
Early the next morning, Ning Tianyu came to the gate of the village early, because a major event happened in the village.

At this moment, countless villagers took their own weapons and followed the village head, Ning Fei, to the gate of the village to confront ten strong men in red suits, red scarves, and bloody swords.

But these ten people are all low-level disciples of the Blood Knife Village, but their cultivation base has already stepped into the threshold of warriors, which is really the first level of the physical realm, and their qi and blood are twice as strong as ordinary people.

This Blood Knife Village is located in the south of Ning's small village, but the distance is three hundred miles, which is not too far.

A low-level disciple of Xuedao Village held a blood knife in his hand and said blackmailingly: "You Ningjia Village will give us two shares of Xuedao Village's money this month. If you can't pay, don't blame our Xuedao Village for not being sympathetic."

Ning Fei was hunchbacked, with only a few white hairs left on his head, his face was full of vicissitudes and wrinkles, and he had a little goatee beard. With his yellow skin, he held the wooden stick tightly with both hands, his face was pale, and he was shocked. He said palely: "Two cents? Didn't the previous rules only charge one cent? Why is it changed to two cents now?

Isn't this forcing us to Ningjia Village?How can we pay so much money in our humble village here!

And two molecules of money are compared to ten taels of silver! !Can you, Blood Knife Village, relax our Ningjia Village’s payment for a few days? "

As soon as these words were said, the faces of the ten low-level disciples of Xuedao Village on the opposite side became gloomy, because they had just collected the two shares of money from several nearby villages.

So when they heard that the other party seemed to be unable to give the money, none of them gave the other party a good look, and one of the people inside actually held a knife angrily at the right shoulder of the village head Ning Fei in front of him.

This caused the countless villagers behind Ning Fei to stir up trouble. After all, they usually fear the village chief, because Ning Fei has done a lot of welfare for the village as the village chief for so many years.

When everyone was not warm enough to wear enough to eat, the village head was willing to give up the food and let other hungry villagers drink porridge. The villagers of Ningjia Village have seen it for so many years.

Those villagers who are young and middle-aged are also pointing at each other with their weapons, but their so-called weapons are iron picks, stone shovels, iron plows and so on.

These weapons can't be compared with the weapons of Xuedao Village at all, but they really can't bear it.

They think that the other side can bully themselves, but they can't bully the village chief, spouse, children, etc., because these are their bottom lines.

When these people made such a move, Ning Fei hit the wooden stick in his hand heavily on the ground, then turned around slightly, and yelled at them loudly.

Then he sighed, turned around, lowered his posture, lowered his head and said humbly: "You guys stop quickly.

well!Our Ningjia Village gave this money, please don’t make trouble with our Ningjia Village in Xuedao Village, I hope that the incident just now is over, please accept this thing with a smile. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he took out a ring with a decent color on the index finger of his left hand and gave it to a low-level disciple who had just put a knife on his right shoulder.

Then he called a confidant to take some money from the treasury: "Ning Gao go to the treasury and get ten taels of silver for them."

A fat man nodded and responded, "Okay, village chief."

The face of the low-level disciple who took the ring improved a little bit. After a while, the fat man took a bag of ten taels of silver and handed it to the village chief. Of course, the village chief personally gave them the two taels of money. .

They accepted the two shares of money, and then gave up with a smile on their eyes. When they left, each of them breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Ning Fei knew that the ten taels of silver in the treasury was the money saved in the past three months. At this moment, he was thinking about what to do next month?

Because they only need to pay five taels of silver every month, and they can barely pay them five taels of silver.

It's just that now the other party's Blood Knife Village has such a big appetite, and they have to charge as much as ten taels of silver on the first day of each month, which makes him very headache.

But what they don't know at this moment is that the nightmare will come soon.

Standing behind his father, Ning Tianyu hated those disciples of Xuedao village who only blindly sucked money, because he had a great sense of belonging to this village. Of course, except for the village tyrant, every villager treated him very well.

On the other side, Village Ba Ning Kuang was holding an iron gun, thinking of some conspiratorial things in his mind, and a strange smile appeared on his face, but this was not noticed by his son Ning Yunfeng who was standing beside him.

Ning Yunfeng was just looking intently at the inferior blood knives in the hands of the disciples in the blood knife village, but his face was full of longing, he didn't just like it.

It's just that I like what they do on the one hand, and on the other hand, I like that knife.

It's just that Ning Tianyu doesn't know that this matter is over.

"Everyone, I have something to say. Everyone has seen that Xuedaozhai asked us to hand over the two parts of the ten taels of silver today. We paid it this month, but we may not be able to pay it next month.

What's more, they may not say ten taels of silver next month, and the price may be doubled or tripled again.

So I want to discuss countermeasures with you. If you really can't think of an idea, as the village head, I can think of two solutions, but they are not two good ones.

I don't know if you can allow me to talk about this method. If you don't agree, I won't force you. "

At this moment, the village chief coughed twice, discussed countermeasures loudly with the villagers, and also said that the treasure house in the village was running out of money.

Even if they went to Nanding City to sell things this month, in fact, they would not make much money for the Lin Family Village.

What's more, these ten taels of silver are actually enough for the entire village to feed the villagers for three months, so after paying these ten taels of silver, everyone can't fill up too much. hunger.

When you said this, every villager patiently sat in the role of audience and listened, which made the village head extremely satisfied.He stroked his goat beard, and said loudly: "Since I can't give these two people the money, then I only have these two options.

Let me talk about the first method first, that is, we took the risk. The money we earned from work this month was used to build equipment to fight the enemy, and on the first day a month later, we were ready to fight with the disciples of the Blood Knife Village.

And the second method is that our Ningjia Village will be dismantled automatically. If everyone agrees to do the second method, then there will be no such place as Ningjia Village from today, and everyone will go their separate ways! "

As soon as these two methods were mentioned, everyone chose the first method without hesitation. After all, everyone has lived here for decades, and they have long regarded this place as their home, and most of them were born here.

At this moment, the village head said a few more words: "Since everyone has the same answer, then we will work together to prepare for the work and build the tools and equipment to meet the enemy.

With this money, I will discuss with some people who are good at building furniture how to make some basic hidden weapons. I hope that everyone will not be cowardly by then, so let's go! "

After the villagers heard that the village head had said these words, they stopped staying and started to get busy gradually.

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