Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 262 Four Sacred Beast Skeletons

The aura of violent law swept out from it.

Mi Lin just felt it for a while, and then his face changed in horror.

He felt the majestic and vast aura from the crack in the void.

Immediately afterwards, there was another slight click, the crack expanded again, and layers of space ripples rolled up on both sides.

Mi Lin raised his hand and grabbed it, and the seven long swords rolled back, forming a protective sword curtain around his body, isolating the terrifying aura.

When the starry sky calmed down, the crack had expanded to a million feet.

The violent breath poured out from the crack, like a waterfall hanging upside down from the void.

Through the cracks, a huge and magnificent building can be vaguely seen.

It is as white as snow, with carved beams and painted buildings, and four towering giant columns stand in the four directions of east, west, north, south, respectively.

The gust of wind swept across, and countless wind blades came and went in the building complex.

The wicker of the Burial Sky Cloud Willow is wrapped around the four giant pillars, growing crazily, and the willow leaves sway with the strong wind.

Mi Lin looked at the building for a moment, his eyes showed disbelief, and then turned into a frenzy, his body flickered, and he rushed towards the crack.

The moment he entered the crack, an extremely terrifying aura hit his face, blasting on his protective sword screen, bursting out bursts of roar.

At the same time, a golden vine shot through the air and pierced the sword screen.

There was only a cracking sound, and the sword curtain shattered, and he was thrown flying.


Mi Lin cursed inwardly, his whole body was filled with aura, seven stars condensed on the top of his head, sprinkled seven rays of starlight, and rushed up again.

Seven stars surrounded the surrounding area, exuding a vast and boundless terrifying sword energy, forming layers of protection.

Zongtian Yunliu frantically absorbs the breath of law around the building, and a second golden vine quietly grows out, intertwining with the first one.

Next, is the third article.

It cares about the rapid growth that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and its strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Mi Lin made a formula with both hands, and the sword energy emanating from the seven stars intertwined with each other, forming a continuous raging wave, which rushed out directly.

Immediately, there was the sound of turbulent waves crashing on the shore.

The sword energy came into contact with the dense gust of wind and collided with each other.

Mi Lin kept moving forward, and when he was suspended above the buildings, he was shocked by the magnificence in front of him.

However, what shocked him was not only the building itself, but a giant beast crouching on the top of the four giant pillars.

The aura they exude is vast and terrifying.

Even if he stepped into the Mortal Transformation Realm, he would feel terrified just by looking at it.

"Is this the complete body of the Four Elephant Sacred Beast?"

"The building guarded by the Four Elephant Sacred Beast, doesn't that mean that this is the Four Elephant Heavenly Palace?"

He was completely shocked by the answer he came up with.

The Four Elephant Heavenly Palace, which has been searched for by the various forces for countless years, actually appeared in front of him in this way, so why didn't it shock him.


The golden vine whipped towards Mi Lin, and when it was about to approach, it split into three parts and pulled toward Mi Lin in three directions.

"court death!"

Mi Lin scolded angrily, seven stars flickered fiercely, and the terrifying sword energy erupted again, forming a ring-shaped sharp blade, cutting the surrounding space.

All laws, under this kind of cutting, unexpectedly disappeared.

Three golden vines collided with it, and at the same time as a violent impact erupted, they rolled back and dropped several golden willow leaves.

The trunk of the Sky Burying Cloud Willow began to condense and form in the void above the building. This time it was not hanging upside down, but rooted on the top of the building.

"Damn it!"

Mi Lin's eyes flashed coldly, and the seven stars trembled again. The next moment, the surrounding light seemed to be absorbed and gradually dimmed.

A dark space began to form around it and spread in all directions.

The seven stars are the only sparks in this dark world.

The cultivation base of Burial Sky Cloud Willow is continuously rising, which makes it very excited and excited.

It wants to tear the nasty thing in front of it to pieces, so it swells.

The fourth golden wicker sprouted buds, and along with it was a golden Burial Sky Cloud Spirit.

It flapped its wings, danced lightly, and devoured the surrounding wind laws.

After devouring enough laws, he returned to the fourth willow branch again, injecting the absorbed laws directly into the willow branch.

The fourth wicker is also growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The dark space around Mi Lin continued to spread, and after the surrounding wind blades entered this area, the laws contained in it quickly dissipated, and finally turned into nothingness.

A pitch-black long sword condensed above his head, and the blade blended with the surrounding environment.

However, the breath emanating from it is extremely terrifying.

The four golden wickers of the Burying Cloud Willow swayed gently, and countless green wickers protruded from the void in all directions, and then, like a group of snakes, surrounded the area covered by darkness, entrenched layer by layer.

The breath kept colliding and exploding.

Forming continuous shock ripples, spreading to the surroundings.


An icy roar resounded from Mi Lin's mouth, the dark space around him trembled slightly, and a jet-black long sword flew out of the air, pointing directly at the body of the Burial Sky Cloud Willow rooted on the top of the building.

The black long sword is tangible and intangible, and the green willows surrounding it can't stop it at all.

All the willow branches that passed by were chopped into two pieces, and smashed onto the tree trunk.

clap la la...

The trunk swayed crazily, and the willow branches fell off and withered.

The four golden willows danced wildly, their roots like dragon claws, firmly piercing into the top of the building, absorbing a more terrifying aura.

The fallen wicker grew again, and a fifth golden wicker grew along with it.

"You are courting death!"

Seeing this, Mi Lin snorted coldly.

Even if it is one of the detached species, such a crazy absorption of the power of law will leave serious troubles.

He didn't believe that Zantian Yunliu could absorb without restraint.

Just as the two sides were fighting, four angry roars sounded.

The four holy beasts on the four huge pillars roared upwards, and four terrifying auras spread out.

Form a continuous storm, sweeping in all directions.

The green willows flying all over the sky were cut off, and the golden willows also kept tightening under this breath.

The body of the Burying Sky Cloud Willow was also pulled out from the top of the building bit by bit.

It roared angrily, and the willow branches swayed, trying to take root again, but in vain.

The dark space around Mi Lin was also affected and began to shrink continuously.

In just a moment of effort, the Burying Sky Yunliu was confined within a ten-foot area.

Originally there were countless willow sticks, but only the golden wicker sticks remained, barely protecting the surrounding body.

Mi Lin's dark space is also constantly shrinking, and in the end it can barely support the space for one person to settle down.

Seven stars surrounded him, barely protecting him.

They all found out, sadly, that they were trapped.

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