Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 209 The Land of Sealing Demons

In the void in the distance, a large hall slowly emerged. Lin Zhankong stood at the entrance of the hall, quietly looking at the Thousand Star Islands in the distance.

Su Hongna raised her head suddenly, a pair of almond eyes exuded a water blue light, and immediately stepped out, her figure disappeared in an instant, and appeared in front of her.

"Friend Daoist Lin, long time no see, you're still so down and out..." Su Hongna smiled, and the entire sky turned pale.

In the past, she was a bewitching flower from the other side, but now she is a pure and flawless snow lotus.

Coupled with the foil of the plastic snow lotus, the whole person looks more extraordinary and refined, untainted by the mundane world.

The only thing that seems out of place is the eyes, and the missing petal of the snow lotus.

"Su Hongna, we are not enemies." Lin Zhankong took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible.

Standing in front of the opponent again, an invisible pressure came over his face, making him a little out of breath.

The sound of the heartbeat was like a drum beating to the sky, and a sense of anxiety arose spontaneously.

Su Hongna pursed her red lips, chuckled lightly, and stepped out from the plastic snow lotus.

Stepping on the void, the bare feet, as white as jade, shone like a moonlight.

"Since that's the case, why don't fellow daoists go sit in the small building near the sea where the concubine lives, instead of waiting and watching?" Su Hongna stretched out her slender hands, feeling a little empty.

The plastic snow lotus turned into a white moonlight, which was printed on the wrist.

On the snow-white skin, a snow lotus pattern appeared.

"You don't need to sit down. I just came to tell you that Lin Qin has left this world. If there is anything to do, do it as soon as possible."

Lin Zhankong's eyes flickered, and the blood in his body surged.

This woman is even more enchanting than before, exuding a seductive aura all the time, one has to be on guard all the time.

After saying this, the figure disappeared, and the Dao Zun Temple turned into a ray of light, and went away in an instant.

Su Hongna pursed her red lips, and moved her naturally drooping hands, but she didn't make a move after all.

When the other party left, she chuckled lightly, turned and returned to the Sea God Pavilion.


Moyuan Starland, in one of the nine Forbidden Dragon Pavilions.

Lin Qin had already grasped a fragment with one hand, and the violent law of space formed a series of blade lights, which hit his arm and trembled.

Immediately, he opened his eyes suddenly, and two fragments flew out from the top of his head.

Draw out two white lights, and bombard them fiercely.

Accompanied by two loud bangs, a wide mouth appeared in the opponent's space law.

Lin Qin was overjoyed, and urged his own space law to the extreme.

As soon as the confinement force on the arm was released, it quickly retracted, and a fragment was also caught.


There was a buzzing in the surrounding space, and the entire tower immediately trembled violently.

Another fragment left on the skeleton lit up streaks of white light, illuminating the surrounding space.

In a flash, it disappeared without a trace together with the skeleton.

Lin Qin froze for a moment, sighed and shook his head.

The other fragment was a third larger than the one he got, and the law of space was even more powerful.

Even if you don't escape, it is impossible to collect it in a short time.

Looking at the fragments in his hand, Lin Qin began to comprehend and refine.

As long as you thoroughly understand the laws of space in this fragment, you can easily return to the Cangcheng star land with the help of three fragments.

In the central tiankeng, more and more demons gathered.

In the beginning, there were only human demons, but later, even the earth demons appeared after hiding.

Yang Ba stood beside the tiankeng, his whole body full of demonic energy.

It can be judged by the breath alone that it has reached the sixth level of the God Transformation Realm.

Moreover, with the passage of time, his momentum has become more majestic, and his cultivation base is also rapidly improving.

It won't take long to cross the nine barriers of the God Transformation Stage and enter a higher realm.

Beyond the Moyuan Starland, there is a vast starry sky, full of mysterious and unpredictable atmosphere.

On the outskirts, there is a huge banning formation, covering this star land.

In the four directions of southeast, northwest, there are several floating islands of different sizes, above which are teleportation array gates.

On one of the islands stands a nine-storey tower with three big golden characters shining on the tower - Forbidden Dragon Pavilion.

Each of the three characters exudes a mysterious and unpredictable atmosphere, and they are all made of five elements of spiritual soil.

If you look carefully, you can find that the traces are different from old to new.

Most of them were re-glued with five-element spiritual soil later.

At this moment, a ray of light rose into the sky from the top floor of the Forbidden Dragon Pavilion, illuminating the starry sky.

One person stepped out of the tower, this is a middle-aged man in his 40s.

The eyes are big, but there is not much expression, as if they are indifferent to everything!

"This is... a demon appeared in the Demon Sealing Land?"

The middle-aged man looked at the beam of light from the top of the tower, and his dull eyes gradually lit up.

Immediately, he grabbed a communication jade slip and sent the message.

"The Wuxiangtian Demon Crystal, I finally got it!"

In less than half a day, the gates of the teleportation array lit up one by one, and figures appeared one after another, all with ecstatic expressions on their faces.

"After waiting for nearly 600 years, this time the Wuxiangtian Demon Crystal will definitely be mine!" A young man with a proud expression said loudly, his aura swirling, forming a violent spiritual vortex above his head.

"Arrogance, if you want to get the Wuxiangtian Demon Crystal, it depends on whether you can snatch it from me!" A handsome girl snorted coldly, and the majestic breath spread out, forming a hurricane and blowing past.

"The old man made a reservation 1000 years ago. This is not something you juniors can get your hands on." An old man stepped from the void, and with every step he took, a starlight rose under his feet.

"Get out of here, I will kill anyone who wants to rob me!" A middle-aged strong man dragged a two-handed axe in the void.

The blade of the ax cut across the void, bringing out a series of void cracks, which made everyone's pupils constrict.

At this moment, a light cough sounded, and everyone looked for the reputation.

An old man in his 60s appeared outside the starry sky.

"Master Ji!"

Everyone gave a deep salute, with extremely respectful expressions.

The old man nodded slightly to the surroundings, and said: "Same as the previous rules, whoever can snatch the Wuxiang Heavenly Demon Crystal belongs to him. However, remember to overkill, once the demons are slaughtered too much, the Heavenly Demon will not appear again."

"Also, it is forbidden to kill each other, once found, shoot to kill."

The old man's voice contained a powerful coercion, which made everyone look dignified.

"Yes, Master Ji, we will definitely abide by the rules!"

The old man nodded and looked around, as if he wanted to record everyone's appearance in his mind.

"The Heavenly Demon's current cultivation base is only in the mid-stage of Transformation, and it needs to wait for a year and a half. Once the Phaseless Heavenly Demon Crystal is fully formed, it's time for you to enter."

"At that time, I will come here again and open the entrance to the Demon Sealing Land for you."

"Yes, my lord!"

"Congratulations, sir!"

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