Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 215 Restarting the Patriarch Festival

As for what happened just now, the two of them didn't bother to ask any more.

"You don't have to worry too much, except for the snowy star land, at most it will only cause violent shocks."

"The most serious thing is the collision of the laws of heaven. According to my calculations, a storm of spiritual energy may form and sweep across all areas."

"During this period of time, the spiritual energy will be disordered, and some monks may not be able to bear it and explode to death."

"This matter, you should pass it on as soon as possible, so as not to cause serious casualties."

Lin Qin explained all the consequences of the deduction before leaving.

Zhou Tai and Sun Jingxiao were left behind, looking at each other in dismay, the shock in their hearts could not be calmed down for a long time.

After half a sound.

"Forget it, I'd better tell Xiao Zhu about this first, let him deal with it early, and leave!"

Sun Jingxiao clasped her fists, her body flickered, and she rushed to the sky.

Zhou Tai shook his head lightly, glanced at the distant sky, then returned to the deserted city fortress, and explained what Lin Qin had ordered.

Half an hour later, silhouettes of monks flew out of the city, facing the sunset, and headed towards the direction of the snowy star land.


The wasteland star land is a world of ice and snow, and the temperature is extremely low all year round.

And lack of spiritual energy, even monks with water or ice spiritual roots don't like to come to this star land.

In the center of the star land, there is a stretch of ice and snow mountains.

The criss-crossing blocks of ice, like sharp knives, rushed straight to the sky.

Deep in a gap, there is a vast underground space.

In the center, nine icicles support the roof of the cave.

The ground was covered with a thick layer of solid ice, and the mysterious nicks on the surface were clearly visible.

Neatly arranged around the icicles, forming a complex formation.

The majestic aura seeped out from the ground and the ceiling of the cave, merged into the formation, transformed into a richer aura, and merged into a piece of ice that was as tall as a person in the center of the nine stone pillars.

If someone comes here, they will definitely be able to detect it.

Inside the ice cube, there is actually a beautiful woman frozen.

The skin is as white as jade, and a head of jet-black hair hangs down the back of his head.

She was dressed in a snow-white dress, which made her even more beautiful.

What was even more weird was that her cheeks were flushed and shiny, as if she had fallen asleep.


After Lin Qin left, he went straight back to Dadicheng.

Tong An, who had broken through to the realm of transforming gods, got the news immediately and came to see him.

"grown ups!"

It is still beside the sword pool, beside the stone table.

Lin Qin took out the tea set that hadn't been used for a long time and started to make tea.


"That's right, your cultivation has made great progress, congratulations!"

"Thanks to the adults!" Tong An clasped his fists, walked over and sat down.

Lin Qin smiled without saying a word, filled the teacup on the table with spiritual tea, picked it up and took a sip.

The elegant tea fragrance, mixed with strong aura, slips into the throat, making you feel comfortable physically and mentally.

"My lord, this old slave has already got the news from Brother Zhou."

"The old slave has an idea, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Lin Qin put down his teacup in surprise, and said, "But it's okay!"

"The Patriarch Festival has not been held for a long time, why not take advantage of this crisis and let the major cities prepare to hold it at the same time."

"Firstly, to pray for peace of mind; secondly, it can also enhance the prestige of adults, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

Lin Qin shook his head with a smile and said, "You are really old and cunning, old and strong... I'm afraid the ghost old man is not as good as you."

This Tong An is really a wonderful person, and his eyes are also very vicious.

Lin Qin also had this idea before, but Tong An said it before he fully formed his idea.

"Well, I will leave this matter to you. The time for the Patriarch's Sacrifice will be today, one month later."

"Although you can do it with confidence and boldness. With me here, there will be no accidents."

"Yes, my lord, this old slave will do it now!" Tong An was overjoyed, he had already seen that Lin Qin built so many earth temples, he must be collecting incense and vows.

Although I don't know what the use of this thing is, I have already put it in my heart.

He had long thought about holding the Patriarch Festival jointly in all major cities.

However, just in time to meet an appropriate time, he directly brought it up.

The next day, an earth-shattering news spread throughout the continents.

Beyond the starry sky, a huge star land is colliding towards the ice sheet land.

A month later, the two star continents will collide.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and all major forces were shocked.

"Ridiculous, who spread this rumor?"

Away from Tianxing Continent, on a mountain range, there is a building complex consisting of three palaces.

These buildings were originally buried deep in the ground, but were moved to the top of the mountain by Tan Qing.

