse power.

The woman's body trembled, her book of curses trembled frequently, and black threads escaped from the pages of the book.

Soon, black threads escaped from the two books and joined together in the middle.

Her face became even paler, and a wave of despair rose in her heart.

"Answer my previous question." Lin Qin continued.

The woman closed her lips tightly, even her eyes closed again, and her eyelids twitched.

The two books began to devour each other, one was born and the other was old, after a stalemate for a while, the verdict was reached.

The original power of the curse contained in the book of curses on the woman's head began to drain.

It's slow, but every moment is passing.

"I, my name is Ge Hongyue, and I am the daughter of the Immortal Venerable of the previous generation."

"The Ge family is the one that controls the Book of Curses?" Lin Qin asked curiously.

Ge Hongyue nodded, and said eagerly: "You...quickly stop...I..."

Lin Qin was unmoved, and looked at the other party quietly.

The Book of Curses conveyed the idea of ​​joy and excitement, and it was impossible for him to let it stop like this.

Ge Hongyue gritted her teeth, "Yes!"

"Isn't the Book of Curses passed on from male to female?"

"What if there are no more men?" Ge Hongyue asked back.

Lin Qin was at a loss for words for a moment, but soon realized that this woman probably killed all the men surnamed Ge.

"Can you...can you stop?" Although Ge Hongyue's expression was still barely maintained, her heart was full of panic.

She could really feel that the source of her book of curses was being lost bit by bit.

"No!" Lin Qin picked up his teacup, took a sip, and said firmly.

Ge Hongyue looked gloomy and chose to remain silent.

Lin Qin asked several questions in a row, but she didn't answer.

"How did that fairy die?"

"How was the ancient demon killed?"

Ge Hongyue gritted her teeth tightly and even closed her eyes again.

Lin Qin smiled and didn't care.

Just when he picked up his teacup and was about to take a sip.

Ge Hongyue suddenly opened her eyes, a blood-red sternness flashed in her eyes, and with a flick of her right hand, a scarecrow the size of a palm suddenly appeared.

"Curse the doll, go!"

The cursed doll flashed and disappeared without a trace. When it reappeared, it had passed through the blockade of the void disk and came to Lin Qin.

As if Lin Qin didn't see it, he put down the teacup in his hand.

With a bang, the cursed doll was placed on the table.

It seems to have life, and its limbs are constantly struggling.

"It's actually Butiancao!" Lin Qin's eyes showed surprise.

Although this cursed doll is so-so, the material used is a kind of straw called patching grass that dries up.

The Butian Grass is quite extraordinary just by its name. It is an innate spiritual grass with endless vitality, and it is much more precious than the colorful dragon carp fruit tree.

Stretch out two fingers, pinch a thread on the cursed doll's chest, and gently pull it out.

Pulling out a dry straw that was half a foot long, the black air on the surface surged, containing a strong curse power.

Putting away this patch of grass, Lin Qin looked at it with hopeful eyes, hoping that she could play another cursed doll.

"You..." Ge Hongyue spat out a mouthful of black blood in anger, her mind suddenly lost control, and a large part of the origin on the curse book was sucked away.

She has obtained a lot of good things over the years, but the only one who can cope with the current situation is the cursed doll.

Unexpectedly, it didn't have the slightest effect, and even the patch grass that weaved the curse doll was pulled out.

"This person's physical body is too strong, even cursing the doll can't do anything." Ge Hongyue felt a flash of despair.

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