Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 239 Lin Qin's Hidden Backhand

Soon, it stepped out with a fierce step.

The starry sky under his feet shattered into countless tiny cracks.

Blood mist overflowed from both eyes, surrounding the whole body.


A roar came from its mouth, and the blood mist around it billowed, turning into a huge blood claw, grabbing the front end of the long whip that was whipped.

A majestic force burst out, spreading from the front end of the long whip.

There was a slight cracking sound from the keel, and the strong force was like a raging wave, and the long whip shook uncontrollably.

Gu Xiaojun's eyes were fixed, and his whole body breathed vigorously.

The long whip in his hand suddenly collapsed straight, like a thousand-foot long spear, and stabbed straight out.

With a buzzing sound, the airflow on both sides of the long whip surged like a wind blade, cutting the air.

The five fingers of the blood claw were strangled, and immediately exploded into a cloud of blood mist with a bang.

The long whip whipped over, leaving a deep crack on the opponent's body, and the swirling air flow remained in the wound, expanding the crack.


The puppet let out an angry growl, kicked its hooves against the starry sky, and turned into an afterimage, rushing towards Gu Xiaojun.

Gu Xiaojun's expression didn't change at all, and he shook the long whip in his hand.

There was a series of crackling sounds from the whip body, and pieces of keels fit together, forming a spear in an instant.

As he stepped forward, the pale bone spear pierced out like a dragon floating in the air.

The laws around him were stirring, and a translucent dragon shadow appeared on the surface of the gun body, exuding a palpitating dragon chant...

There was a loud explosion over the entire battlefield, and countless arrows rained down, as if there was a heavy rain in the starry sky.

The human-shaped puppet in the Heaven-Human Realm was sent flying upside down, retreating several thousand feet, and then stopped, its eyes turned scarlet.

Zhou Tai frowned, and with a wave of his hand, a huge arrow with a dazzling thunder light began to condense on the bowstring.

"Zixiao Tianlei Arrow!"

Thunderbolts poured down from the starry sky and landed on the arrows.

It seemed to be the thunder that came from the nine heavens.

The arrow trembled slightly, exuding a violent breath of thunder law, covering the entire battlefield in an instant.

All the puppets were expressionless, with blood-red light shining in their eyes, and they rushed towards them at a faster speed.

Members of the Dragon Soul Cultivator Army, with nine lights and shadows circling around them, rushed out with long spears in their hands.

The dragon soul in his body roared, his aura soared to the sky, and ghost shadows of real dragons could be faintly seen in the starry sky above his head.

Not far from the Dragon Soul Cultivator Army were tall members of the Heavenly Demon Army. With stone giants leading the battle, their momentum was even more majestic.

A little further away is the Earth Brother Army, they form a neat square formation, and the blood of Ning Cang leads the entire team.

There is a bright galaxy under the feet, and the stars light up one by one.

In the starry sky above his head, there is a river of swords, winding nine curves, with awe-inspiring momentum.

The sword array was fully activated, and a terrifying sword energy appeared above the heads of the earth cultivators, pointing directly at the sky.

The teams from both sides collided with each other like torrents heading towards each other, causing the entire starry sky to shake.

A stone giant exploded with a bang. At that time, its huge fist still hit the head of a puppet, blowing it up.

Two animal-shaped puppets came towards a Dragon Soul cultivator army at the same time.

The hard claws made a sonic boom, and the space was torn into tiny cracks.

The cultivator didn't flinch, and stabbed out with a spear in his hand.

The body of the gun vibrated violently, and a phantom in the shape of a dragon emerged, and the gun came out like a dragon.

With a loud bang, the sharp claws of two puppets hit the cultivator, flickering violently the Nine-Dragon Sky Cover formed by the formation.

Immediately there was a click, and a crack appeared on the surface of the mask.


The dragon soul member let out an angry shout, and the aura in his whole body surged, pouring into the gun body frantically.

With a soft puff, the spear shot out from the back of one of the puppet's heads.

The majestic power invaded his body, and the whole body was directly shattered into countless tiny pieces.

Another puppet opened its mouth wide and directly hit the protective light shield of the Nine Dragons canopy.

The mask shattered suddenly, and Yu Wei immediately bombarded the member of the Dragon Soul, knocking him flying upside down, with blood gushing from his mouth.


This person is also amazing, the spear in his hand flew out, turned into an afterimage, and poured into the opponent's body.


A low shout sounded from his mouth, the spear trembled violently, let out a whine, and immediately exploded, blasting the beast-shaped puppets into pieces.

An afterimage flashed by, and a puppet shaped like a civet cat appeared in front of his eyes, with a pair of animal claws protruding towards his chest.

The dragon soul cultivator's eyes were wide open, and he tried his best to avoid it, but he was seriously injured, so he could only watch the beast's claws fall.

With a bang, the man felt a terrifying force invade his body, as if it wanted to tear him apart.

As soon as his eyes went dark, he fell into darkness.

The civet cat puppet stopped where it was, looking down at its front paws, with deep doubts in its eyes.

Just now, when he was about to kill the other party, a ray of light lit up on the other party's body, and then this person disappeared.

Lin Qin stood on the top of Lingshan, looking into the depths of the starry sky, "Did someone hang up so soon?"

A ray of light projected down from the clouds, and when it was about to land, Lin Qin stretched out his hand and pulled it over.

The light shone on the Lingshan Square, and after three breaths, the light disappeared, revealing a figure, it was the member of the Dragon Soul Army just now.

The Star Shield Talisman can not only defend against the chaotic laws outside the starry sky, but can also send the wearer back to Cangcheng when his life is in danger.

Of course, this can only be used near Cangcheng, if it is too far away, it will not work.

These people are the strength he cultivated with great difficulty, how could it be possible for them to die in battle so easily?

The man woke up from the coma, got up from the ground, touched his body, and it took a long time to notice Lin Qin approaching.

"My... my lord, you... are you breaking into the underworld?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, look clearly, this is Lingshan, you are not dead yet!" Lin Qin said angrily, anyone who was close to him would definitely slap him.

Only then did the man notice the surrounding environment, his eyes widened, and it took him a long time to figure out what was going on.

"Thank you for saving my life, my lord."

"No need to be polite." Lin Qin waved his hand, raised his hand and grabbed a storage bag and handed it over. "Here are 300 million Star Shield Talismans, organize the brothers who have been sent back to Cangcheng, and fight back to the battlefield."

The man touched the star shield talisman on his waist, but found nothing. Only then did he realize that it was the star shield talisman made by the adult that saved him, and he admired Lin Qin even more in his heart.

Not daring to stay longer, he saluted Lin Qin and left quickly.

In the starry sky battlefield, as the two sides fought fiercely, the Zongmen coalition forces behind the monk army also began to attack.

The opponent's monk army also joined the battle circle.

The entire battlefield became even more chaotic...

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