The sudden appearance of the building, like a miracle, alarmed many monks and sects.

Treating this place as an ancient relic, he was about to find out, but was taken away by Tan Qing.

Then, under his strong suppression, these sects all bowed their heads and surrendered, and followed his example.

He was the one who spoke just now.

"Master Tan, it came from the fortress of Huangcheng. According to our guess, it should be released by the ancestor of Cangcheng!"

The Supreme Elder of a sect bowed his body and said cautiously.

"Patriarch Cangcheng? Who is this?"

"This person's name is Lin Qin, and he is the most powerful person behind Cangcheng Xinglu."

"He built many temples for himself, and his statue is enshrined in them."

Before Tan Qing was slightly disdainful, after hearing about the temple and offerings, the expression on her face gradually calmed down, and a serious look appeared in her eyes.

In the inheritance he got, there is such a thing.

This time, he was going to start building a golden body for himself, but he didn't expect someone to do this long ago.

"Moreover, the four major cities of Cangcheng, the fortress of the deserted city, and the new city of the wilderness jointly held the ancestor sacrifice, begging for God's blessing and a miracle, and bless Xinglu to survive this calamity safely."

Tan Qing slapped the armrest, and said coldly: "Pretending to be a ghost!"

"You inform me that we will also hold the Patriarch Festival, and the time will be set in one month."

"At that time, all monks from Litianxing Road will gather here."

"If there is a rumored star-land collision, I will bless you all safe and sound."

The man had a joy on his face, and quickly bowed to thank him.

After hesitating for a moment, he still asked what was in his heart, "My lord, what about those mortals?"

The corner of Tan Qing's mouth revealed a touch of disdain, "Mortal? What do they have to do with me?"

"It's the adults, and the younger ones will give orders."

"Also, in the square outside, make me a thirty-foot-tall golden body."

"Yes! Your lord!"


All major cities attach great importance to the Patriarch Festival, and at the same time began intensive preparations.

One month is very tight, we must hurry up.

Saint-pattern star land, central area.

A large hall was floating in the void, and Ji Chen stood with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance with a worried expression.

What he was worried about was not the impending star-land collision, but the sky, clouds and willows.

Once this thing appears in this world, the entire beginning world will be turned into nutrients.

"I heard that Patriarch Cangcheng has returned, why don't you pay a visit, maybe he has a way to solve this trouble."

"In addition, the aura of heavenly demons actually appeared on the wasteland star land. This has never appeared before, and we have to investigate this one."

"Maybe it's not necessarily related to that sect, after all, Wuxiangtian Modao is a branch of them."

After contemplating for a while, Ji Chen stepped out from the entrance of the hall and headed towards Dadicheng.

Lin Qin sat cross-legged by the bank of the sword pond, his whole body was almost breathless.

A layer of transparent light film enveloped the whole body, spreading out layers of space ripples.

It made his figure look illusory, as if it might disappear at any time.

A long rainbow came through the sky and appeared in the void. The protective formation of Dadicheng operated by itself and stopped it.

Tong An stepped forward and came to the front, with a faint smile on his face, "Ji Daoyou, why are you coming to my land city?"

"City Master Tong, please inform me that Ji wants to meet that person, and I heard that he has returned!"

Tong An was a little surprised. Speaking of which, there are still many festivals between Shengwen Xinglu and Cangcheng Xinglu.

He nodded and said, "Wait a minute!"

After speaking, he fell from the void and walked towards Lingshan.

After a while, he came to the bank of Jianchi.

Lin Qin was still immersed in his cultivation, surrounded by mysterious laws of space, which made Tong An feel palpitations.

After standing by the side for nearly an hour, Lin Qin woke up from his practice.

"My lord, the words of the Saint Mark Starland matter, Ji Chen asks to see you."

He still had a good impression of this person, and was afraid that Lin Qin would shoot him to death, so he added, "Ji Daoyou is a good person, and he has a very good relationship with Brother Zhou."

Lin Qin nodded, "Let him come over!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Not long after, Tong An brought Ji Chen to Lingshan, and left alone.

"I've seen seniors!"

Ji Chen bowed and said politely.

Lin Qin's eyes fell on the other party, and the smile on his face grew stronger the more he looked at him.

"Your situation is really complicated. Do you want me to take action to solve your trouble?"

Ji Chen's heart shuddered, and he immediately showed an embarrassed smile, "Thank you, senior, this sudden visit is not for my own business."

