I have a hero dream

Chapter 314 Rush, God of War

In just one breath, 1000 armor-piercing arrows with unparalleled penetrating power and a hundred hits are fired in succession. Just one arrow can directly nail to death a cultivator below the middle level of the God Transformation Realm.

Moreover, a strong invisible spiral gas flame will burst out at the same time as the hit, which is also direct.Others around the person who will be hit will also be affected, and it is conceivable that the power of it is not covered.

The two people fit together seamlessly, and there is nowhere to find any flaws.

This also did not give those enemy troops any chance to breathe and react.

The one move of the two directly deprived all of them of their lives.

The former is entangled, making it impossible to move another half step, and the thunder and lightning are sizzling on the body, and then slowly guiding, and smashing the soul, so that they will never be able to transcend life, and their hearts will be cut like a knife before they die. die and die.

The latter is even more cruel, in addition to suffering physically, even spiritually, the scene is like hell, wanting to struggle but helpless, directly depriving even the slightest chance of survival No, after all the penetrating power of each arrow is no joke.

In addition, the material is also selected from the god-level material of the top choice.

As for the two leaders in this battle, before they could react, they were taken away by these deadly arrows. They saw their bodies slowly turning into dust from their hands, and they were blown by the wind little by little. Dissipated, as if never came to this fairy cloud continent.

The battle ended with their peerless and perfect moves.

Ning Tianyu was at the forefront. At the moment of flying fast, he saw countless cities, whether they were backward or advanced, all of which were like nightmares of doomsday nightmare.

They struggled desperately like unarmed people, but they never escaped from the vicious claws of those people in the Netherworld.

Each of them is as horrible as the most tragic and tragic voice in the world.

Although there are also countless cultivators inside, these people are compared with these unstoppable and murderous monsters in the Netherworld.

Their cries only fueled their excitement.

Moreover, the gap in strength between the two is still extremely obvious.

For many cultivators, if they can withstand 1~2 moves, they are considered extremely remarkable. Of course, those giant sects that have stood for many years here are an exception.

Seeing these scenes, Ning Tianyu just sighed in his heart: "Under the survival law of the jungle, if there is no way to save your life, then you can only become a sheep and be eaten in the food chain.

He already had a lot of understanding of this point in the human world, and he understood everything.

It's just that when he came to this fairy world, he was as powerless as he was in the human world at the beginning, so he could only grit his teeth and persevere, and become a character who can be alone as soon as possible.

But in this process, it is extremely tormented.

But because of his great luck, he also got a lot of opportunities. Of course, he also encountered many unforgettable things in his life.

Under the impetus of being extremely anxious and worried about the great elder, he could only reluctantly overlook the suffering of those people below, and then hurried to the front line of the battle.


Dynasty of the heavens.

Located in the central area, the wealthiest city, also known as the capital of Tianji, is Shenglong Palace.

There are heavy guards in the palace, which means that the entire Dynasty of the Heavens is famous for its number, orderly formation, coherent formation, and the ability bonus of the whole army can reach 6 consecutive increases, which is rigorous.

The reason why it can be called this is because the Emperors of the Heavens gave birth to a top figure at the level of a military god. As long as there is an army commanded by him, the overall strength of each person can reach infinitely close to the state of transforming gods.

And he has three heaven-defying spells, one is the magic of the sky, the other is the magic of ghosts, and the other is the magic of gods.

With these three spells alone, he was hailed as the number one powerhouse in the Heavenly Dynasty.

Of course, it is no weaker than these three in other respects.

At the same time, it is also the contemporary law saint' refers to the fact that he dares to be the second in terms of magic, and no one dares to be the first'.

And he is also quite a good person, although he is a man of few words, but he is an unselfish and fair military god.

If someone who is a soldier under his hands does something wrong, he will definitely punish him severely.

If it was his own words, he would never tolerate it, and even set an example. This is also a principle that the soldiers in the army follow him, so they are extremely convinced.

Of course, to become the number one powerhouse, apart from these external factors, what is more important is strength.

He has practiced for more than 3000 years, and he has become a super power who has completed the tribulation realm, and he has already felt a sense of earth immortal.

And his strength has always been recognized as the number one. Before he became famous, he was hiding in the abyss, waiting for the opportunity to soar to the nine heavens.

And this opportunity happened to make him wait until he could grow rapidly, break away from the status quo, and become an extremely extraordinary person.

In addition, his strength has also been compared with the first powerhouses of the other three dynasties, and his strength can be called the third.

In the dynasty known as the weakest of the four major dynasties, having this strong man is like adding wings to a tiger, but it is a pity that it is still not as strong as the other three dynasties in terms of military, cultivation, and weapons.

This also caused the dynasties of the heavens to stay at the bottom of the four dynasties.

This point is very unwilling to the Emperors of the Heavens, but there is no other way, the facts are in front of them, they can only accept it calmly, and develop desperately, trying to break away from this ranking.

The palace, the ninety-five supreme person, is sitting on the dragon chair with dignity all his life.

He was wearing a dragon robe and a crown on his head. He looked like a middle-aged man with a little beard on his chin.

But his face is cold and heroic, especially his pair of extremely intelligent eyes, making it difficult to get close to him out of thin air.

"Report, hurry up."

A member of the intelligence organization Skynet, who was in a hurry and had no appearance at all, kept running, panting from outside the palace, raised the memorial in his hand above his head in some anxiety, kowtowed first, and said.

"Submit it quickly."

The eunuch on the side walked down the stairs with small steps, towards the person who brought the memorial, clasped his hands tightly, and walked back, looked at the emperor with some respect, and then loudly said the contents of the memorial.

He just paused while talking, and his face was full of horror. He looked up at the emperor, saw the other party nodded slightly, motioned him to continue, and then he said the content: "The intelligence organization Skynet Closely observe the situation on the front line, and if there is any change, all the information on Tianzhan Pass will be secretly transported to the capital.

The frontier fortress was in an emergency, and all the more than 100 million soldiers of the frontier fortress army died honorably.

Even some representatives of the sect who went to the front line were all killed, but there are still people fighting bloody battles to defend the city gate.

Frontline staff at Tianzhan Pass, please help! ! "

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