I have a hero dream

Chapter 348 Feng Yun Bang, Cloud Realm, Order of Heaven and Earth

This Immortal Cloud Dou Grand Tournament gathered countless heavenly talents. Even if they knew that Ning Tianyu was very strong, after all, the Heavenly Dynasty was at the end of the four dynasties, which made their confidence only fair.

Time passed quickly, and an hour passed.

At the entrance of the Vulcan Palace, the Great Elder waved his hand, and a flying ship of Shenmu quickly appeared, and Lu Bu, the Eight Immortals, and Xiao Hei also came slowly.

When everyone saw him, they all focused their attention on Lu Bu, and at the same time became vigilant, with deep hostility.

Even Li Jin and Lei Tianlin from the Fire God Palace couldn't help but shudder.

This person's cultivation is actually above mine.

The first thought suddenly came to the two big bosses from the Vulcan Palace.

It was only after Ning Tianyu coughed lightly that everyone realized that it seemed that this person and his pet belonged to him.

But at this moment, those who participated in the Xianyundou competition together seemed a bit out of place.

Why can he win the favor of the Great Elder, why does he have such a strong follower?

I have nothing better than him!

Leng Yue is like I will get you sooner or later, you can only belong to me, no one else can occupy you.

Shi Feng clenched his hands tightly, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

It's just that this cold light happened to be caught by Ning Tianyu.

He sneered in his heart, a mere high-ranking person in the Golden Core Realm also wants to get my woman's idea?Could it be that he wants to court death, but even if this Xian Yundou doesn't need me to take action, there are others.

After all, the Xianyundou competition has always been known for its brutal death cases, and it wants to obtain the qualification of Qibahai!It's simply too much.

In addition, it is not only the Dynasty of the Heavens, but also the other three major dynasties participating in this competition of Immortal Cloud Fight!

A group of people waited to arrive at the Shenmu spaceship, and Leng Yueru cast a few curses with two fingers, and slowly moved up, the body of the ship vibrated, a dazzling white light flickered, and immediately the whole ship disappeared on the spot.

You can travel thousands of miles in a blink of an eye, not too fast.

Because a strong man they didn't know came to the field, they suddenly fell into a dull and silent atmosphere.

But Ning Tianyu didn't care so much, instead he closed his eyes and rested his mind, quietly waiting for Dabi's arrival, at this moment Xiao Heibai yawned on his head boredly.

Lu Bu next to him stood guard like a giant.

Soon came to Jingnan City Imperial Field Battlefield. There were countless guards wearing golden armor in this city. They were all well-cultivated and arrogant. important personnel.

Mainly to prevent someone from invading or something?

When they arrived, many great figures from the dynasties of the heavens also came one after another. However, due to the previous battles between the immortals and the secluded, although there was a break, there were no disciples and some important personnel left.

Only some small gangs and clans were left unscathed, and of course they can only be buried with them in this competition.

Seeing that he couldn't see any acquaintances, Li Jin sighed in his heart, and bowed his hands politely.

After all, there were still too many casualties in the Xianyou War.

When they entered the depths, the officials of the Heavens Dynasty who entertained them seemed extremely respectful, and soon countless contestants gathered in the center of the battlefield, up to several hundred in number, but there was a lot of moisture inside.

Dabi's time will soon be up.

The Tianjiao of the other three dynasties slowly advanced.

At the forefront is the God of War Dynasty, followed by the Emperor Wu Dynasty, and the Wuyun Dynasty.

The aura on their bodies can basically kill all the contestants of the Dynasty of the Heavens in an instant.

Moreover, there are quite a few outstanding figures among them, and a few of them even topped the list.

The fairy world is divided into three lists!

They are Gods List, Fengyun List, and Heaven and Earth List respectively.

The head is the strongest and the tail is the weakest.

And these three lists are established by the oldest families in the fairy world. Their information is all over the world, and their strength is ranked first. Will disappear again.

Although some of these people were at the top of the ranking list, Ning Tianyu, who had experienced the battle of Xianyou and shined in this battle, although the matter was suppressed and there was no news, these things happened to be known by the ancient clan.

This is why the position of the top of the Billboard has also been quietly changed, and the person who holds this position is Ning Tianyu.

As for the list of gods, not even one person from the entire four dynasties made it to the list, which shows how brilliant the list of gods is.

There are only ten people on this list!But without exception, they are all people who are detached from the common world and possess great luck.

"Isn't this person at the top of the ranking list, the top talent of the younger generation of the God of War Dynasty, and Ling Zhantian who also holds the position of crown prince? He actually came to the Immortal Cloud Competition this time! It seems that we are still the same as before. It's too bad to be bad, and it's simply whimsical to want to obtain the qualification of the Seven Seas in the Seven Seas Secret Realm!"

"The number two on the Fengyun list, the eldest prince of the Emperor Wu Dynasty, Di Wuhao, is also here?

"I'll go, I'll go, No. [-] on the Fengyun list, is Lei Batian, the son of the prime minister of the Wuyun Dynasty, also here? This is really getting more and more interesting."

"It's over, it's really over, we seem to be exactly the same as before, and then we will only have to die, why don't we surrender earlier."

A contestant from a small gang was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and pissed and cried.

The more powerful the figures of the three major dynasties are, the more unstable the military spirit of the celestial dynasties will be.

"Quiet and quiet, there are three battles in the Immortal Cloud Dou Grand Competition, one is to gather in the depths at 12:[-] noon five days after winning the Heaven and Earth Token in the dark forest, and if you don't win, you will be eliminated.

The second is to pass through the eighteen puppet figures of Angang, all of which are passed.

Three is a personal battle.

In the first battle, you will be divided into two batches to obtain your respective tokens, and you will start in the front teleportation array. "

A man in a sickly state announced the event of the Immortal Cloud Dou Competition on the high platform.

"It seems that this is a little different from the past. This is trying to exclude our number. After all, the number in the past is still relatively small, and they are all elites. The reason why we, the little gang, are loyal to participate this time is because of the Fairy Cloud Competition. In addition to the qualifications for the Seven Seas Secret Realm, you can also have the opportunity to obtain the qualifications for cultivation in the Cloud Realm."

Ning Tianyu silently remembered the key points of the competition around him.

After all, this is his first time participating in the competition, and there are many knowledge points that he still doesn't know.

"Is the cloud environment that cloud environment? Doesn't it mean that there won't be one this time?"

"It seems that your news is lagging behind. I got inside information that this competition will definitely have the qualifications of this cloud realm, and I heard that the cultivation speed inside is a thousand times faster than the outside world, but even if you enter, you can only Only one day."

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