I have a hero dream

Chapter 316 Imperial decree, factual record

Jing Lie, who was already full of anger in his heart, looked back, and when he saw the prime minister, it was only because he used to always think of nothing in the beginning of the battle, so that the opportunity of the battle fell just right, which made the balance of the war move toward everyone. The Emperor of Heaven tilted away and returned triumphantly.

At this time, the anger in his heart dropped slightly, and he asked for advice, "I don't know what the Prime Minister Lu has to say!"

"I don't dare to say it." Prime Minister Lu smiled slightly, waved the feather fan in his hand, and said again: "The so-called various factors allude to the army. You, General Huangfu, and General Yue also hold great power and command an army.

This is also the most important factor. There is a huge gap between the army and the individual.

Do you still remember why the four great dynasties have coexisted peacefully for thousands of years? "

"This, could it be that the strength is about the same?"

"General Jing, this is just one of them. Although the military of the four dynasties reached a balance, our dynasty is obviously insufficient in other aspects.

What's more, even if there is a national war, our dynasty will never catch it without a fight. In addition, the other three major dynasties are always suspicious behind their backs. Under the lack of trust, it is difficult to have a siege strategy.

Because they have been arguing endlessly about Pioneer. After all, Pioneer and Wochao are actually a thief ship and a grasshopper on the same line. Once one of them falls, the other will also end in the same way.

Since the army will trigger a national war, there is another rule above personal combat power.

As long as it is not the army, there will be no national war.

Your Majesty is the clearest about this obvious rule. After all, as the king of a dynasty, without this consideration, my dynasty would have become the rations of the other three dynasties long ago.

Although General Jing is eager to save the country, I know this, after all, we have worked together for so long.

It's just that this is not a safe thing. After all, from His Majesty's point of view, the army and individuals know everything, which is already clear from His Majesty's answer just now. "

"Prime Minister Lu, does it mean that His Majesty will choose individuals, that is, he will choose the five generals?"

"Children can be taught.

After all, everything has come to the surface, we just wait for His Majesty to think about it, I can assure you that when we left the court, His Majesty had already asked the five tiger generals to come down to discuss military plans. "

"Hey, it seems to be the same, when I just left, I didn't see the five tiger generals come out at all.

Prime Minister, you really have no plans to spare!The prime minister's reminder, Lao Jing kept it in his heart.

This is a great favor, in the future, as long as the prime minister has something to ask, I will help. "

Jing Lie, who was five big and three thick, knelt down on one knee, and saluted the middle-aged man in front of him.

At this time, he completely admires this person. From the contempt thousands of years ago to the complete admiration now, the change is quite big.

"Then I will thank General Jing here."

As soon as the prime minister saw that the other party made such a big gift, he quickly helped him up, which was also a big profit for getting a big favor.

After all, this is just a small reminder, and anyone will feel that it is very worthwhile to get such a big benefit.

After all, that man is the commander of the mad holy cavalry, what kind of concept is this?

Owning his great favor means having a 5000 crazy holy iron cavalry is a great help.

The record of this powerful army can be described as quite terrifying. After all, everyone in the entire Xianyun Continent knows this fact. No matter it is the other three dynasties, they have also seen it with their own eyes.

Although the All Heavens Dynasty was in balance with the other three dynasties militarily, it was still insufficient in other respects.

At that time, the situation was quite chaotic, so there was a sect master who was not afraid of death.

At that time, it was rumored that the Dynasty of the Heavens was an extremely weak dynasty, which also caused some ambitious people to try to annex it, but there was no chance until that day came.

The Emperors of the Heavens are secretly transporting an important item. Since the insiders were bribed, this also caused the Da Neng who had crossed the Tribulation Realm to lead a group of children to intercept it, and laughed at it with an arrogant and domineering attitude, besieging His Highness the Crown Prince, and The mad saint cavalry who has not shown his sharpness.

The prince back then is now His Majesty. He didn't have any cowardice at that time, it was just because he received an imperial order from his father at that time, the content of which was derived from the things they transported.

The value of this thing can directly affect his position as the crown prince, that is to say, if it fails to be shipped, other princes can replace it.

But on the contrary, if he succeeds, he will become the next emperor.

This also led to many princes secretly trying to block his actions with those around them.

After all, there is a time limit for transporting this thing, once it exceeds, then you will miss the throne of emperor.

So this also caused the prince to be very concerned about this thing, and he was the most important leader who sent this thing.

The princes knew that there were no strong people around them, so they contacted this ambitious person through a channel. After all, a cultivator who crossed the Tribulation Realm was extremely rare back then.

But it is such a sect master who has become the prey in everyone's eyes who wants to try to take people's account.

However, when many princes contacted that person together, they also knew what everyone was thinking, so they discussed countermeasures behind their backs. They gave this person a lot of benefits, and that person agreed.

Of course, there is also his own selfishness in it. His ambition is enough to swallow up the entire dynasties of the heavens, but the other princes don't care at all. After all, it is not easy to annex them?

Everyone also has their own considerations!

So it is the so-called take what you need.

The threat of a Tribulation Transcendence Realm is extremely terrifying. Among the group of people who were being sent secretly at that time, only Jing Lie, the coach of the Mad Saint Iron Cavalry, felt a strong gaze staring at him.

At this time, he immediately amplified his perception completely and infinitely, and through his beastly intuition, he felt the existence of that person somewhat inconceivably.

He sent a voice transmission to inform the prince to make him take precautions.

The result was exactly as he expected, suddenly there was a strange wind in front of him, and countless black shadows suddenly appeared on the forest, the number was endless, but there were less than 5000 of them.

The difference in quantity between the two can be described as 1:50.

A rough-looking man with a bearded face, wearing a black bear vest, with a cold scar on his left eye, and countless inch-deep knife marks on his body that have gone through countless years.

The injuries on his body are engraved in his life like his achievements.

His figure was as strong as a giant, and he slowly walked out of the woods.

He held a pair of breathtaking giant axes, and his aura rose to the extreme in an instant. Every step he took, the complexions of the besieged group turned pale as if an earthquake shook the mountains.

Of course, except for Jing Lie who was unharmed.

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