I have a hero dream

Chapter 345 Cloud Crystal of the Eternal Overlord, 5 Great Gems, Lu Bu's Allegiance

But at this moment, Ning Tianyu has two coins for each of them, and he also put them in his pocket.

Under the tempering of the elixir, he broke through from the elementary level of the earth immortal to the middle level without any difficulty in a short period of time. In the outside world, he wanted to use the elixir to break through a small realm, and he still broke through from the cultivation realm of the earth immortal .

The value in it is expensive, even if it goes bankrupt, it may not be so easy to break through, and at this moment, the efficacy of this elixir has not yet evaporated.

Intermediate level so soon.

It wasn't until half a month later that the potential of this elixir was completely squeezed out.

At this moment, he has actually stepped into consummation.

There is one more, and then eat.

Ning Tianyu immediately took the last elixir without any hesitation, and continued to improve his cultivation.

I saw the true essence in his body flowing endlessly, the potential of each cell was infinitely enlarged, a chaotic light with holiness and fusion of demons burst out from his forehead, and the intense light covered the entire room. The coldest temperatures are getting worse.

His eyes gradually became fierce, but there was a severe pain that could not be expressed in words, and his mouth kept roaring.

Not long after, his whole aura was like that of an ordinary person, making it hard to see through. In addition to this, a faint purple cloud crystal appeared beside him, but it was very illusory, but if you look carefully, this It is the soul spar of the realm of celestial beings.

Moreover, it is the cloud crystal owned by the extremely rare Eternal Overlord, so what is the use of this?

After reaching the realm of celestial beings, each person's spar contains different abilities, some can travel through time and space, some can bring the dead back to life, some can change the world, go against the general trend, and change the character of life.

And the Yunjing people who have been the overlords of the ages are all peerless arrogance, people who overlook the world, and each of them is a person who can lift weights with ease, but the ability to obtain them is different.

When he looked at it, the cloud crystal seemed to recognize him and intertwined with him, and slowly merged into his body, a huge memory of the ancient era was continuously instilled in his head!

Among those inherited memories, he kept bringing up important memories in the deepest part of his heart, and this was something he was reluctant to bring up all this time, but at this moment, he was constantly being seen through, which made him extremely upset.

And they flew in front of him one by one. Among these memories are his deceased wife Ning Xiaowan, Ningjiacun, identity, savior, and the previous three lives, etc.

As I recalled the past, a gentle voice transmission suddenly discovered: "You are the one chosen by heaven, and you have the responsibility of being the savior. You will surely save the seven worlds, and this is a gift from me. I hope this Useful for you."

As soon as the voice fell, the voice seemed to have fallen asleep forever, and was silent again.

When Ning Tianyu wanted to ask for the answer in his heart, he didn't want to wait for any reply, so his words stopped at this moment.

Because it brought him too much surprise in front of him.

This is!

Incomparable and powerful armor, in addition to the five gemstones inlaid in the middle, each gemstone gives him a feeling that nothing in this world can compare with it.

It's just that except for the third gem, which is the most middle gemstone, which flickers, the others are all extremely dim without exception.

In this way, I am even more like a godsend.

Skeleton Emperor, the next time I see you, I will never be controlled by you again, and I will no longer be your pawn, but the one who killed you, and I want to get everything I have lost.

With a thought, the armor instantly pierced his body, and the feeling of being connected by blood made his blood boil even more, as if his body was filled with endless power.

What is the use of this gem?

As he thought about it, the golden gem instantly burst into countless dazzling white brilliance.

Soon, a domineering and stalwart figure appeared in front of him.

I saw him as tall as a giant, wearing a black dragon crown on his head, two blood-black dragon eyes radiant, wearing a jet-black uniform, chaotic nine-day trousers, a strap with a sky bow, and a pair of 梼杌 shooting star boots on his feet , with a dark black blade hanging from his waist, holding a gluttonous soul-breaking halberd, and riding a moon shadow red rabbit.

He was majestic and majestic in front of him, but when he saw Ning Tianyu, he immediately lowered his proud head, got off the horse and knelt down on one knee, and said loyally: "Flying general Lu Bu, pay homage to the lord."

Who is this Lu Bu! ?

Now that I am already in the realm of a celestial being, his aura is actually stronger than mine, more than twice as strong. Is this the weight of the gift that big man gave me?

With a happy smile on his face, he quickly supported him and said: "Okay, okay, it's better to have your help than to be in this world!

I don't know if you have words? "

Hearing this, Lu Bu knew that he had such a heavy weight in this man's heart, and his heart immediately warmed up, but his face remained expressionless, and he replied: "The last word is the first, the lord can call me to serve first."

The reason for this is that he was too desolate in the Ming Realm, and he was not welcomed by anyone anywhere. Just when he couldn't solve his food and clothing and was about to starve to death, an adult rescued her and told him to be the Supreme Being. Skills, peerless weapons, extraordinary mounts.

He also said that when he becomes famous in the Ming world, there will be someone he is destined to follow.

But when Lu Bu knew that he came here, he knew what the lord meant.

"Well, Fengxian, that's a good name. From now on, you will be my strongest subordinate and my guard. After all, there is no one around me. If there is an army in the future, I will definitely let you lead it."

Lu Bu saw that he was finally being reused, and his whole body suddenly became energetic, and he was not the same: "The last general thanked the lord."

Although he has already achieved a great reputation in the Ming world, he has never been loyal to anyone from the beginning to the end, just because he has never seen anyone who is stronger than the adult in his heart?

Even Long Yuan Zhao Yun, the ancient evil came Dian Wei, Qinglong Wusheng Guan Yu and his ilk, he was only afraid of one or two, not enough to compare with them.

Ning Tianyu saw that this person was neither humble nor overbearing, and his eyes became more and more pleasing, and then he met the people around him.

Soon the Eight Immortals came.

The two looked at each other.

Lu Bu uttered harsh words, but nodded.

As for the Eight Immortals at this moment, they were already sweating profusely. He just looked at each other and felt as if he had walked through the gate of hell several times.

What kind of people are these people?

It was actually accepted by the young master, and the young master's methods are really powerful.

As expected of the person I follow.

In his heart, he was even more impressed with Ning Tianyu. Seeing that this person did not show any contempt or dissatisfaction towards him, but instead nodded kindly at him, he was relieved and nodded back at him.

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