Unremarkable grandfather

Chapter 102 Forbidden Dragon Pavilion

The huge body of the dragon corpse seemed to have lost its strength and fell to the ground with a bang.

The three people lying on the ground were all stunned.

"Who is he? He's so strong!" Especially Mr. Chen, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

The vines grew very fast, almost wrapping Lin Qin in it in the blink of an eye.

"It's over!" Xu Bing thought to himself, finally saw the hope of life, and now it is about to be shattered again.

Zhao Dong also looked sad, closed his eyes, and prepared to die.

At this moment, a shrill hiss came from the vine.

Then, as if the camera was playing back, the vines shrank back again.

In the end, it turned into a green seed, suspended in mid-air.

Xu Bing's expression turned into horror again, and his emotions were almost numb after several ups and downs in a short period of time.

Seeing that there was no movement, Zhao Dong opened his eyes, then was shocked and unbelievable.

Mr. Chen's expression was relatively complicated, and there was an inexplicable emotion in his heart, which even he himself couldn't explain clearly.

Lin Qin ignored the expressions of the three, and with a thought, the ghost vine that turned into a seed slowly floated towards him.

The seed is only the size of a pigeon egg, but it contains infinite vitality and complex monkish obsessions.

Lin Qin sighed softly, a gust of wind rushed out from the seeds, and slowly spread towards the surroundings.

Under the horrified gazes of Mr. Chen and the three of them, figures of monks rushed out of the seeds and then suspended in midair.

This process lasted for a full quarter of an hour, and when all the figures appeared, they almost completely filled the spacious hall.

An extremely strong cold breath spread in the hall.

The three strong men in the Yuangang realm who were seriously injured shuddered.

"Forget it, let's go!"

The next moment, formation patterns exuding golden light merged into these figures one by one.

Bursts of black air drifted out, and then became translucent until completely transparent.

The majestic vitality contained in the seeds is also rapidly dissipating.

At the same time, in Lin Qin's sea of ​​consciousness, the bottom of the list began to refresh.

Incense value +3000, incense value +2000+, incense value +...

Every time a monk's obsession is saved, a gift package of incense value will be added to him.

When all the shadows dissipated, he was provided with nearly [-] units of incense, which can be said to be quite rewarding.

Looking at the value of the incense, the few days of the ancestor sacrifice brought him nearly a million incense, and this time it has increased by nearly [-], which has now accumulated to the unit.

Lin Qin hesitated for a while, and spent 100 million units of incense value in exchange for an emperor corpse fusion.

With a bang, Lin Qin only felt his body tremble, and a terrifying breath spread out.

Before the three of Mr. Chen could understand what happened, they were blown away by the sudden aura.

In the middle of the sky, he had already fallen into a faint.

After a while, Lin Qin exhaled a foul breath and squeezed his fists.

Although the degree of fusion was only increased by 1%, it gave him a feeling that his control over his body had increased a lot.

With a thought, the surrounding water vapor condensed and formed a mirror in front of him.

Looking at himself in the mirror, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Um... still ugly.

The mirror shattered, and Lin Qin came to the dragon corpse.

"The corpse of a real dragon is a good thing, but compared to my current body, it is no different from garbage."

"Besides, it's still a young dragon's corpse. I'm afraid the cultivation level in front of him hasn't reached the level of transforming gods. Otherwise, even if it dies, it won't be controlled by the little ghost vine."

After the Golden Core Realm is the Baby Shaping Realm, and then the Transforming God Realm and the Celestial Human Realm.

The Realm Condensation Realm to the Golden Core Realm are called Great Cultivators, and the Infant Concrete Realm to the Celestial Man Realm are the Three Realms of Real People. Cultivators in these three realms can have their own titles, such as a certain real person.

The cultivation base of the ghost vine is at best the late stage of Jindan, otherwise it would not be so easy to deal with.

"It seems that there is a practice method called "Five Spirits". It is to refine the corpses of the five spirits into avatars for cultivation. It looks very powerful. Put it away first, maybe you can use it later."

Lin Qin's memory of merging the emperor's corpse is very mixed, and his exercises are even more inexhaustible. "Five Spirits" can't be regarded as such a powerful exercise.

The consciousness spread, and the void formations were outlined one by one, forming a huge space formation, wrapping the dragon corpses in groups.

A surprising thing happened. The huge body of the real dragon gradually shrank, and finally became only the size of an adult's palm, and he collected it into the sea of ​​consciousness.

After the corpse of the real dragon disappeared, an entrance leading to the ground appeared in the original place.

Lin Qin didn't go in in a hurry, but dug away all the five elements inlaid on the wall, and then flew in through the entrance.

Walking along the underground passage, we soon came to an underground cave, and the sound of ticking water could be heard from a long distance away.

Everywhere in the cave, there are grains of five-element spiritual soil inlaid, illuminating the entire space.

This cave has a large space, and a stone pillar stands in the center.

Nine dragon reliefs are carved on the surface of the stone pillars, and a majestic hall is built on the top.

With one roll of Lin Qin's spiritual consciousness, he dug out all the spiritual soil, and there was a small bowl together.

"It's really extravagant to use the Five Elements Spirit Soil for lighting."

He is poor and white now, and he can't bear this kind of extravagant and wasteful behavior the most.

His eyes fell on the hall at the top of the stone pillar, and his figure floated over.

However, as soon as he flew out of the cave, his body sank suddenly.

Infinite suction gushed out from below, pulling him down.

Lin Qin didn't panic at all, his consciousness rolled out wildly, forming a big illusory hand, dragging his body, barely resisting the pulling force.

Ordinary monks can't resist this terrifying force at all, and will directly hit the ground.

Such a high place, falling down like this, even a cultivator at the Golden Core stage will lose half of his life.

Pausing for a moment in mid-air, Lin Qin controlled his body to slowly rise up after getting used to the force.

After a while, both feet landed on the top of the stone pillar.

"Forbidden Dragon Pavilion!" Lin Qin read in a low voice, looking at the three big characters written by the Five Elements Spirit Soil on the plaque in the main hall.

"Is this the name of a faction, or is it just the name of this hall? Could it be that there is an enmity with the real dragon?"

Immediately, as if thinking of something, his spiritual consciousness surrounded the entire surface of the stone pillar, exploring inch by inch.

"This... is actually a trapped dragon stake."

Lin Qin felt that what he saw was a bit unimaginable.

It was silent for a while, after all, it was useless to use "Usurper Heaven Art" to deduce.

In front of the emperor's body, he didn't have a deep knowledge of deduction and secret arts, so there were very few such exercises, and their grades were relatively low.

There is a vague feeling in his heart that once the number of usurping the sky is used to deduce it, unknown variables will be produced, which will bring trouble to him and even Dadi Village.

Unremarkable grandfather

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