Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 250 Five Years Passed 5

After choosing a good exercise, Lin Qin continued to exchange for "Liberation of the Physical Body".

However, he didn't act too hastily. Every time he lifted the ban and raised a big realm, he would settle for a while and then continue.

It took a full 30 years before all ten seals were lifted.

However, his cultivation only reached the ninth level of the Heavenly Human Realm, and then stopped abruptly.

If you want to go further, the conditions here do not allow it.

Feeling the surge of true energy in his body, Lin Qin felt an urge to leave immediately.

"It's only been 210 years since Star Wars, and the development of Cangcheng is getting better and better."

"It's not time to leave, there is still a problem that has not been resolved, so wait."

"It seems to have forgotten something! Forget it, don't care!"


In the depths of the distant starry sky, beyond the Moyuan Starland, Ji Lianhang and Sun Ke have been staying here, not daring to leave.

The responsibility of the former is to guard the Demon Abyss Star Continent, while the latter is afraid of being angered because of being involved, so he dare not leave rashly.

While the two were practicing, a huge vortex appeared out of thin air in the starry sky.

A figure stepped out of the vortex, holding a brush in his hand, his whole body was awe-inspiring!

"What crime should Ji Lianhang deserve!"

Ji Lianhang opened his eyes violently, with a hint of fear in his eyes, he hurriedly got up and went outside, and looked up.

Immediately knelt down on both knees and said in a trembling voice: "I hope my lord will forgive me!"

Sun Ke also knelt beside him, not daring to say a word.

"Huh!" The visitor snorted coldly, swiped out the brush in his hand, and formed a huge "Zhu" character in the void, and then slowly pressed it down.

"My lord, have mercy!" Sun Ke couldn't care less, and hurriedly kowtowed for mercy.

"Wait a minute, my lord!" A voice appeared in the distance, and then from far to near, an old man stood in front of Ji Lianhang.

"Ancestor of the Ji family, do you want to stop me?"

"Don't dare!"

"I just hope that my lord can give Lian Bang a chance to make up for his mistakes!" The old man begged with a deep salute.

"Make up for it?" The man sneered, but did not speak, staring at the three of them directly with a pair of icy eyes.

Ji Liankang gritted his teeth, clasped his fists together again, and said, "This happened for a reason, please listen to me, my lord."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, he continued: "The reason why I made such a big move was because I discovered the whereabouts of Chu Ze and Po Ze, and I wanted to give them to my lord, so I was eager for quick success and something went wrong."

"Oh, then I have to blame this seat?"

"Don't dare!"

"Tell me everything you know, and I will consider it myself."

"Yes, my lord!"

Immediately, Ji Lianhang confessed everything he knew in detail.

After listening, the man was silent for a long time, then turned around and stepped into the void vortex, disappearing.

After he left, the three of them collapsed to the ground, terrified.

After a while, Sun Ke got up, turned and left without saying a word.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Ji Lianhang's mouth, watching the other party's back disappear into the depths of the starry sky.

The ancestor of the Ji family didn't say much, and disappeared without a trace.


Time flies, and another century passes by in a flash.

Lin Qin not only deepened his research on the laws of space, but also built a huge protective formation outside Cangcheng.

Using the laws of space, Cangcheng was separated from the starry sky to form a separate space.

After doing this, he finally remembered one thing, he actually forgot about the Heaven and Earth Furnace.

He raised his hand to take it out of the storage ring, and a mournful voice sounded, "My lord, have you forgotten the old slave?"

"It's only more than 300 years. For you, it's just a nap." Lin Qin said lightly, without any guilt.

"My lord, this old slave's soul was seriously injured before, and after being chased by you for more than half a year, the injury has already deteriorated. If you put me in the storage ring for a few more years, this old slave's soul will disappear." Tiandi Chi Ke's miserable voice came from the furnace.

"Okay, I will find a ray of mirror for you to hang the source of the green flame."

"My lord, you... come here for a while!"


"This old slave wants to use the most precious place to touch your thigh!"


The time of cultivation always passes quickly, and more than 100 years have passed, and 500 years have passed since the last Star Wars.

Cangcheng Xinglu has ushered in its heyday, and strong and capable people emerge in large numbers.

However, Liu Yu'er is the only one who can break through to the realm of heaven and man.

After bidding farewell to Lin Qin, she also took Qingluan away and embarked on the road to the stars.

Lin Qin took the opportunity to ask her for a ray of the source of the blue flame hanging from the mirror, and imparted a flame magic power in exchange for it.

On this day, Lin Qin who was cultivating suddenly opened his eyes, and for the first time showed a solemn look on his face, "Are you finally awake?"

Immediately, his figure flickered and disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already come to the sky above the snowy land.

Two beautiful figures flew out from the cracks in the ground. Both of them are rare and beautiful women in the world, and any one of them can be the best in the world.

In the entire Cangcheng, only Fan Yaxuan can compare with it.

"Friend Daoist Lin, haven't you been staring at the little girl? You appeared just after you left the level!"

Lin Qin didn't take it seriously, clasped his fists together, and said very politely: "I'm Lin Qin, what's your name?"

"You can call me Rushang, Nie Rushang!" Nie Rushang gently stroked the hair on her forehead, smiled, her long skirt fluttered, as if she wanted to ride the wind and leave.

At this moment, the young girl next to this woman took a step forward and bowed deeply to Lin Qin, "Little girl Xue Luo, I have met Patriarch Cangcheng!"

Lin Qin's eyes swept over the two of them, and finally landed on Nie Rushang, admiring: "Good trick, I know about Xue Luo's situation, and I couldn't do anything before, but you did it unexpectedly."

Nie Rushang smiled lightly, and didn't answer, but said calmly: "I'm leaving, thank you for taking care of me all these years!"

Lin Qin shook his head, "Rather than caring, it's more appropriate to use the word "prevention."

"No matter what, I still want to thank you." Nie Rushang paused, and then said, "Perhaps, we will meet in the starry sky in the future. At that time...you are allowed to pursue me."

Lin Qin's expression froze.

"You don't like being so direct?" Nie Rushang's tone was displeased.

"No... I like to be more direct!"

"Beautiful thinking!" Nie Rushang's figure flickered, and Xue Luo turned into a ray of light soaring into the sky.

Lin Qin immediately ordered Tiandao clone to let go.

A voice came slowly, "Patriarch Cangcheng, for me...to Xiao Zhudao..."

Lin Qin shook his head, it was another pair of fateful mandarin ducks, and they feared that they would never see each other again.

When Nie Rushang left, the stone in his heart was relieved, and he no longer had to worry about the future.

From now on, Cangcheng can be completely controlled by Tiandao clone.

No matter where he is in the starry sky, even if it is far away, he can still know the situation of Cangcheng through the avatar of Heavenly Dao.

"It's time to leave!"

Lin Qin left without a sound, and no one in the entire Starland knew about it except Tong An because of the master-servant contract...

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