"Oh, why is that?" Lin Qin asked curiously.

"Brother Zhou and seniors mentioned it? About the matter of burying Yunliu in the sky."

"I haven't mentioned it, but I know about it." Lin Qin didn't hide it either.

"Then... Senior has a solution?" Ji Chen asked anxiously.

"It's very simple, one finger!" Lin Qin showed a faint smile, stretched out a finger, and pointed towards the void.

Zantian Yunliu is fighting crazily with Tiandilu beyond the starry sky.

If Lin Qin made a snapping finger, even if he couldn't scare him away, he could temporarily calm this guy so that he wouldn't dare to step into this world easily.

"Huh?" Ji Chen was taken aback, but didn't understand.

Lin Qin didn't explain, but looked at Ji Chen with great interest, and the more he looked at it, the weirder he felt.

Ji Chen was so scared by him, and he couldn't explain it clearly, so he could only smile awkwardly.

Neither go nor stay.

"You were taken over by someone, and you succeeded, and you were assimilated in the end. The two sides... No, it should be the fusion of three spirits and souls. It's really interesting."

"Could it be that the exercises you practice are related to reincarnation? The souls of two lives can be integrated into one body."

Ji Chen's heart was shocked again. He thought that Lin Qin had just seen that he had been robbed, but he didn't want to see so many things.

Some things, even he himself did not understand.

At the beginning, they were taken away, but then, for some unknown reason, their memories and souls began to merge.

When the two souls were fused, the third soul appeared out of nowhere, and it was still the soul of his previous life.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the Nine-Turn Reincarnation Dao!"

A voice came from a distance, and Yang Ba's figure appeared on Lingshan.

"Oh?" Lin Qin suddenly became interested, "Is it also one of the Nine Paths of the Holy Heavenly Sect?"

"My lord, that's right!" Yang Ba came up to him and bowed.

"However, he was taken away by someone, which caused problems in his cultivation. If there is no help from adults, I am afraid that he will only be able to stay at the peak of the ninth level of Huashen for the rest of his life."

Yang Ba glanced at Ji Chen, and a sly look flashed in his eyes.

The corners of Lin Qin's mouth turned up slightly, and he thought to himself: "The one who knows me is still the ghost old man!"

"I sensed the aura of a demon from you. Could it be that you are the demon that appeared in the wasteland?" Ji Chen frowned, looking at Yang Ba and asked.

"You seem to be very unfriendly to my demon clan. Don't you know that Wuxiangtian Demon Dao is one of the Nine Dao Sacred Heaven Sects?" Yang Ba's eyes flashed coldly. Black gas.

Ji Chen's heart trembled, and a series of thin threads came out of his body, isolating the surrounding area with a radius of three feet.

Lin Qin waved his hand, and a gust of wind blew past, blowing away the breath of both of them.

"My lord, forgive me!" Yang Ba shuddered, and hurriedly bowed to confess.

"It's okay, let's talk about the Nine Dao Saint Heavenly Sect, I think Ji Chen would also like to hear about it." Lin Qin said with a smile.

Yang Ba nodded, and immediately fell into deep thought.

After a while, I started talking.

It turned out that the Nine Paths Saint Heaven Sect is a very famous Heaven Sect in the star land world, and there are several super-mortal experts in the sect.

Above Huashen is the realm of heaven and man, and after that is the realm of unity.

The Realm of Transformation is behind the Realm of Unity.

Commonly known as the Three Realms of True Immortals, they are the Returning Realm, the Transforming Mortal Realm, and the Transcendent Realm.

After the eighth-rank sect is the ninth-rank Xuanzong, and then the Dizong.

The level higher than the Dizong is the Tianzong, and above the Tianzong is the Shengzong.

Nine Paths Saint Tianzong is a very famous Tianzong.

Divided into nine sections:

First, the Void Wujian Dao is also the most powerful branch of this sect;

Second, Wanfa is ruthless, most of them are women, and they can cast spells very quickly, with powerful qi, and they can be called the number one in the sect;

Thirdly, the Fallen Star Dao, based on the galaxy pattern, has various methods, and the learning is the most complicated;

Fourth, the nine-turn reincarnation path, this path is also the one with the least number of people, and it is also the most mysterious.

Each generation of disciples can be counted on one hand, which has a lot to do with the skills they practice;

Fifth, the Way of the Formless Heavenly Demon, which is the branch of the Ten Great Heavenly Demons;


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